Friday, April 1, 2022

Many of us have seen a number of wars in our lifetime. Going further back, WWI and the 1929 Great Depression laid the groundwork that gave rise to Adolf Hitler. WWII’s Holocaust survivors, having few options, returned to their ancient homeland, with Israel being reestablished in 1948, something that would not otherwise have happened or have even been possible if Nazi Germany had not been defeated, but only possible with America’s industrial and military might. Consequently, America emerged as the leader of the free world.

All Christians believe there will be an End Times, we just don’t know when. Some believe we are living in them now. Others believe they are too far off to even concern ourselves with. Since God put Revelation in the Bible, we should be aware of what constitutes the End Times and even ask, what are the signs of its coming? The question I would ask is, how many have read the Book of Revelation as a starting place to form an opinion? 

How can we tell? The Book of Revelation is in the Bible for a reason, and especially relevant for that generation. How can we tell if or when the End times are approaching, and what can we, should we, do about it? How would we even know if we don’t remain alert for potential signs of the End Times? The intent of these postings, is not for fear, but for awareness. 

What about America? Where does America fit into the End Times? In reading the End Times’ prophesies, one becomes aware of the apparent lack of presence of America. The span of time stretching from March 2020 into 2022, we have seen a very different America emerge, far different from the one we grew up in, or the one that won WWII, which, for me, is very much both a sign and a wake-up call.

No single event will or can tell us that the End Times are about to arrive. But, like a master chess game laid out by God, each event serves as a piece and a move toward the end game as prophesied in the Book of Revelation and the Book of Daniel. We can’t assume that the Book of Revelation will never happen in our lifetime, nor should we assume that it will. But what we can do is stay alert as events unfold. All of which will bring us that much closer to the Rapture. 

As Christians should we fear the End times? Not all Christians believe in the Rapture (image on slide). If the Rapture wasn’t true, it would mean that Christians go though the Great Tribulation. Oh my! After a lot of research and study, I do believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, and as such, I have no anxiety regarding the End Times, only to share it as best I can—the reason for posting this topic. See Adrian Rogers message at the end of this blog-post for a biblical explanation of the Rapture. 

At some point, leading up to the End Times, will get down to the End Game with the rise of the Antichrist, Revelation chapter 13. When is that point? We don’t know, but we can stay aware of the signs as they unfold. What is the role of the Church as we approach the End Times? Its principal role is to share the Gospel. What exactly are the signs pointing to the End Times? The following slides are indications of a world that continues to drift farther away from God, on a path toward the End Times and the Tribulation. How fast and how far is TBD.

God put the Book of Revelation in the Bible for a reason. Not to scare us but to awaken us as the Church—the Body of Christ. Christians aren’t individual pebbles on the beach, but part of the Body of Christ, each with a spiritual gift, and with that gift comes a particular responsibility; something we should pray about.

During and after WWII, America emerged as a superpower, stepping up as leader and defender of the free world, even helping to rebuild Europe and a defeated Germany. Not only was America instrumental in defeating Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, it also stood in opposition to the spread of Soviet Communism, and America’s resolve resulting in the demise of what was once the Soviet Union (USSR) that had spanned Eurasia from 1922 to 1991. Without a strong and determined America, this would be a very different world. Have we lost that resolve?

History is not a bunch of random events. Each event lays the groundwork for future events, with both its benefits and/or its consequences going back through history. The same is true of today’s events. Some are the building blocks of the End Times presented in Revelation. Some will draw the world closer to God or push it further away into a time of darkness. 

We see the same truth in the Old Testament, including Isaiah 43 and 53. God is indeed our strength and our protector. As Christians we can’t believe we should always be in a happy place. We need to see the world as it is and ask, what is our role in God’s kingdom work? He didn’t save us to put us on a shelf. We are in the world, not to be part of the world, but as the Body of Christ, living by the power and influence of the Holy Spirit. 

Certain prophecies in the Book of Daniel are intertwined with the Book of Revelation. It clearly tells us that God is in control during all times and seasons. And the wisdom and knowledge for His people to deal with those times comes directly from Him. Daniel faced the lions but never lost his faith or hope in God and God’s protective hand. Nor should we. 

There are no surprises to God regarding the End Times and rise of the Antichrist. As we are told in Daniel, we are to thank and praise God in all circumstances, even if we were at the threshold of the End Times—something we do not know nor will we know until He reveals it at just the right time to this generation or the next, or the next after them. 

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), as such, is no more, but Vladimir Putin has taken steps to reclaim portions that had declared their independence after the breakup of the USSR. What about America as a deterrent?  Since 2020, America has changed dramatically from the inside, losing its standing on the world stage, and no longer looked to as leader of the free world. Many believe it is the reason Russia invaded the Ukraine, with little to no fear of reprisal. And even a pending invasion of Taiwan by China. Jesus told us there would be wars and rumors of wars, yet in Mark 13:6-7 Jesus also tells us, “When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.”  He also tells us that they will be the beginning of birth pains—as with birth pains, they will increase in intensity and frequency paving the way to the End Times. 

There’s a lot more happening besides the invasion of the Ukraine by Russian troops. Where it will lead is still TBD—for better or for worse? 

The United States has sufficient oil and natural gas reserves to provide Europe for 100 years, but has not taken steps to do so, which leaves Russia with a source of income from European buyers, to continue its aggression. 

The Biden Administration’s “Green New Deal” cut off all such supplies, even for our own use, leading to rapidly rising energy costs and gasoline prices. Where will it lead for both Europe and the United States? It can’t be good if government policies don’t change. 

What can we learn from history? The impact of post WWI Germany, included war reparations and at the same time, struggles with the 1929 Great Depression, leading to rapidly rising inflation, all of which opened the door for a strong leader to emerge in Germany, who proposed solutions that would lead them out of their downtrodden times, thus giving rise, as previously stated, to Adolf Hitler. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. Will a One World Leader emerge who will offer global solutions for Covid, war in the Ukraine, run away inflation, and potential threat of a Communist China invasion of Taiwan? No single event will lead to the End Times, but a series of collective events could very well pave the way. 

All of which takes us here in our hunt for signs. Covid-19 was the turning point for the United States and most of the developed world. The economic impact from mandated government shutdowns, rapidly increasing government debt, gave us a corresponding rise in inflation with a current rate of 7.9%.

How important is inflation in regard to cost of living? Chart reflects buying power from 1910 to 2020. Based on a one-to-one comparison, what would have cost a $1.00 in 1910 would now cost $23.26. Let’s put it another way: if something cost $100.00 in 1910 it would now cost $2,326.00. Another statistic noted the cost of a $1.00 item in 1910 would be $29.86 today. Nevertheless, inflation increases the cost of living, while reducing earnings and savings, especially for those living on a fixed income such as social security.  

Covid-19 government mandates/lockdowns changed everything, with long-lasting consequences on everyday life in America and across much of the world. Looking back on history, there have been other pandemics, but none of which incurred forced government closures of almost everything including churches. Many medical professionals even saw it as not only government overstepping its authority, but lacking in scientific necessity. The affects of which have transformed American schools at all levels with a rise in teenage depression and suicides. We can only wonder, where will it lead?
Churches that didn’t comply with the mandated-shutdown, faced fines and even the threat of jail. In Canada, some pastors who did not comply were arrested. Did this make us stronger in the faith, or further weaken the church? How many still have not returned to church? The End Times isn’t just about America. One Canadian pastor was arrested at his home after holding a series of underground services at outdoor locations in violation of provincial COVID-19 health restrictions.

Is this the new state of being in America and the Western world, noted on the slide? Be afraid, be very afraid. With the use of technology, Christian were able to participate in worship services that were streamed to their home computers; enabling people to worship collectively, but not together as the Body of Christ. 

This is Daniel’s prophetic timeline in regard to the End Times. So where does the United States of America fit in the scenario? We will explore that further next week. But, don’t leave just yet. 

Adrian Rogers 32-minute message: In the Twinkling of an Eye, speaks about the Rapture. 

End of Posting
(Scroll down for additional postings)
Stay tune for additional posting next Friday or Saturday
If you're reading this for the first time, the blog was started in March 2020 in response to the Covid-19 lockdown of churches. Rather than abandon adult Sunday school, I decided to post this blog each week. Topics vary. They can be accessed via the Blog Archive in the upper right-hand corner.