Saturday, March 5, 2022

Just when we thought we saw it all, with a pandemic, inflation and rising prices, and now the uncertainty of an aggressive Russia. Are we beginning to see the signs of the End Times? Is Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine and its fallout, such a sign? Revelation is full of signs. It is up to us as the church to be aware and alert; and just as importantly, to pray. 

Regardless of the circumstances, even during a war, God is in control. 

The end result is still uncertain, but most likely Russia will take over the Ukraine. What does that mean for Europe and America going forward? 

Is it a sign of the times when ¼ of the UN refuses to condemn Russia’s attack on the Ukraine? Perhaps. Nevertheless, it is very telling regarding the disposition of the ideology of the UN, all of which does fit into the Revelation scenario. 

It can be very telling going forward. Eritrea is a country in North East Africa across the Red Sea from Saudi Arabia. 

Where is the Christian church in all of this? What influence will the Christian Church have as we approach the End Times, if we’re not already there. Stay tuned as we look for any signs regarding the End Times. 

The slide shows recent headlines on FOX News. In other words, we haven’t seen anything yet. Economic warfare can turn very painful for everyone, both Russia and the Free World. 

Message on the slide was released by Kremlin. If I had to look for a sign in regard to Revelation, this would be one. TEL AVIV-As fighting continues between Ukrainian & Russian troops, Israeli Prime Minister Nafatali Bennett offered to mediate between Moscow & Kyiv in a telephone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to senior Israeli official.

Remember, Belarus is one of the UN countries that did not condemn Russia’s attack on Ukraine. It was also reported that dozens of Jewish immigrants arrived in Israel from the Ukraine. The white horse in Revelation signifies a proposed peace that leads to a world dictator. If you want to know more, join us this Sunday at 9:00 in Heritage Lounge. 

Regardless of the events, we need to remain mindful that the Lord is alongside of us, no matter what the circumstances. Pray for the Ukrainians whose country is being destroyed by a tyrant and war criminal who is having tens of thousands of civilians being killed indiscriminately.  

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