Friday, February 17, 2023

God calls us to prayer...

In 2 Chronicles 7, God tells us to pray and seek His face. And in doing so, He will hear us and heal out land. 

David also prayed, and God heard his prayers. Why would He not hear ours?

Sometimes our God is too small…. Psalm 139 tells us otherwise. 

David’s relationship with God was with and through prayer. What then is our relationship with God?

This and the following slides give us insight into David’s walk with God, which can benefit and enrich our own walk with God. 

Just as God’s guiding hand was there for David, His guiding hand is there for us individually and as His Church. 

God’s presence is real. We cannot escape His presence; He is forever present as we are told in Psalm 139...

Not only is He present, but for those that love and walk with Him, He guides our every step, both in the thick and thin of things, He is there to guide us. Do you rest on God’s guidance? 

Even in what we see as times of darkness, He is there. We have His Word as our assurance. When we turn to Him, He is there for us. 

He carefully knitted each one of us in our mother’s womb as individuals with an eternal soul. His relationship with each one of us is just as unique as it was with David. 

Psalm 139 tells us, that as individuals, we existed when we were woven together in the womb. I can’t help but wonder about every child aborted by their mother. Nevertheless, God has a plan and relationship for and with each one. For those who aborted, it is their loss. 

He has never taken His eyes off us. We are forever under His gauge. His love is so grate that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to pay for every sin we ever committed and ever will commit, so we didn’t have to. 

In the end, David calls on God to slay the wicked and bloodthirsty, which is exactly what the End Times is all about; when the evil all around us will be destroyed by His wrath, as we are told in the Book of Revelation. God’s grace is a shield all around us regardless of the circumstances around us. 

The will of God will not leave us unprotected. Share His love with those around us, as the Holy Spirit leads us--"us" being His Church. 

These verses (v.23-24) are truly a prayer. Take a few moments and meditate on them. 

Pause for a moment on reflection of David’s psalm of praise, devotion and confidence in God. I did exactly that in preparing these slides, that He may guide and lead me through them, and that He may guide and lead you through them. 

Rest in this knowledge, that God is sovereign and loves us, individually and collectively as His people. 

I’ll let this slide speak for itself, as the Holy Spirit leads us.  

We’re here for a reason. We are part of the Body of Christ, each with our own gifts, and as such, we can be certain that God has a plan for us individually and our church collectively. 

And also pray for America. The sovereign love of God is our only hope as a nation and as a people. 

A prayer for every father and every family. 

Scripture is clear that the role of the Church is to be “a light in a dark world”. We are the Church, each and every one of us, and by prayer and example, are called to be that light. 

Future postings will depend on current events and the state of the Union and the Church in America. All of which need your prayers. Perhaps, by God’s grace, there will even be a “Revival”!

Our next Sunday morning study, GPS: God’s Positioning System will be looking at prayer, God’s sovereignty and spiritual warfare.  How does it all come together, especially in today’s world. 

End of February's blog posting