Are we living in the End Times as some Bible scholars believe? The Book of Revelation was suggested in our Sunday morning study at CPC. Prior to March 2020, it wasn’t even on my list of potential study topics. But times have changed, and, yes, we are studying Revelation. Some theologians believe the End Times began at the beginning of WWI. If they are correct, shouldn’t we be aware of the signs? This message isn’t intended as a warning, but as an awakening ... as the Church.
We can be aware of the signs of the End Times, or just shrug our shoulders. There is one thing we need to be mindful of, that the Tribulation isn’t only about what’s to come, it’s also about who’s to come—the Lord Jesus, who tells us in Matt. 24:37 “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.”
The Tribulation will not be like walking through a door into an entirely different time and culture. It will be worked up to, one event and one decision at a time. How will we know? It will be like solving any mystery, one clue at a time. And like any mystery, no single clue will suffice, but only in putting it all together will we even get an indication of where we are in this Bible prophecy.
The Book of Revelation tells us in Rev 1:3: Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. This in and of itself is not a study of the Book of Revelation, but a study companion to search for clues that help us to understand this End Time prophecy. Why? It can help us establish our own priorities even in the political arena, as we’ll look at later on.
Will there be a Rapture? If yes, then we will be taken out before the Antichrist rises to his full height of power. Some believe we will enter the first half of the Tribulation prior to the Rapture (mid-Trib.). Those who don’t believe in the Rapture, believe we will go through the Tribulation; for which Scripture doesn't give us a clear indication.
Why study the Book of Revelation? The answer rest in Revelation itself. In Rev 1:3, Jesus tells us, Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. Is the time near? It’s a lot nearer for us than it was for those first century Christians. In Mark 13:33, Jesus tells us Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come.
What’s written in Revelation is Jesus’ own words as revealed to the Apostle John, and telling us to read it and take it to heart. You can do that without ever coming to this blog. You can read it on your own or attend our Sunday morning study in Heritage Lounge. Nevertheless, I’m only looking for clues to help understand it and help prepare for it as God leads me. Can we make a difference? I believe so, if we know what to look for.
The next two slides answer that question--where are we? One important thought for everyone, even if Jesus’ coming is 150 years away, everyone is only one heartbeat away for eternity. Those who believe in and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, that last heartbeat takes us face-to-face with Him as our Lord and Savior. For those who have not accepted Jesus, they are only one heartbeat away from the anguish of hell and eternal separation.
Why worry or concern ourself over the End Times or future Tribulation, which may not happen in our lifetime? Even if there is a Rapture, perhaps it's way out there in the future? So, let's go on...
The next two slides answer the question shown on the above slide. One important thought for everyone, even if Jesus’ coming is 150 years from now, everyone is only one heartbeat away for eternity. Those who accept Jesus, that last heartbeat takes us face-to-face with Him as Lord and Savior. For those who have not accepted Jesus, they are only one heartbeat away from the anguish of hell, and no second chance, ever.
We think the End Times’ battle is only what we can see with our eyes. In Ephesians 6:12-20, the Apostle Paul tells us how to prepare for both the visible and invisible battle. The one we can see, and just as importantly, the one we can’t see. Everything we are looking at leads to Revelation chapter 20, that there is a judgment coming. Everyone who does not accept Jesus as Lord and Savior will stand trial at the Great White Throne Judgment.
It may make us uncomfortable, but we can't escape the fact that everyone will die. But that isn’t the end of life. Those who profess Jesus Christ will joyfully join Him in heaven. Those that do not profess Christ, though their bodies go into the grave, their soul will go to hell (translation of the Greek word hades). But that isn’t their final destination. As we are told in Rev. 20:11-15, they will stand in judgment before Jesus Christ as Judge, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. After that final judgment, they will be cast into the Lake of Fire, the final destination for Satan, the Antichrist, the False Prophet and all those who rejected Jesus Christ. But it's not too late! Something to think about.
How will the End Times be unveiled? By the unfolding of its signs. As we are told in Eph. 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. One way that God judges the world is to let the world have its way. Evil will beget evil, that will build upon evil. That is what these signs are all about, evil perpetrating evil.
Which brings us here. We can look at the signs of the End Times in the same way we look at a line-up of dominos. We are not only looking for the coming of the Tribulation. We are also looking for the coming of Jesus Christ. We will look at how the signs begin to occur, each following the last like an arrangement of dominos.
Some believe Jesus is referring to the future destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Romans. Others believe He is referring to the End Times in Revelation. Nevertheless, He's telling us to be on guard and alert. The only way to be on guard and alert is by recognizing the signs. Which is what we are trying to do with this blog topic. See Adrian Rogers message at the end of this posting for a biblical explanation leading up to the Tribulation. Well worth your time.
War and rumors of wars! 900 murdered civilians were recently uncovered in the Ukraine. Is it significant? Yes. There are three basic views of the End Times: #1. it’s a future prophesy, way out there and we shouldn’t even concern ourself about it, much less read about it. #2. There will be a Rapture and we won’t be here when it comes. So why worry? #3. Worry that there won’t be a Rapture and if the Antichrist and Tribulation did come, we would have to go through it. We will attempt to work our way through each one over the next couple of weeks.
Let’s start with the first one. There is still a lot in the news that are of immediate concern. #1. it’s a future prophesy, way out there and we shouldn’t even concern ourself about it, much less read about it. Staring with war. We have seen many wars in our lifetime, for some even going back to WWII, followed by Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. And now were witnessing a war between Russia and the Ukraine. How many more wars can we anticipate? Perhaps China’s invasion of Taiwan? Is the End Times still way out there? We don’t know. Maybe the End Times won’t happen in our lifetime. Nevertheless, Jesus told us that there would be wars and rumors of wars. Photo shows Russian troops advancing on the Ukraine. Even if the Ukraine is able to retain its 30 years of independence, how much devastation can it endure?
Continuing with #1. There will always be something of concern, such as wondering if the war in the Ukraine will spill over and involve NATO and the U.S. Another major concern is uncontrolled immigration across our southern border, estimated at close to 2 millions in 2020, with current estimates predicting up to ½ million per month. With a wide-open border, how does a nation retain its sovereignty? It can’t. Will all of this lead to the End Times? If so, will the signs become increasingly clear? We don’t know, but we will keep watch.
What’s happening in the world going forward, will ultimately affect us, even if we don’t pay attention. There will be plenty going on to pray about….not just that we are spared, but that it draws people to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. As the world moves farther away from God, evil will increase in frequency and intensity. Why is God letting it happen? People will live as they desire, but He will use their evil to turn other people to Jesus Christ, which is the role of the Church.
One sign of a changing America, and the End Times, may very well be uncontrolled illegal immigration, that will not only overwhelm but change our culture, and the longstanding Judeo-Christian values that out Constitutional Republic was founded on. We can be certain, that it will lead to a heightened and even overwhelming degree of election fraud, especially if Congress declares a pandemic resurgence and decrees that all voting must be by mail-in ballot, much of which will be collected in bulk, with people going door to door to collect them. Very much a warning for voter fraud and one-party rule, and yes, rise of the Antichrist. Those in power will cooperate to retain and enhance their own power.
The O.T. speaks of the consequences of uncontrolled immigration and associated cultural changes that move a people away from God. The blue line refers to the rise of illegal immigrants entering the country in 2021 from about 160 countries, including the Middle East and Africa, at just one entry point. The following slides explains the consequences of uncontrolled immigration, with little to no restraint.
Unrest and violent clashes were reported in several Swedish cities. As reported on FOX News, immigration riots are taking place in Sweden due to cultural differences of people from the Middle East and Africa. Should we expect anything different here, with illegal immigrants from as many as160 different countries?
How many warnings does God have to give His people, both in the Old and the New Testaments?
The key message is that they did not obey the Lord. Does that same message apply to today’s America? Christianity has already disappeared from the public square. When will God no longer be patient or tolerant with America?
I’ll let you draw your own conclusions, but does our open southern border with millions pouring in unabated, fit God’s warning? I’ll call this the second sign in this week’s posting, the war in the Ukraine, and its atrocities, including widespread murder and rape by Russian troops, being the first sign.
God allowed Israel’s enemies to overwhelm them because of their disobedience. The bulwark of America’s defense is the Church, reaching out in bringing Christ into the public square. It won’t happen any other way. Even if we are not at the door to the End Times, we certainly are on the pathway.
Adrian Rogers, who died in 2005, saw a changing America back then, and referred to it as “the End Times in our time”. Pastor Rogers 37-minute message outlines the Tribulation. It’s not too late to get a full measure of Revelation. Join us in Heritage Lounge each Sunday morning at 9:00. Copy and paste the following link to Pastor Roger's message into your web browser.
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