Friday, March 25, 2022

The End Times! How close are we? To answer that question, we need to pay attention to the signs of the times, based on events taking place, or have taken place, or are about to take place. What are those signs? There are numerous examples of End Times signs, as shown on the slide, even the war in the Ukraine is a potential sign. No individual sign in and of itself points to the End Times, but the frequency and intensity of signs, collectively, do. 

The End Times, how will we know? By prayerfully reading the Word, staying alert, and looking for signs. 

What about the Ukraine? Is that a sign? Russia is continuing its unprovoked attacks on the Ukraine, indiscriminately bombing civilian areas including hospitals and schools, with little regard for casualties—even with children being killed. Pure Evil! Where will it lead? If, or how, will it affect America and the rest of Europe? Based on the Book of Daniel in the Bible, the Antichrist will rise out of the remnant of the onetime Roman Empire, today’s Western Europe. In and of itself, it is not a conclusive sign, but where it leads may very well be. 

Images on the slide reflect what is taking place in the Ukraine. What does it have to do with Revelation? As we study Revelation, I am looking at the world around us for signs that could point to the End Times. As evil intensities it will move us closer to the End Times and Tribulation when God’s wrath is poured out on an evil and unrepentant world. 

Putin of Russia and Xi of China reinforcing each other, even their territorial ambitions. Where will it lead? 

If Russia is successful in taking over the Ukraine, without any serious U.S. efforts to prevent it, will that be a signal to China to attempt to take over Taiwan? If so, it definitely will be a sign that we are heading head long to the threshold of the End Times in Revelation. No single event is a conclusive sign, but collective signs can and will tell the tail. Only time will tell.

Let’s look at one more sign. James Phillips is the senior research fellow for Middle Eastern affairs at the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation. He has written extensively on Middle Eastern issues and international terrorism since 1978. Reading his research, this is his latest assessment, “After being derailed in early March by Russia’s demand for protection against U.S. sanctions, the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program are set to resume soon in Vienna.” He also predicted that if the deal is approved, Iran will have a nuclear bomb capability in five years, 2027. A sign? It would seem like it, especially with radical Islam’s hatred for the West in general, and Israel and America in particular. 

As Putin gets increasingly concerned at not having conquered the Ukraine, and NATO support for the Ukraine, Russia has threatened to use nuclear weapons. Some believe the possible use of chemical weapons from bio labs in the Ukraine from the days of the former Soviet Union still exists, and are another potential threat, which could lead to another worldwide pandemic similar to Covid-19. It may be there that the world crosses the threshold into the Tribulation. Then what?

Many Bible scholars believe born-again Christians will be raptured before the Tribulation, which is my opinion for several reasons. As I study Revelation, I can’t believe God will abandon His children to suffer His wrath as laid out in Revelation. Two years ago, a study of Revelation would have been the last study I would have picked for out Sunday morning Foundations class. But, as events unfold, it seems more than appropriate. We are in the Church Age, but the prophesy clock is ticking. 

What are some other signs? Unprecedented mandates/lockdowns of almost everything, including churches, piqued my interest toward a study of Revelation. Just two years ago, no one would have deemed it possible that every aspect of American life would be under government lockdown. Our Nation stood on a foundation of religious liberty, yet pastors were threatened with jail and fines. Is that a sign? I think so, even a step toward tolerationism. In Canada, churches were forcibly closed, and pastors were arrested. The same is true in other countries like Australia. It is exactly how the Antichrist will gain unlimited power over a one world government. What did Jesus say? …. 

In Matthew 24, Jesus tells us there will be wars and rumors of wars Yes, there has always been wars and rumors of war. We had WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq War and Afghanistan, none of which say, we’re there. But there are also signs associated with wars that do not just happen without cause leading up to them. The invasion of the Ukraine and China’s threat against Taiwan seem to fit right in. What Jesus is telling us is, like birth pains, wars will increase in intensity and frequency as we move closer to the final days “leading up to” the time of Tribulation. 

History isn’t just bits and pieces of unrelated events. Overall, it’s a part of God’s Providence. The spiritual warfare described in Ephesians 6:12 took place yesterday, it’s taking place today, and will take place tomorrow. It began in the Garden of Eden, throughout the Old Testament and the New Testament, and continues today. The End Times and Tribulation will come. It’s just a matter of when. The Book of Revelation wouldn’t be in the Bible if God didn’t want us to read it, and even study it, which is exactly what we’re doing each Sunday morning. We are told in Rev 1:3 “Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.” The question for each generation is “How near is it?” 

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul is clear that we, as the Church, are engaged in a spiritual battle with the forces of evil in the heavenly realms, and their allies here on earth. So what do we do about it? ….

First and foremost, we pray. And then equip ourselves for the battle as Paul continues to tell us. …  

As we pray, we put on the full armor of God as Paul, under influence of the Holy Spirit, tells us in these verses. 

But, we’re not finished. We are also to take up the shield of faith, knowing that God is our loving Father, and Satan and his cohorts will ultimately be defeated. We are told to stay alert and always keep on praying for all the saints, even those in the Ukraine, and yes, even those in Russia. And wisdom for America and the other NATO countries. 

Pastor Adrian Rogers’ 37-minute message – A sign of the times and the beginning of the end. Pastor Rogers died in 2005 but his message resonates in today’s America. Click on, or copy and paste the following link into your web browser, to hear his message based on Matthew 24. 

We will pick up our theme against next week, by staying alert and looking for signs of the times. God bless each and every one reading this. Always remember, Jesus is our Lord and Savior, and He overcomes fear. 

End of Posting
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Stay tune for additional posting next Friday or Saturday
If you're reading this for the first time, the blog was started in March 2020 in response to the Covid-19 lockdown of churches. Rather than abandon adult Sunday school, I decided to post this blog each week. Topics vary. They can be accessed via the Blog Archive in the upper right-hand corner.