Friday, November 6, 2020

 Covenant Presbyterian Church

God's Positioning System (GPS)

Sunday morning Foundations Classes

Angels/Demons & the End Times -- Lesson #23

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(Lessons are posted once a week on Friday afternoon) 

What we believe about the End Times will depend on what or who we trust to define it accurately in accordance with Scripture. That is why I include video sermons and Bible verses with each lesson. Hopefully all of it helped with a better understanding of “why you believe what you believe” regarding the End Times.  

A study Bible with commentary notes can make all the difference vs. just reading the Bible. How we form an opinion and what information we base our understanding on is also a factor. Up until the 15th century, when the printing press was invented in Europe, people did not have individual Bibles. Even after that, Bible ownership was not wide spread. Christians only knew what they heard at church. Today, we can “check it out” for ourselves, generally to reinforce or expand on what we heard in a sermon. 

Much of what is believed about the End Times is based on church historic precedent, much of which has not been conclusively confirmed and accepted as biblical doctrine. We need to understand the difference between “historic precedent” and confirmed “doctrine”. Hopefully, this study gave you sufficient information on the different views of the Rapture, Tribulation and Millennium to help you form an opinion that you’re comfortable with. 

Is a study of the End Times important? For some it’s important but not for others. It may not be essential, but, nevertheless, it’s “relevant” to have an understanding, especially if it occurs in our lifetime. In today’s troubling times it can even be an evangelism aid. The 2020 “presidential” and some congressional elections are being contested, all of which will determine the direction of our Country, perhaps leading us closer to the End Times. 

If enough leadership hold a certain view, it can sway a major portion of a Church’s beliefs and practices. The Second Vatican Council (1962-65) for Roman Catholics, such as myself at the time, was a pivotal benchmark in and for the Church. Many were elated with the proposed changes, others like myself sought answers. Why were those changes made? That is a question I pondered often during this study, as I listened to numerous sermons and read countless commentaries. Why do some profess an Amillennial view and others a Premillennial view? What is the deciding factor for each? 

As a once deeply professing Roman Catholic, who frequently attended daily mass, Vatican II (Oct. 11, 1962 – Dec. 8, 1965) decisions changed much of what I had been taught and considered as essential Catholic-doctrine. Which raised the question for me, “What do I believe and why do I believe it?” What does the Bible say about any belief is exactly what the Reformation was all about—Sola Scriptura / Scripture Alone. So what about Bible prophecy? Since it is future and yet to be fulfilled, it isn’t always that easy to interpret, even by theologians and respected biblical scholars. So, who’s right? Perhaps as events unfold it will become increasingly clearer. 

Amillennialism has been a long-standing belief within the Christian Church for centuries, resting on the belief that the Church is the new Israel. The Rapture debate never came up for me as a Catholic or Lutheran nor at Covenant, that I recall, so I rarely ever gave any serious thought to it until the events of 2020, and especially the COVID-19 lockdown that closed churches, which is unprecedented in American history. Just as Vatican II was monumental for the Catholic Church, it created a time of reflection for me on what I believe, and why. The 2020 presidential election is also monumental for the United States. All monumental events reflect the character and goals of the people behind them, be it the church or the nation. 

The majority view of the End Times is Amillennialism, professed by Roman Catholics, Lutherans and perhaps most Reformed Christians. If a majority opinion was the sole criterial, then we should all be Roman Catholic, since 53% of Christians are professed to be Catholic. So, why aren’t all Christians Roman Catholic? At one time, they were. Even a majority can be wrong. Is Premillennialism based on the right reasons? Is Israel’s rebirth in 1948, evidence that God did not abandon Israel and replace them with the Church? Like the prodigal son, did God wait for just the right time to restore His people Israel? It took WWII and the Holocaust to do so. 

Going back to my basic question, “What do we believe and why do we believe it?” Martin Luther, an Augustinian monk, reading of Paul’s letter to the Romans, led him to question the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church (the one and only Christian Church at the time) and ultimately led to the 16th century Reformation. It demonstrates that “What we believe, and why we believe it” is important and at times, essential. 

Is the very existence of Israel a sign of the End Times? Many, maybe most don’t think of it that way. So, let’s explore that question over the next few slides. 

Amillennialism rests on church history. Since God does not make promises He doesn’t keep, after the destruction of Israel in 70 AD it seemed apparent that the Church was the new Israel. Did God really “reject Israel forever” or just “set them aside for a time”? It was natural for the Church to conclude that the Church was the new Israel, since God doesn’t recant His promises, and Israel had ceased to exist. No one would have suspected that Israel would be reborn almost 1,900 years later, but they were. 

Since Deuteronomy 14:2 identifies Israel as God’s chosen people, I can’t help but think of Jesus’ parable of the “prodigal son” in Luke 15. The wayward son’s father never rejected or abandoned him. Did Jesus also intend it for Israel? Would God, unlike the prodigal son’s father, abandon His children Israel? Wouldn’t that be contrary to Jesus parable? I think so. 
Deut. 14:2 For you are a holy people to the LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.   NKJV
Luke 15:21-24 – 21 "The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.' 22 "But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate.  NIV

As a practicing Roman Catholic in my youth and early adult life, we accepted Church tradition and catechisms as the basis of our belief. As I see it, Amillennialism is doing something similar, based on church historic-precedent. Since God doesn’t abandon His promises, it’s believed that the Church, by definition, must be the new Israel, since there was no longer an Israel. But what about the prodigal son parable? Was Israel truly rejected and abandoned by God and replaced by the Church? Or do both stand separate and for different purposes? I think so. 

Since there was no longer an Israel, the Scriptures were then interpreted accordingly, based on the premise that the Church, being the new Israel, would go through the Tribulation. If Christians go through the Tribulation, then there is no such thing as a pretribulation rapture. The question it raises for me is, how does the rebirth of Israel in 1948—after 1,878 years—reconcile with this belief? It doesn’t. 

Few rethink their theology once their mind is made up. It took Vatican II for me to rethink my theology, but I did. Why wouldn’t Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15 also apply to Israel? Why does Amillennialism consider modern Israel as irrelevant? Would God really abandon His children Israel or just set them aside to allow time for the Gospel to be preached to the gentile world? I also see it in Moses and the Hebrews wandering in the Sinai desert for 40 years (Numbers 32:13), until that generation died off and a new generation entered the promised land. God purged and restored Israel in 1948, just as He did in Numbers.

John MacArthur doesn’t need an introduction, but for most, Pastor Farag does. Revelation is full of symbolism which Pastor Farag explains. He also points out the relevance of Israel, which I believe is a key point in the End Times. I found his lesson interesting and see it like he’s telling it. What do I mean? Just look at the world around us—the covid-pandemic, riots in major cities, open hostility in Congress. Add to that, a contested and even fraudulent presidential election, indicating a country politically split down the middle. Satan certainly means it for evil, but we can be confident that God means it for good (Romans 8:28).

Jerusalem is at the epicenter of the Great Tribulation. Then comes the end of the world-system with the Antichrist and False Prophet being cast into hell, and Satan placed in chains and locked in the abyss for 1,000 years (Rev. 20:1-3). Amillennialism does not believe in a literal 1,000 year-millennial reign of Christ. “A” means no “millennial”. 
Rev 20:1-3 – 1 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. 

John MacArthur’s 1 hr. 17 minute sermon is on the “The Grim Reality of the Last Days” (Mark 13:1-13). The worst of the worse is described in Revelation 6 through 19. Do not forget the End Times is the consequence of man’s sinful heart and actions. The Church (all true Christians), which is a ray of hope in a sinful world, is snatched away by Jesus before the time of Tribulation and the Antichrist’s reign over the world system. 
(sorry, copy and paste into your web browser) 

The basis of Pastor Farag’s message is Jesus’ use of the (ancient) Jewish wedding feast, in that the Church is the bride of Christ (Rev. 19:8).
Rev 19:6-8 – 6 Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: "Hallelujah!  For our Lord God Almighty reigns. 7 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. 8 Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." 

The wedding feast of the Lamb...
Rev 19:9-10 – 9 Then the angel said to me, "Write: 'Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!'" And he added, "These are the true words of God." 10 At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Do not do it! I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." 

Pastor J.D. Farag, Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, Hawaii, 1 hr. and 20 minutes message provides seven reasons from scripture that prove the rapture absolutely must happen prior to the seven-year tribulation. He explains it in a way I haven’t heard before, but all of it is based on Scripture. He also explains the significance of “7”.  It’s well worth your time. (Don’t forget to come back after the sermon for my closing comments and conclusion that follow). 
(sorry, copy and paste into your web browser)

Premillennialism is based on a literal interpretation of much of Revelation, including the relevance of Israel, and a literal thousand-year millennium. The pretribulation rapture first became popular with Evangelical Christians in 1830. Most denominations stuck to the historic position that the Church replaced Israel. Premillennialism believes the Church and Israel are distinctive one from the other. Interpretation of Scripture is often influenced by opinion based on church precedent and tradition; which is prevalent in the Roman Catholic Church as an example. Nothing in Scripture tells us that God abandoned Israel. He put them on the sidelines for a while but did not abandon them as shown by Israel’s rebirth in 1948. And now, their back on the playing field. 

Key verses from Revelation are shown on the next few slides. 

Satan is bound during the 1,000-year Millennium. 

The “city He [Jesus] loves” is Jerusalem. 

Satan, the Antichrist and False Prophet were all cast into the lake of burning sulfur (hell, an eternal fire). 

This is the eternal future, God has planned for us. A new heaven and a new earth. All those who dwell in the new heaven and new earth will be born again by God’s grace, and sin will no longer tempt or sway anyone, angel or man. God’s plan fulfilled. Amen! 

The New Heaven and New Earth were always part of God’s plan right from the beginning, even when He created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1:1). God is omnipotent (all powerful), omnipresent (present everywhere), omniscient (all knowing—nothing catches Him by surprise). He doesn’t start something and change His mind. He knows the beginning from the end “of everything”. There are no random accidents, everything carefully fits into His plan—both good and evil. He doesn’t create evil but will use it to accomplish His will; the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden; crucifixion of Christ; destruction of Israel in 70 AD; the Holocaust which led to the rebirth of Israel in 1948; even the COVID-19 pandemic, which He didn’t initiate, but will use for His purpose—perhaps to usher in the Antichrist; only time will tell.

This election, like no other, clearly shows that our President and our Nation need prayer like never before. Pray that the election results get sorted out honestly, according to actual voting results. Pray also that we do not drift any further away from God and that our national priorities do not radically change as the fruits of political discord that is dividing and even crippling our Nation. We need to leave the election results in His hands. Also that the Church may recognize what’s at stake and pray. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Please don’t abandon us Lord, God Almighty. 

Now that we finished our study of Angels/Demons and the End Times, what’s next? TBD right now. We will be returning to Heritage Lounge, Sunday, November 29 at 9:00 A.M. The blog will continue for a while. I will post a topic soon—I’m working on it.  Hope to see you in class on the 29th. 

End of This Study Topic