Saturday, November 12, 2022


One can read the Book of Revelation and never notice signs of its coming. But in studying it in depth, one’s view of the world comes increasingly into focus, especially the recent decline of our Nation in such a short time. Let’s explore what very well may be signs of the End Times. Are we really seeing signs of the Last Days of the End Times? Perhaps the following slides will give us a clue? But please put your trust in God's love. 

Food for prayerful thought and not fear, knowing that God is sovereign. Nothing can happen without His permission or if it's not in accordance with His will, which is His perfect plan, just as the evil of the Holocaust brought the Israelites back to the Promised Land, God is always in control. 

During my year-long study of the Book of Revelation, and the events in our country, I strongly believed then and still do, that the 2022 mid-term elections would serve as a looking glass to the End Times for a number of reasons, which we will look at. As stated on the slide, the people’s vote is “their voice” and “their choice” for better or for worse.  

I think this election’s results were a surprise for almost everyone—both Red and Blue. Long before we went to the polls, I believed this election would determine the direction the Nation will follow going forward, and may even be an indicator, perhaps a barometer regarding the outcome of the 2024 presidential election, or at least who the presidential candidates will be. 

Almost half the voters made their choice for “big government” and a split Congress, in both the House and the Senate. The final votes have not yet been tallied, but the indications are there. 

The Pennsylvania senate race speaks volumes on the issues at stake, and an indication that far too many people do not understand the issues nor just how they affect their own lives, their particular state’s wellbeing, as well as the “state of the Nation” going forward. Anyone who watched the PA senatorial debate will understand just how our Congress is being affected by voter choices. 

As shown especially in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada, every vote counts regarding policies and future of America.

The bottom line regarding the percentage of Red v. Blue votes is an indication that far too many Americans no longer embrace our Nation’s founding values, but show a preference for big government socialism, which is exactly how the Antichrist will rise to power, but to the degree and intensity that few may be ready for. People expressed concern over inflation and high prices, yet many voted for the political Party whose policies created it. 

Not since the Civil War have states been so divided, with abortion near the top of the scale, prevailing in individual states such as California whose voters added it to the State Constitution with no restrictions, even right up until the moment of birth. I'm certain that abortion doctors will take a degree of license in making that decision, even after birth.

The NY gubernatorial election may very well be an indication for the future. NYC has the highest crime rate in the nation and is at the top of the inflation scale statewide; yet people voted for the exact same people to lead them once again. How can they cry for change and yet vote for the same people whose policies brought them to where they are? There is little reason to believe things will improve in major cities over the next two years, and when it gets bad enough, people will cry out for a savior. That savior could very well pave the road to the Antichrist. As we see in the Book of Revelation, the False Prophet will pave the way for him. Are we seeing such signs? 

I see this as one such sign. It is exactly how the False Prophet in Revelation will open the door for the rise of the Antichrist. The signs are becoming increasingly clear. I am not accusing Pope Francis of being the False Prophet, but only noting what he stated and how the False Prophet will use a similar approach, one that the world will readily accept.

When the President of the U.S. makes a case for abortion on demand, and it becomes, not only a voter rallying cry but a vote getter, something is seriously wrong in America. The God who can conceive Jesus within Mary’s womb can also cause John the Baptist to leap for joy inside Elizabeth’s womb as a living child (Luke 1:44). 

We are studying Revelation each Sunday in Heritage Lounge, and consequently, I have become increasingly away of what seems to constitute signs of the End Times. Up until two years ago, I gave little thought to the End Times. But that has changed because of what’s happening. This is not intended to scare anyone, but to make us as Christians aware that Jesus will return. He will rapture His church before the time of Tribulation. Only God knows the dates and times. Perhaps these events are an early warning for the church to focus on its mission, just as it did in the first century, reaching out to the pagan Roman world around it. My intent isn’t to predict the future, only to point out what seems to me, to be apparent signs. 

Will there be a Rapture? If yes, when? Will it be before the Great Tribulation?  Again, after a year of studying the Book of Tribulation, including commentaries and on-line videos, and the various views, I believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, even a Mid-Tribulation Rapture, seems plausible. I know some will disagree, but that’s okay. What can we learn from Genesis 7 and Noah's flood? 

In Genesis 7 the earth’s inhabitants were exceedingly wicked. They ridiculed Noah and his warnings, as he built the Ark, right up until the torrential rains came. The Book of Revelation beginning in chapter 6, tells us how God will reap His wrath on a sinful, unrepentant generation. Will He also pour out His wrath on His children? I think not. He will rescue His people via the Rapture just as He rescued Noah before the flood. 

1 Thess. 4:16-18 tells us that we will be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air prior to the Tribulation, and that we are to encourage each other with this knowledge of His rescuing His saints from the Tribulation just as He rescued Noah prior to the flood. 

Are we seeing early signs of the events warned about in the Book of Revelation? We will explore this further in our next posting. So, hang in there. 

End of this Week's Posting
(You can scroll down to view last week's posting)

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