Saturday, January 30, 2021


The Sovereignty of God #4

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There is no aspect of life, religious or secular, war or peace, that is divorced from God’s sovereignty, be it Sunday morning worship or the voting booth, ever mindful that God is sovereign over everything, including the very existence of the United States of America. Our nation wasn’t a historical accident but was predestined by God for a purpose.  

There are no surprises, nothing is hidden from His view; and nothing is outside of His control. So, why does He let evil happen? People sin and commit evil deeds. He can wipe us all out and start over, but the next group of humans wouldn’t do much better. He could wipe out only evil people, but many have decent children with faith in Jesus Christ. So, He allows evil people to commit evil deeds, but He limits the extent of their evil. One example used before is the Holocaust that Hitler meant for evil but God used it to achieve His purpose and compel His chosen people to return to Israel. There’s absolutely no way European Jews would otherwise have left a comfortable life in Europe to go to a barren land in the Middle East. God allowed evil, yet He used it to achieve His plan in accordance with Bible prophesy.

Does today’s world look like it’s in chaos, disorder, disarray, turmoil, bedlam, even anarchy? Is it a warning of God’s withdrawal or His punishment? Maybe both. BUT, and it’s a big BUT, God is sovereign and in control, YES, even in regard to the pandemic and the 2020 election results. The pandemic may have opened the door turning people to God, asking “why?” Even with the recent election outcome, people may be turning to God and asking “why?” Where do they get an answer? If anything, perhaps it’s an evangelism opportunity. 
Job 42:2 "I know that you [God] can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.  (NIV)

One clear example of God’s sovereignty is Joseph in Genesis; his jealous brothers sold him into slavery, where he ended up in an Egyptian jail for refusing to sin, and then, interpreting Pharaoh’s dream, ended up in the palace as Prime Minister of Egypt; creating a home for his Hebrew family, saving them from famine. But the story doesn’t end there…. it picks up 400 years later with Moses. All according to God’s predestined plan. 

Do the two go together? Absolutely! But don’t take my word for it. Let’s see….

President George Washington: “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God to obey His will to be grateful for His benefits and humbly to implore His protection and favor.”
As a student of history, I believe America’s colonial farmers and shop keepers never could have defeated the professional and well-trained British Army without God’s sovereign providence and protection. God’s plan for American wasn’t as a British colony, but as a sovereign nation. 

The original 13 colonies were settled by Britain. But France and Spain had very large footprints across what today constitutes the United States. If America hadn’t declared its independence, France and Spain most likely would have maintained their respective dominance over the areas identified. And over time evolved into different nations, like French Quebec, or Spanish Central and South America. But God decreed otherwise, and the United States, breaking away from Britain, extended its dominance as a nation, across the continent—”from sea to shining sea”. 

The Cause of the American Revolution was a series of events beginning as a disagreement over the way Britain governed the colonies. The colonies believed they weren’t treated with equity, including taxation without representation and no direct representation; being treated as subjects and not as fellow countrymen. They shared the same language, the same culture and the same love of country, Britain. Since God is sovereign, we can be certain it wasn’t just an accident of history. It was decreed by God for a purpose. Which we will continue to look at. He even used man’s sinful and stubborn nature to achieve it. 

The Thirteen American Colonies declared their independence from Britain, resulting in a costly Revolutionary War from 1775-1783. Ultimately, they defeated the British, thus gaining their independence and establishing the United States of America, the first modern constitutional democracy. Was it predestined by God? Absolutely! But not by just sitting back and waiting for God to perform a miracle. 

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence [sic], promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
This preamble to the Constitution speaks volumes regarding the very foundation of the USA. America was a British colony. Most of these Founders were of British heritage. Yet liberty was at the heart of their independence. How much has our Nation changed since then? Do we see the same principles in the 2020 Congress? They saw liberty as a blessing—and blessings come from God. Most were men of faith with their ideology anchored in the Bible. 

Since God is sovereign, what happened? 

Map shows pre-Civil War America. Northern states, and Southern states in the more temperate climates ideal for large plantations that required cheap labor, i.e. slaves from Africa. Why did a sovereign God allow slavery? God isn’t a puppet master. People, of their own free will, serving their own needs and desires, some even using the same Bible, justified their own actions. Even the Presbyterian Church split over slavery—North vs. South. The Southern States meant to perpetuate slavery, but God chose to end it. 

Passions and tension grew between North and South, and in 1861 a Civil War broke out, the main issue being slavery, seen as a moral issue by the North and a states rights issue by the South. The War began on April 12, 1861 and ended with Union Victory on May 9, 1865. Yet both sides read the same Bible and prayed to the same God. Was it a matter of biblical morality or political differences? Or both? Bitterness and resentment lingered on for another century. 

When Pearl Harbor was attacked by Imperial Japan on December 7, 1941, we literally became one people with one mind and one purpose—to protect and preserve the United States of America against a foreign enemy. Most Americans did not want a foreign entanglement, especially after WWI. Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor drew America into war, with the full support of the American people. If America wasn’t in the war, Japan would have conquered the entire Far East and Germany the West. 

There are two world views. The Christian view proclaims the sovereignty of God. That the very existence of the United States was part of God’s plan, which included the defeat of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany that otherwise would have successfully exterminated the Jews worldwide. And those tyrannical powers most likely would still exist today, without America's involvement, which would not have been possible if America had not become what it was, a united nation, with the capability it had within. It emerged after the war as a superpower, thus preventing the complete takeover of all of Europe by the Communist Soviet Union. 

Which brings us too today. Just as George Washington said, we as a people are to pray humbly to implore God’s protection and favor. Anyone following the news recognizes that America is at a crossroad, which is why this blog contains a mix of selected political stuff and biblical stuff. Often, they are intertwined, such as abortion and gender identify being both political and moral. God’s Word applies to every aspect of life, which is more than just setting time aside for devotional reading and Bible study—both of which are important for our Christian walk. Everything is under the sovereignty and watchful eye of God. He doesn’t leave anything out. We either pay attention to governance and prayerfully participate or let others decide for us and suffer the consequences—which very well may have happened. 

Result of the 2020 election include the U.S. government paying for abortions in developing countries. Is that political or moral? Biological transgender-boys being allowed to compete in girl sports—putting an end to girl sports as many claim—and sharing the girls’ locker rooms. Political or moral? The military will now perform transgender operations for military personnel. Political or moral? Those decisions and more, can continue to move our nation further away from biblical values and God. If Christians withdraw from the political process, guess who would be making all the decisions? 

New president, new policies, new direction, new America. On day one, President Biden signed a slew of executive orders including stopping construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, and the wall along our southern border; stopping deportation of all illegals, including criminals; restored funding for Planned Parenthood; etc. The link below shows the executive orders signed by Biden on the first day. There are up to 40 now. We can all agree that we need to pray for America, asking God not to abandon us, yet remaining mindful of His sovereignty.

Political or moral? How long will God tolerate the murder of innocence? Is this America’s Holocaust? 
Matt 2:18 "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."  (NIV)

Christianity isn’t just a Sunday morning faith. It helped steer a nation. We should care about our neighbors, our nation, and prayerfully take an active role for good, even in the political process. 

New “Human Rights” policies are being urged to decertify religious schools that do not accept secular sexual values—where government decisions overrule the Bible. We know what that entails, right?

God has one plan for all of history. He doesn’t have multiple plans, that if one fails, He goes onto a new plan. God uses everything to accomplish His plan, even political elections. Sometimes evil prevails so that good may abound. When we say trust in God’s sovereignty, we do so knowing that He’s in control and will ultimately achieve His purposes. 

As noted before, we see this played out with Joseph in Genesis 50. When Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, they did it with evil intent of jealousy and personal gain, but God used it for His plan not otherwise possible. He saved both Egypt, and the Hebrews from famine. 
Gen 50:19 But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? 20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. 21 So then, don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children." And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them. (NIV)

The ultimate example of how God uses evil to accomplish good in accordance with His plan, in the suffering, crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. The Pharisees, the Romans, and Satan, meant it for evil but God used it for our salvation, as the only way to fully pay our sin debt before a perfectly holy and righteous God. Not otherwise possible. The scourging by the Romans literally stripped sections of Jesus’ flesh away as shown. 
Rom 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NIV)

Even though God is sovereign over everything, we are still responsible for our thoughts and actions. The same is true of nations. They move either toward God or away from God of their own choice. God wouldn’t tell us to pray if prayer didn’t matter. I believe our prayers are interwoven into the very fabric of His eternal plan from the very beginning of time. 

How much of politics is built on a lie?  What about unfulfilled or misleading campaign promises? What about outright false promises to gain power? Is it political or moral? How essential is the truth for good governance? The same is true in the church, with false gospels that distort the Bible to allow people to remain comfortable in their sin. Pastor John MacArthur explains in this week’s lesson …. (next slide)

Pastor John MacArthur’s 57-minute lesson on "The Promise of Peace in a Worried World." Should we worry? In all things God is Sovereign.
(copy and paste into your web browser)

Does America need our prayers? Will God bless America if we ask Him? OR will God pour out His wrath? We are already getting a sense of God’s wrath with a global pandemic and the type of decisions being make in our government. Will prayer change it? 
Matt 6:7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.  (NIV)

End of the Sovereignty of God #4