God is sovereign, why then does He allow evil? Evil is a product of Satan and man. To eliminate evil, God would have to eliminate humanity, which He chooses not to do. But He did with Noah’s flood and will once again remove evil at His Second Coming.
Politics is not the only solution for America’s ills, but it is the means by which Satan and the “dark forces of this world” are taking over our nation (Eph. 6:12). When Christians do not engage, the consequences are real as we are witnessing. Those who get elected or reelected in Nov. 2022, and 2024, will by legislative action, define the future course of our Nation, for better or worse. Is it a big deal? Absolutely! Not just for us but for our children and grandchildren.
Who are the potential 2024 presidential candidates? We won’t know for another year or two. But we can be certain that the groundwork is already being laid.
Who one would presume to be the obvious candidate, but not necessarily the likely candidate, according to latest polls.
… from a recent pole, with a 75% disapproval rating by Democrats. The percentage changes almost daily, so only time will tell. But I say, not likely.
Based on 2020 candidates, still considered potential Democrat candidates for president. The last time I voted Democrat, was my first presidential election for John F. Kennedy. Everyone I knew was a Democrat, but that party and its values has changed radically over the years.
Possible Republican candidates, but also, not too likely, except for possibly one or two. I’m sure you can pick them out. I’ll give you a hint on the next slide.
Believed by many, to be the most likely Republican candidates for president and vice president. We need to prayerfully leave it in God’s hands. The actions being taken against President Trump is out of fear that he will be reelected. They will do everything in their power, even using the FBI, to prevent it, including raiding his home. Pure fear, because he knows the swamp, even more so now, and will shine a light on it and expose it if reelected.
We don’t know God’s plan for America or the world. But what we do know is that no nation is secure if "dark powers" rule and reign in its government. Perhaps God will be merciful and raise up a man He ordains to be president, and for righteous men and women to serve in Congress, giving us a government that honors Him. The farther we drift from God, the closer we move to the End Times, which will come according to His will, be it near or far into the future. So, what’s the role of the Christian? Pray! Pay attention to who’s running for office and vote accordingly and prayerfully.
Reagan says it best. It’s the consequences of electing the wrong people. The end, of which, begins at the ballot box.
This posting is not intended to advocate the church jumping into the political arena, but anyone following the news will readily recognize that evil has entered the political arena unchallenged, even to the highest levels of government. And sadly, even into our educational system, from the universities to the lowest grade levels, teaching all kinds of anti-Christian ideologies—where boys are told they can be girls and girls are told they can be boy; and encouraged to do so. What madness!
Not a theme song, just a periodic reminder when evil prevails in the public square the church is responsible to recognize and acknowledge it as a threat to Christian values and everything decent.
Not one of my favorite comedians or TV show host, but his quote, as shown, is worth pondering. What, if any, big surprise lays ahead for the USA? November 2022 and 2024 will make that determination.
Yes, the right leader makes all the difference. We have been blessed with such leaders over the course of our Nation, from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan and others, just to name a few.
Even doing the right thing politically, the long game is still eternity. America may fail, or God may sustain it for a time. The end game is His Second Coming to establish His kingdom on earth for 1,000 years. How we live tomorrow depends on how we live and act today. Is America worth saving? Absolutely! But it depends on Christians resisting evil as told in Ephesians 6:12; for the “powers of this dark world” are already at work.
Will God bless America? Will fervent prayer lead to Him blessing this great Nation? America has always been sustained by prayer, from its very foundation and Constitution through the centuries right up unto WWII. Are we still the same Nation today?
The preservation of America between 1941-45, came at a great cost. A cost we cannot and should not forget as a people and as a Nation.
The price of liberty was not cheap in the battle against tyranny. Here lies the bodily remains of decades of men and women that gave their all for their Nation. We as a people cannot afford to forget the cost of their sacrifices, for both them and their loved ones.
I want to refer back to Ronald Reagan’s words regarding uncontrolled and overbearing government power. The Revolutionary War came for just such a reason. Yet, the federal government continues to grow and become even more controlling, as noted on the following slides.
The latest Congressional legislation signed by the current president authorized the hiring of an additional 87,000 new IRS agents. Yet, our southern border remains wide open and without adequate border protection.
Who are these new IRS agents? They are defined as special agents, as noted on this and the following slides. They are reported to be part of the Internal Revenue Service Crime unit of the Treasury Department’s Criminal Investigation Bureau which supervises individuals and businesses.
They are categorized as “armed agents”. Why would they have to be armed? What is the precise role of these 87,000 IRS armed agents? Perhaps the next slide sheds some light on it.
Images from an actual IRS training program, captured on video, as reported by Newsmax and on the web. Read Thomas Massie’s comment above the photos. He emphasizes this is actual IRS training for those agents.
It was also reported that even AK-15 assault rifles were purchased for those agents. Did you know that the IRS-CID is the criminal law enforcement division within the IRS? Most of us would answer “no!” Those special agents are sworn law enforcement officers who “are trained to follow the money”. They are described as a division to be feared. Perhaps the very thing Ronald Reagan warned us about in a previous slide.
I’ll let this and the following slide speak for itself.
Every nation has a debt ceiling, and to exceed it, leaves that nation at risk of failure, just as it did with ancient Rome, which had lasted for 507 years as the most powerful empire in the world. The United States is now at 246 years, and we need to rethink our policies that if left unchecked will bring us to ruin, which makes the November 2022 congressional elections—which I need to emphasize—a pivotal point for where we are heading.
When I copied this image of the US Debt Clock, our national debt was at $25 trillion. It now exceeds $30 trillion and rising. You can see the U.S. debt clock at the following link: https://usdebtclock.org/
Let me put it into perspective as best I can. If we put the cost of WWII into perspective, using today’s inflated dollars, WWII cost about $5.8 trillion. Which also shows how inflation devalues our currency when compared to 1945 dollars at a cost of $323 billion. We are spending more today than we spent during the entire WWII. No nation can perpetually spend beyond its means and remain healthy economically or culturally.
No truer words for today’s government. The federal government employs nearly 9.1 million workers, comprising nearly 6 percent of total employment in the United States. The figure includes nearly 2.1 million federal employees, 4.1 million contract employees, 1.2 million grant employees, 1.3 million active-duty military personnel, and more than 500,000 postal service employees. If we exclude the military, there is a total of 7.8 million employees on the federal payroll.
I do, and passionately. The United States of America was a special gift from God. I would hate to be the generation that threw it away.
Pastor Adrian Rogers timely 44-minute message: Will God Impeach America? Click on the following link or copy and paste it into your web browser.
The End of this week's posting
(Future postings are TBD depending on current events or requests)