Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Most Christians at one time or another, wonder about the End Times. Some even asking, “Are we there yet?” How can we know? There will be signs, perhaps the current state of the world and nation are giving us those signs?

Certain church scholars do not believe Israel has a role in the End Times. Are they right? To answer that lets turn to history.

Down through history Satan stirred hatred against the Jews, even within the Christian community. Even today, antisemitism is on the rise around the world, yes, even in America. Satan continues his attacks against God’s Chosen People. Satan cannot see the future, but God outwits him every time as we see in Revelation. 

Working through Judas’ betrayal and the Pharisees’ demand for His death—Satan intended Christ’s crucifixion to be his ultimate victory against God, but God used it as Satan’s ultimate defeat as we are told in the Book of Revelation. 

Israel has a long history of being conquered by different empires, as shown on the slide. Does Israel appear in the Book of Revelation? After AD 70, with the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish nation, the early Church believed God punished Israel for crucifying Christ and since there were yet unfulfilled Bible prophecies, that the Church was the new Israel. An easy conclusion to reach, but history tells a very different story. 

God used the Romans to destroy the Jerusalem temple and its sacrificial worship system. Satan meant it for evil, but God used it as a sign that Christ paid the full price for our sins, and animal sacrifices to atone for sin, were no longer necessary.  

With the destruction of Jerusalem, the Jews were scattered across the ancient Roman world—called the Diaspora–and were no longer a nation. They went as far China in the 8th century. In the first half of the 20th century, thousands of Jewish refugees escaping from pogroms in the Russian Empire migrated to China. Today, a remnant of Chinese Jews have migrated to Israel. 

God still isn’t finished with His Chosen People no matter how far they have gone. Scattered across the world are remnants of all the 12 tribes of Israel, as revealed in the Book of Revelation (Rev. 7:4-8)

What does the OT tell us? Over 2,600 years ago, Ezekiel (Ez. 37:11-14) foretold of the return of the people of Israel. Some theologians believe this prophesy was fulfilled in AD 70, when Romans drove the Jews out of Judah & scattered them across the known world. But you can’t ignore v.12 on the next slide…

Ez. 37:12 tells us that God wasn’t finished with Israel then—or now. Ezekiel also prophesized the rebirth of Israel, that they would rise again as a people. We see that on the next slide. 

V.13-14 of Ezekiel, tells of their return to Israel, which occurred in 1948. Many Christians still believe the Church is the “New Israel” & interpret Rev. accordingly. But, history tells a very different story. 

In his letter to the Romans, Paul tells us that God did not reject His people—the Jews (Rom. 11:1-2). History testifies to the rebirth of Israel in 1948. Yet, some still believe that God has rejected Israel at the crucifixion of Christ and as shown by Jerusalem’s destruction in AD 70 by the Romans. They interpret Revelation from that perspective! Yet, here in Romans, Paul tells us otherwise, that God did not reject His people whom He foreknew. 

The Holocaust rose out of pure evil, the fruits of a nation that turned away from God and followed an antichrist (1 John 2:18). Adolf Hitler rose to power with promises he never intended to keep. Yes, it can happen again, even in the United States, if we forget our founding biblical values. 

Nazi Germany and the Holocaust gave rise to the rebirth of Israel in 1948. Satan used the Holocaust for evil—to destroy the Jews. But God used it for good, to bring a remnant back to the land He gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Ez. 37:13-14). The European Jews were deeply entrenched in Europe, many of whom were intellectuals and scientists, who never would have packed up and moved to a barren land in the Middle East. But the Holocaust gave them little choice, since few nations were willing to take them as refugees. 

Acting through Adolf Hitler, Satan meant the Holocaust to destroy God’s Chosen People. Little did he know that God would use it to fulfill Ezekiel’s prophesy to bring the Jews back to Israel. 

Just as God used the Holocaust to bring the Jews back to Israel, He will use the Tribulation in Revelation, to turn Israel to their true Messiah, Jesus Christ.

It was the Holocaust that brought the Jews, as a people, from Europe to Israel, which resulted in the rebirth of Israel in 1948. Here we see the official White House ceremony of President Harry Truman’s recognition of Israel as a legitimate State. The very existence of Israel, against all odds, is divine providence. Why did God bring them back to the Promised Land? We see the answer in the Book of Revelation. 

But Satan wasn’t finished in his efforts to destroy the Jews. When the British withdraw, it opened the door for an attack on Israel. 

Following Truman’s decree recognizing Israel, and the withdrawal of British troops, Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, and forces from Iraq, entered Palestine and attempted to destroy Israel once again. Map shows how those states attacked Israel. We see it more clearly on the following slide. 

The 1st map shows UN partition of Palestine—blue is the areas allocated to the Jews, leaving Jerusalem within the Arab region. It is readily apparent that such a partition would make it impossible for Israel to defend itself and survive. The 2nd map show Arab forces attacking the Jewish regions.  The 3rd map shows that against overwhelming odds, Israel prevailed & drove back the attacking armies, by God’s providence and protection, just as in the Old Testament. 

The State of Israel today is surrounded by a sea of Islamic nations that hate Israel’s very existence, yet, it’s apparent that in spite of the odds, God has placed a protective shield around them. Israel is a nation of just over 9 million. The adjacent Islamic nations have a combined population exceeding 225 million.  

In Joel, we see that God hasn’t forsaken His chosen people. The 144,000 Jewish evangelists in chap. 14 of Revelation, are first mentioned in chap. 7. God will bring the Word through them to turn a remnant of His people—Israel—to their Messiah, Jesus Christ. 

Anti-Semitism is increasing around the globe & Jews are still returning to Israel from different parts of the world. Satan’s hatred of God’s Chosen People is still very real and apparent. 

What was once barren desert land in 1948, is now Israel’s agricultural heartland. 

What does the End Times look like? As seen on the slide, we are in the Church Age from the time of Christ (arrow). The Tribulation occurs in Rev. 6:1-8. It begins with releasing of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; the first horseman (the false prince of peace – the Antichrist) goes out to conquer the world. It also shows that the Church, all born-again Christians, will be raptured, removed before the Tribulation and joined with Christ. Associated Bible verses are shown for those events.

The Great Tribulation will be a time when God pours out His wrath on an unrepentant, evil world. This is a summary of why God uses 144,000 Jewish evangelists to bring Israel to its true Messiah, Jesus Christ. Israel of old constantly turned away from God, and then crucified Jesus Christ, even though they were anticipating the coming Messiah. The Israel that emerges out of the Tribulation will be faithful to God through Jesus Christ as their true Messiah. That time is yet to come. Nevertheless, God has not abandoned Israel. They will meet their Messiah at that designated time in history. 

Is the statement on the slide true? Revelation tells us it’s true, but not when it will occur. The rise of the Antichrist in Revelation will come via a one world system of governance, with a one world religion, the groundwork of both may even be underway. 

A Western World meeting for a common cause, “Climate Change”! Notice America’s climate change czar, John Kerry second from the right. If you want to know what’s happening in America with inflation and national debt, it can be traced to the current Administration’s Green New Deal policies, the consequences of which are rising energy costs and inflation. Hmmm? Is that a political observation? No, it's a life changing observation that will seriously impact most Americans. 

Based on his statement, the Pope appears to be aligned with climate change as an imperative. A couple of Pope Francis’ comments on climate and religion are shown on the slide, calling “climate” a moral and religious imperative. Let’s look at Revelation and the False Prophet who will have a “message of appeal” to turn people to the Antichrist as the new savior, perhaps, even climate change and proposed solutions for the economic damage arising from it, promoted as “a moral and religious imperative.” I am not judging this pope, only reporting his statements. 

Is a one world religion even possible? It’s pretty scary when Pope Francis claims Islam and Christianity are equal In The Eyes of God and that the Koran and Holy Bible are the same. Really? Does that mean Muslims don’t need Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? Hmmm? Definitely a false gospel. 

What does Jesus say about all religions meeting God in different ways? He tells us in John 14:6 (slide). This is the heart of the Gospel message, who Jesus is and what He did on our behalf. If we repent of our sins and confess Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we will be saved.  

Let's turn to a one world government for a moment. Perhaps rising inflation leading to an economic collapse across the world markets, and with it, dire living conditions with energy shortages to heat or cool homes; even new plagues similar to Covid-19. Will they collectively lead to a single system of governance that everyone submits to? Pause for a moment and reflect back on 2020 Covid-19 lockdowns, even churches. 

My goal is not to judge Pope Francis, but only report on his statements as published in an Italian newspaper, because of its relevance to Revelation and the End Times. 

Pope Francis delivers an address to the United Nations General Assembly in September 2025 as reported in the NY Times. This pope and anyone who follows is and will be influential on the world stage which does give credence to his comments. 

With the current state of events, many are concerned that the United States of America is in decline. What are the signs of a nation in decline? Perhaps the evening news will provide a hint. The Antichrist could never seize global power with a militarily and economically strong America—turn to Adolf Hitler’s efforts at conquest for an example. Yet, over the last two years, the USA has and is losing its influence on the world stage. What kind of signs can we expect in regard to being on the threshold of the End Times?

So, what lies ahead? What does Revelation tell us? Satan, the great deceiver, will work through the Antichrist—a counterfeit Christ. The groundwork will be laid out for him by the False Prophet, bringing a one world religion, perhaps one centered on the environment, along with a one world system of governance. Sound familiar?

All of which raises this question. We haven’t crossed over just yet, but are we at the threshold? If so, is it something we should be concerned about? 

In 1 Thess. 5:1, Paul tells us that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. Are you looking for signs? Looking for signs is essential for understanding the reality of Revelation. I find it’s hard to understand how anyone could study the Book of Revelation and not look for signs. Are today’s events leading us to the threshold of the final phase of the End Times? If so, the good news is that we will be raptured—snatched away—before the Great Tribulation. (1 Thess. 5:1).

Will there be open graves with the rapture? Scripture doesn’t tell us, but I think there will be. Combine that with people disappearing, all of which would lead to widespread panic, perhaps turning some people to church for comfort, but churches where the Gospel isn’t preached offering a false sense of wellbeing, but never leading to repentance and professing of Christ as Savior. Yet, people will be converted during the Tribulation for any number of reasons that the Holy Spirit will use to lead them to Jesus Christ. Perhaps those who knew or were related to Christians will suddenly realize that everything that was ever said concerning Jesus Christ was true. I think we can refer to that as a “rude awakening?” The Holy Spirit will use it to attract them to Jesus Christ, thanks to the testimony they heard before the Tribulation but never gave any thought to...until then. God works in mysterious ways. (1 Thess. 4:13-18).

There are so many things going on in life, should we really concern ourselves with Revelation that may never happen in our lifetime? The next slide explains. 

Since no generation knows the time or hour of the Tribulation, every generation should be prepared, first and foremost as the Church, to warn those around us, especially friends and loved ones if major events do occur. 

If you’re interested in this topic, join us each Sunday at 9:00AM in Heritage Lounge. 

The End of this week's posting
(Future postings are TBD depending on current events or requests)