I think this cartoon covers a diversity of opinions. Yes, the Book of Revelation shows us that the world is on a road trip, the destination of which is the Tribulation and End Times. We are either almost there or there is still a long way to go. Only God knows when the time of Tribulation and the Antichrist, will come. This will be our last posting on this topic, unless evolving events dictate otherwise.
What caught my eye was the number of this Bill, initiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. And the "Warnings” it prompted by both the Washington Times and Newsmax. An outline of the Bill is on the following slides. Everything noted is copied directly from the Bill. Does it bring us closer to the rise of the Antichrist? Draw your own conclusions after reading it, I did—especially the Bill number, “H.R. 6666” and its intent.
Everything on this and the following slides is copied directly from the Bill—portions being underlined for emphasis. Its “short title” is as noted. Again, concern was raised that this bill is a step toward unprecedented government control, as stated in its title – “COVID–19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act”
The Bill is available online via the following link (copy and paste it into your web browser to see the Bill): https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/6666/text
Again, what’s on the slide was copied directly from the Bill, which gives the government access to private residences, at their discretion. We are aware that the government used the COVID-19 pandemic to take unprecedented measures to override and restrict individual freedom. This bill will allow them to continue at their own discretion. It's seen as just another such step giving the government unprecedented power over everyone. One can only wonder, with a potentially decisive election in both the House and Senate, coming in November, how will this Bill be used if approved?
As stated, the Bill gives the government the power to quarantine individuals that they consider a health risk. Think about that.
It also gives the government the authority to test anyone, as they see fit. Will they use it to change voting laws, isolating people, as was done in 2020, which provides an opportunity to stuff ballot drop boxes as was witnessed in 2020? Hmmm?
As noted on the cartoon, where do you think we’re going? We wouldn’t have to ask that same question if the Rapture were to occur; we would know exactly where we are.
Does this number look familiar? Did you ever wonder how one man, the Antichrist, can gain ultimate power? He will have plenty of help by those with their own lust for power. Is the Bill’s number H.R. 6666 a coincidence or a warning? Before you even ponder that, look at everything that has and still is fundamentally changing the United States. Does it all tie together? I think so.
Does it matter? Absolutely! Take a moment and think about Bill H.R. 6666. Not just the number, but the intent. In the O.T. God used Israel's own sinful desires and enemies to punish them when they turned away from Him. Can we expect anything different for the United States? We either honor God or turn away from Him and suffer the consequences just as happened with Israel. We can be certain that God deemed the End Times to coincide with the full measure of man’s rebellion. Think about everything we covered so far on this topic in previous postings (still available for review). Our focus as Christians needs to be on God, and prayer.
The seal shown on the slide, was recognized as the most powerful leadership position in the free world, dating back to WWII. But much has changed since January 2021. How will it be perceived by both friend and foe going forward? The next few years will establish the future course of the United States. That decision also rests on the November 2022 congressional elections. If Christians are not interested, others will gladly step up to fill those positions.
Too many seem to have forgotten that there are three branches of government, and the president isn’t authorized to make every decision without the consent of Congress. The man currently occupying this office will determine what America is and what it becomes going forward. My prayer is that God doesn’t abandon us as a people and as a Nation. In 70 AD, Israel suffered the consequences of its sinful rebellion against God. Nevertheless, He reinstated the State of Israel in 1948, which is relevant to the Book of Revelation, and raises the question once again, how close are we to the End Times?
There was a time when President John F. Kenney’s statement on the slide, was not only true, but accepted, when the goal of both parties was to work together to put America first. Sadly, those days seem to be gone. It’s a principal reason why I voted for JFK—my very first presidential election and never missed a single election since.
In its very creation as a Nation, God gave us a sacred responsibility. What John Kennedy stated in 1961 applies equally today. This is why Christians have to care enough to take an active role in selecting our representatives at every level, including the Oval Office, Congress, the State house, and yes, even School Boards. God is sovereign, but our behavior is a factor in regard to what course we take. He will either bless us or leave us with the consequences of our interest or lack of interest.
Those who are elected to fill those seats in November, will determine the future course of America. They will either embellish and support what’s happening or resist and reject policies that are detrimental and undermining what America stands for. We will either continue moving away from God, or hopefully, move toward Him.
The future of our Nation's children hinges on what they are learning in school. Gender education is being taught in the early grades, a policy that teaches young children that gender identity is a personal choice and not a product of one’s natural birth. Children have been isolated from school and social activities for over a year, and with it, their normal childhood was set aside out of fear by the school system. Keep them in your prayers that God may have mercy on each and everyone of these young minds and souls. For truly, they are America’s future!
Inflation is not a small matter. Everyone who watches the news or goes shopping, is surely aware of inflation, and its impact on one's standard of living, especially seniors on a fixed income and families with young children. Is it in any way a sign of the End Times? In and of itself, No. But it is relevant to the events in the Book of Revelation and yes, does dovetails into the signs of the End times.
Here’s one simple example of what inflation does, for both the Starbuck crowd and also the cost of coffee at the supermarket.
Another simple illustration. The current rate of inflation is 8.5%, the highest since President Jimmy Carter's presidency. The current impact on American families equals a $5,200 inflation tax reflected in the cost of living. Again, let’s put inflation into everyday terms as illustrated by the shopping charts. The shopping carts compares what $20 bought in 1998, compared to 2005 and 2013. The almost empty shopping cart in 2013, nine years ago. What about today and next year?
Have you noticed more empty shelves in supermarkets? Not quite this bad, but a lot fewer things on the shelves than what we had become accustomed to just a couple of years ago. Why am I posting this? It runs concurrent with higher gasoline prices affecting delivery of products, and also shortages from the Ukraine as previously reported, considered the world's breadbasket. The Book of Revelation warns of famine in the End Times.
All of which, brings us here. One man will offer solutions for the world’s increasing problems, who will rise to ultimate power over the world. A once strong United States is no longer a deterrent.
Back to the rise of the Antichrist. How does one man gain complete control over all buying and selling? Chart shows how in light of a weakened U.S. dollar, digital currency could lead to centralized control of all financial transactions, even grocery shopping. With the right level of government control, there would be no such thing as pocket change or cash transactions. What does that have to do with Revelation? Everything. The answer lies in Revelation chapter 13:15-18. If I had to create a diabolical plot to place the world under control of the Antichrist, this would be one of the principal ways, plus shortages of all the essentials.
It isn’t here yet, but it notes a significant sign for how the Antichrist could/would take control over the entire world financial system. See v.15-18 for the entire message. All it would take is a tiny chip no larger than a grain of sand, just like a pet is chipped as shown on the next slide. Pastor Adrian Rogers message at the end of this posting looks at the Mark of the Beast—666!
Receiving the mark of the Beast is as simple as this.
Pastor Adrian Rogers’ 37-minute message explains “the mark of the Beast”. (copy and paste the link below into your web browser)
So, what’s the answer regarding the End Times? 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us (slide). Never forget the sovereignty of God over the affairs of man. Pray for our Nation, its people, our Pastor, his family and our church.
Notice: This series on the End Times began in January 2020. There are two ways of getting to week 1 of this topic. Click on "01/02--01/09" in the Blog Archive in upper righthand corner. The second way is to scroll down to bottom of each page and click on "Older Posts", continue doing so until you get back to January 2020, noted as "Week 1" on first slide.
End of Posting
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