This posting isn’t about politics or to claim that the Antichrist is already at our doorstep, but Revelation is in the Bible for a reason. These postings are about current events, and how I see them, even those at our borders, north (oppression against truckers) and south (over 2 million illegal immigrants last year). Why am I taking the time to even post it? It reflects conditions that I believe could, and will at the right time, give rise to the Antichrist. It’s important for me to say, it’s only my opinion of things as I see and interpret them, and certainly not a special revelation from God. If anything, it shows the need of prayer for our nation. Whatever happens is by God’s decree and it’s all in His hands.

Only God knows the time of his coming, nevertheless, God gave us the Book of Revelation to awaken His Church, so we can be watchful, vigilant and prayerful. The Antichrist’s rise to power will be paved by circumstances, some of which are apparent. We can be certain that those in government who covet power will welcome him if it secures and enhances their own power. Only God knows when he will come. This generation is closer to his coming than any other generation. We don’t know when he will come, but we do know he will come.

Nevertheless, it isn’t a time for worry or fear, but a time for hope and prayer. Our hope and strength as individuals and as a Nation, come from God. Everyone of us has been given a spiritual gift by God to use for His glory and in His church. Pray to know your gift and then put it to use to make a difference as He would have each one of us do. Ephesians 4:11-17 tells us these gifts are given to prepare God's people for service and for building up the body of Christ. It can make all the difference for tomorrow’s America.
Our freedom as a Nation began with prayer and devotion to God. Something that too many of our young people are no longer aware of. It will take sincere and heartfelt prayer to retain it. The rise of the Antichrist will be in response to a world that has turned its back on God; and a world that has instead, embraced every form of evil deserving of a Holy God’s wrath.

Presidential inauguration of George Washington took place on April 30,1789 on the balcony of Federal Hall in New York City. The inauguration of John Adams as vice president was on April 21, 1789, when he assumed his duties as presiding officer of the United States Senate. President Washington and members of Congress then retired to the Senate Chamber, where Washington delivered the first inaugural address to a joint session of Congress. Washington humbly noted the power of the nation’s call for him to serve as president and the shared responsibility of the president and Congress to preserve "the sacred fire of liberty" and a republican form of government.

When our government ignores our founding documents, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, it becomes by definition, a police state. All of which leads to an opening for the Antichrist’s influence and power. If you wonder how a European dictator can influence or control the United States, we can be certain, he will win over those in government and other positions of power, who covet power and desire to retain it at all cost, will certainly cooperate with him if it secures their own position. If you doubt that, I would certainly like to hear why.
An excerpt from George Washington’s Inaugural Address, reminds us, that in the Old Testament, when the Chosen People turned away from God, their freedom and way of life were no longer under God’s grace and protection. It is the very environment in which Satan seeks to instill and encourage the dominance of evil.

At one time this began a typical school day across America—while professing, “One Nation Under God”. Most of us grew up with a sense of country, God, and what America stood for. Yes, there were problems in our history, including slavery. But our history includes a war that cost the Union Army over 624,511 killed in battle, 224,580 died of disease, 2,226 wounded, 32 generals killed—the price to end slavery and pave the way for racial equality. We’re not perfect as a Nation or as a people, that’s because no human being, except Jesus Christ, is or ever has been perfect from the time of Adam and Eve. Nevertheless, America has done better in regard to individual freedom, than any other nation in the history of mankind.

The Church is the Body of Christ. Over the last 20 years, church attendance in the USA, has been on a steady decline as shown on the chart. As the Church declines, its influence on the Nation also declines in every area, including governance, education, and culture with a corresponding rise in Satan’s influence and crime.
The greatest threat facing America and the Western world is a declining Christian faith. Will God abandon His Church? Absolutely not! But the Church might be abandoning our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It certainly is a breach in the door for a dictator to gain power and to rule and rein.
President Ronald Reagan’s words remind us that we are just one generation away from losing our freedom. The loss of America’s freedom will certainly influence the entire Western World and clearly open the door for the rise of the Antichrist.

Anyone following truthful news has witnessed firsthand, a dark cloud descend over the United States Capitol; a split Congress showing no willingness to reach equitable solutions for national issues. We are also seeing dictatorial policies that have little regard for the well being of the Nation or the people. Some sitting members of Congress have become multimillionaires during their time in Congress. Add to that a weakened military. China now has the largest modern navy in the world, surpassing the USA. As Abraham Lincoln reminded us, a divided nation cannot stand. And as Jesus said, a house divided against itself, cannot stand. Definitely a wakeup call for every American that cares. There is little doubt that a weakened America will pave the path for the Antichrist’s rise to power.

The comment on the slide was printed by The Washington Post on February 11. Read it carefully. That “freedom” is intertwined with Whiteness and a component of White supremacy. This is the mainstream media. It’s no wonder that people can not believe the media. They are literally advocating that “freedom is racist” and consequently undesirable. Add that to the welcome mat for the Antichrist
Unlike FDR leading America against Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, today, as a divided nation and weak president, America will have little influence on the world stage as to who gains power in Europe. We are reminded of Ephesians 6:12 that we are facing the powers of this dark world.
Ayn Rand’s insight in the 60s applies very much to how today’s government operates at the state and national levels. With all the shutdowns, restrictions and mandates we truly have entered into a dark period, unprecedented in American history.
Wonders and signs will come before his arrival, as we are told in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12. And the world will welcome him because of them.
The entire Western world, including the United States, will be readily deceived by his counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders (Revelation 13).
So how is the rest of the world doing? The decline in church attendance isn’t only in America but stretches across the entire Free World, especially Western Europe that once was referred to as Christendom, which historically referred to the “Christian world”. If you have ever visited Europe, the churches are now mostly tourist attractions rather than houses of worship. They were Christian majority countries, in which Christianity was prevalent and culturally intertwined with society’s norms and values. The Antichrist is said to rise in Europe, which has certainly opened the door for him.
When freedom of speech is stifled in any manner or by any organization, so is liberty. We are seeing that in Ontario, Canada.
Who would have thought? Canada has literally taken a giant step toward becoming a police state in regard to the truckers’ convoy. Tell me those in power would not cooperate with the Antichrist to enhance and preserve their own power?
Worth repeating, but yes Canada has taken a step closer to becoming a police state. Truckers’ fuel and wood, to keep warm, were confiscated by police under government orders. Even bank accounts are being frozen, not just for the truckers, but for those donating to them.
Police arrested an elderly spectator for honking his horn in support of the truckers. He was dragged out of his car and led away in handcuffs. If these tactics of government police powers are taking place in Canada, why wouldn’t such a government cooperate with the Antichrist to consolidate their power even more? Exactly how the Antichrist can and will dominate through governments across the Western world. Governors on this side of the line and the President expressed support of Canada’s actions against the truckers.

As noted on the slide, the woman was cautioned that her Facebook posting could be considered a cause for inciting insurrection. Is this really a big deal? Who was monitoring her Facebook page as such? A FB friend? The police? In either case, it shows how the Antichrist will extend his power and control through local governments, police departments and even neighbors. If these tactics of government police powers are taking place in Canada, why wouldn’t such a government cooperate with the Antichrist to consolidate their power even more? An example of exactly how the Antichrist can and will dominate through governments across the Western world.
Will government heavy-handedness become the new normal? Let’s hope not.
The Holy Spirit will not hold back Satan and the Antichrist forever. The solution is Jesus Christ through His church and prayer. The state of the church will have an influence on the state of the nation. Sadly, statistics show that the Christian Church is having less and less influence on the culture and national policy. So, what next? We will pick up again next week by following the path being laid…
We will continue our focus on the Antichrist and signs of the End Times next week.