Friday, April 8, 2022

In the first century, Christians anticipated that the End Times in Revelation was just around the corner, and here we are in the 21st century, with the same anticipations and expectations. Three well known, respected pastors, who also appear on TV, have focused on that theme. Why? Because the End Times will be revealed by signs, and they believe we are beginning to see such signs. Two years ago, I never would have given Revelation a second thought as a study, and here we are studying it, verse-by-verse, each Sunday morning at CPC—it just seemed like the right time.

Search the web and you would be amazed at how many topics there are that focus on Revelation and the End Times, all of which raises the question: Is the end really beginning? Some will answer with a simple, “Yes!” Others with a “No way!” So, let me elaborate a little. I believe the signs are beginning to appear. But we don't know how long before God’s wrath begins to pour out. We don’t know, nor will we know. Let’s turn to the Gospel of Mark to explore that question further. 

The apostles asked Jesus about His return. His response is noted in Mark 13:26-27. Note that He sends His angels to gather His elect, which is exactly what happens during the Rapture. And it’s the first thing He tells them, but there’s more. 

He also uses a fig tree as an example, to tell us that there will be signs. And that those signs will indicate that the time is near, and even right at the door.

These verses are the most significant, that the generation who witnesses those signs will not pass away until all those things happen. Some will say, He isn’t really talking about the End Times. If not the End Times, then what? Some see it as a warning to the Jews in Jerusalem, in that it will be destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. Hmmm? 

The difficulty in placing it with the Jews of His day, is when we refer back to v.26-27, which certainly didn’t happen at that time. I have to conclude that this group of verses refers to the future End Times. 

When we think of the End Times, we generally think of the Book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible. Many have read it once, with the imagery being too difficult to understand and its message to bewildering to comprehend. Think of it this way: Like reading any book, the last chapter puts the finishing touches on the entire book or novel, and often fills in any questions one may still have regarding the entire book. Revelation isn’t just the last book in the Bible, it is the last chapter in God’s Word, and marks the culmination of human history. It lays out the final chapters of good vs. evil, with good rewarded by a merciful and loving God, and evil vanquished into the lake of fire (Rev. 20), by a just and holy God. 

Revelation opens the door to eternity with the message of a new heaven and new earth (Rev. 21:1)—which was the first topic on my blog, posted in March 2020 and still there. It begins with the question: “Who are we? Where are we going?” You may find it interesting. You can navigate to that date any time via the Blog Archive located in the upper righthand corner. 

The Book of Revelation looks ahead to the final chapter of human history. It certainly was difficult to understand by the first century Christians because most of the signs had not yet occurred, and it is equally difficult to understand now for similar reasons. It can make a difference in how we see God’s Word, and in how we see the world. I believe it can help us understand portions of the Bible with a whole new level of insight. Why? Because it overlays the history of man back to Genesis. As the world drifts further and further away from God, like birth pains, those “signs” will increase in frequency and intensity. The Tribulation may not occur in our generation, but the world is moving in that direction, and how we react to it can make a difference. 

The Book of Revelation is Jesus’ revelation to the Apostle John. If you believe in the Rapture, we won’t be here when it hits full blast as laid out in Revelation. Nor will all the signs be hidden before the Rapture. They will start to unfold for a reason, so that the Church can warn of its coming, and share the Gospel of saving grace. In today’s rapidly changing world, I see it as a motivation and a call to action for God’s Church and people. 

What other signs did Jesus disclose? In Mark 13 and Matthew 24, Jesus isn’t just warning the Jews at that time, but also the church down through history, to be aware, that there will be signs. He tells us what those signs are, such as famines, wars and rumors of wars (Matt. 24:6; Mark 13:7). Jesus calls them the beginning of birth pains. Are we beginning to see such signs? Or is it something we can ignore as just too far into the future to be of concern? Everyone will have to make up their own mind, but I can't help but pay attention, which is the reason for this blog topic. 

The opening chapters of Revelation were written to the 7 churches in Roman Asia (modern day Turkey). Some believe it was intended for those churches—and I’m sure it was. Some believe it’s intended for all churches down through history—and I’m sure it is. 

The churches of John’s time suffered under Nero’s persecution. But it doesn’t stop there. I believe Revelation is a message for each generation and every church. Do you recognize your church in any of those descriptions? Most likely, we never asked. Perhaps we should as a basis for growth. But that’s a future posting. The sad part is, those churches no longer exist, as the entire region is now Islamic. Is that a message for today’s Church? Should it be? 

How do we understand Revelation when it’s loaded with imagery? Many have attempted to understand those images. Some have done a better job than others—I’ve read enough to know. The following slides will help explain. 

If you were to assemble a puzzle, this is what it would look like at first. The box cover shows what the finished puzzle would look like, but it will take time to find and fit all the pieces. When early Christians read Revelation, they were limited since all the pieces weren't yet available, nor did they have a box cover to look at. Some saw it in regard to the Roman Empire and Nero’s persecution; and later, the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. I believe Revelation was written for them and their time, and for us and our time. It highlights the consequences of sin, and as such, can turn people back to God, in every generation. 

Most find Revelation too difficult to understand and just set it aside. But when we’re almost there, it may begin to unfold sufficiently to recognize the signs as they begin to come together, like a partially completed puzzle. I tend to believe the signs will be revealed with increasing clarity, leading up to the Rapture, and clearly as spelled out, if there isn’t a Rapture.

At the threshold of the Tribulation, just about all the pieces will be assembled and readily recognized. I believe there will be a sufficient increase in signs before the Rapture, and I believe we are starting to see that increase, not to scare, but as a call for the Church and individual Christians, to assess their priorities. To be the Church as God intended and calls us to be. 

Do current events point to the signs? Yes and No. Only time will tell, but they are not only worth considering, but important to understand where the world is heading, even without the Tribulation occurring soon. The signs are shaping the world around us, for us and our loved ones. Isn’t that a good enough reason to pay attention to the signs?

Many Christians tend to ignore the world around them, thinking it doesn’t concern them, because our real home is heaven. Even if the Tribulation is for some future generation, the signs also signify a changing world—one that our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will inherit. How we view the signs of the times, and vote, will help change the world for better—or for worse. If we ignore it, Satan's people will gladly determine its future, and are beginning to do so. 

We will pick up on this theme next week. Are we beginning to see signs? What are those signs and how do they fit the End Times prophecies in Revelation? 

End of Posting
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Stay tune for additional posting next Friday or Saturday
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