Covenant Presbyterian Church
God's Positioning System (GPS)
Sunday morning Foundations Classes
Angels/Demons & the End Times -- Lesson #21
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(Lessons are posted once a week on Friday afternoon)
Bible prophecy!!! Once again, this lesson grew longer than I intended, with a lot of relevant information packed into it. …. I was determined to make it our last lesson, but it became too overwhelming to cram into a single lesson, so I had to split it. You’ll see why as you go through it. So yes, there will be another lesson posted next week. Will there be enough information for another full lesson? You can bet on it.
Many if not most Christians have historically shared the Amillennial view that Israel was abandoned by God for rejecting the Messiah, as evidenced by the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Dr. John Piper, in one of his online statements, proclaimed that the Church is the rightful inheritor of all the promises made to ethnic Israel, and that “all of the promises made to Israel in the Scriptures find their fulfillment in the Church”. That view is prevalent with many major denominations; but not every pastor or theologian since it stands on historical precedent and not biblical doctrine—and yes, there is a difference. It also leads to a symbolic versus literal interpretation of certain parts of Revelation and other End Times prophecy in the Bible.
So what happened to the Jews after the destruction of Jerusalem? Many Jews were killed by the Romans during battle, many others were enslaved, and many more were scattered far and wide—called the “Diaspora” as shown on the map. Why did those Jews, spread across Europe and elsewhere, for almost 2,000 years retain their identity as Jews, and not get absorbed into those regions like other immigrant groups? One would say religion; but not all Jews are religious; many are secular, some are even atheists, but all identify as Jews. Think about past migrations to the United States. Most immigrant groups were absorbed into the American culture and identity, other than a brief reference of national identity of their parents or grandparents. Yet Jews, dating back to the first century, though dispersed across the world, still considered themselves Jews. If they didn’t there would not have been a Holocaust or a rebirth of Israel. Using history to interpret the Bible is acceptable and valid, but only as long as the facts don’t change, or until new facts are added. The destruction of Israel in 70 AD is one such fact; the rebirth of Israel in 1948 is another.
Nazi Germany and the Holocaust led to the rebirth of Israel in 1948, giving Israel relevance as a nation and as a people. Hitler used the Holocaust for evil—to destroy the Jews; though God didn’t inspire it, He used it for good, to bring a remnant back to the land he gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Rom. 8:28)—an eternal and unconditional promise. Without the Holocaust, well established Jewish communities in Europe would never have packed up and moved to the Middle East. Most were well entrenched and deeply rooted, especially in Europe and saw themselves as European Jews and not Middle East Jews. All of which points to Israel’s continued relevance.
The Amillennial view—that the Church is the New Israel—stood relatively unchallenged until the early 19th century. With Palestine being predominately Arab and Muslim, Jerusalem was a destination of pilgrimages by Christians. How does it align with the rebirth of Israel in 1948 by millions of Jewish refugees who survived the Holocaust and others who were displaced by WWII from across Europe? The photo caption of the fig tree (on the slide) is a symbol of Israel and specifically the rebirth of Israel (Matt. 24:32-34).
Another very significant event is when Jerusalem came under Jewish control in the 1967 Six Day War, described in lesson #14 (08/30-09/06 in Blog Achieve), except for the temple mount. Without Israel’s control of Jerusalem there wouldn’t even be the slightest possibility of anyone rebuilding the temple, which is based on a literal interpretation of the Great Tribulation and Millennium in Revelation/Daniel/Matthew.
An important historic moment regarding Israel is when President Donald J. Trump formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in May 2018—a decision that broke with decades of US foreign policy, and provoked international condemnation; with many warning it would lead to a Middle East war, which didn’t happen. Put its significance within context of Israel’s rebirth and survival of two major wars (1948 & 1967); even its very existence in a hostile region is noteworthy. Just the opposite to war is happening with the President Trump’s Administration successfully arranging trade deals between Israel and their traditional Middle East adversaries, the most recent being Sudan as just announced.
2018 celebrated Israel’s 70 birthday which makes relocation of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem that much more significant, and prophetic.
The significance of moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem can be seen here, especially on its 70th anniversary as a nation. No previous president had the willingness to make that decision. It took an establishment outsider like Trump to think out of the box and do what was right versus what was conventional and politically comfortable.
Every country in the region is 100% Muslim—except Sudan which is about 97% Sunni Muslim with a small Christian population. The religious ideology of those Muslim nations is opposed to Israel, with many having expressed distain and even hatred for Jews and a desire for the destruction of Israel as a nation. Without God’s protective shield (Dan. 12:1-2) there is no way Israel could have survived then or now—not only survive but prosper as was shown in lesson #19. For the first time, peace deals are being brokered by the Trump Administration between Israel and certain Muslim nations in the region, including Sudan, which was just announced.
We can learn a great deal from history and the evening news, which is tomorrow’s history. I believe that news and history can provide insight into and evidence of Bible prophesies. Israel’s very existence and survival as such is a sign that they are indeed part of God’s plan and relevant to the End Times. There is no biblical evidence that shows God discarded His promises to Abraham and the O.T. saints. Interest seems to be growing in Israel regarding rebuilding of the temple. Israel, a blip on the world map, is mentioned in the news more than any other country, except perhaps, focus on the U.S.A. as the world leader.
Are we beginning to witness the End Times unfolding? Only time will tell. We are closer, but exactly how close is still uncertain. It could begin to unfold next week, next year or ten years from now. I look at it as God’s chess game, where every move and counter move is planned and executed by divine decree with the end game in sight. As Jesus tells us:
Mark 13:32 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Why is our President hated by the establishment? Because he is not part of the deep-state, and consequently a stumbling block to a one world government, which is Satan’s goal as the framework for the Antichrist’s rule. In Revelation 16:13; 19:20; and 20:10, the beast from the earth is called “the false prophet.” The dragon or Satan is “the counterfeit Father” (“I will be like the Most High”), the beast is “the counterfeit Christ”, and the false prophet is “the counterfeit Holy Spirit”; which completes the satanic trinity.
If the Pretribulation Rapture is correct and biblical, and every true, born-again Christian is taken out of the world, we can be certain there will be a one world religion. The pomp and splendor of which could be centered within the Vatican, with the False Prophet of Revelation 13, filling St. Peter’s chair as the supreme pontiff and false prophet—a religious advocate for the Antichrist. Of course this is only an opinion and not based on individual Bible verses, but nevertheless, it seems like a very real possibility.
Do you see Israel’s historic connection to Bible prophecy? How does all of this play together? The Dragon in Revelation 13 is the Devil; the Beast is the Antichrist who will desecrate the temple, which is why I have spent so much time focusing on the temple.
Rev 13:4-9 – 4 Men worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, "Who is like the beast? Who can make war against him?" 5 The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise his authority for forty-two months. 6 He opened his mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 7 He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. 8 All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast — all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world. 9 He who has an ear, let him hear.
Our study has looked at the “yet to be built” third temple. Posted toward the end of this lesson are two video links addressing a possible alternate but yet unsubstantiated temple location. It claims the Temple was not on what is believed to be the 35-acre Temple Mount, which they claim was a Roman fortress. I’m not quite convinced, but if true, it would mean that temple reconstruction would not face any serious objections from Muslims. First, it would have to be proven conclusively to the Jews. At the end of lesson #12 (08/16-08/23 Blog Archive), I posted two Israel videos regarding rebuilding of the Jerusalem temple. If you missed them, you may want to go back to view them (you can click on “skip the ads” when the videos open). What did Jesus say about the antichrist and the temple?
Matt 24:15 "So when you see [the antichrist] standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel — let the reader understand—
The Islamic shrine and mosque are situated on what for centuries, Jews and Christians believed is the actual “temple mount”, all of which serves as an obstacle to rebuilding a third temple at that location, without stating a war with the entire Islamic world. But if the alternate location is true, it changes the risk factor entirely. If the Jews accept it as such, we will be that much closer to the temple construction and Tribulation period.
Again, if the alternate location proves true, then the Wailing Wall (photos) was part of the Roman fort and not the temple as believed, and would lose its significance to what is considered a holy site, and place of prayer. Then what?
What if? … The significance of the Western Wall, known as the Wailing Wall, is clear in these photos, with both President Trump (in 2020) and Pope Francis (in 2014) recognizing its importance to the Jewish people. One can only imagine its significance when the Antichrist visits at the beginning of the Tribulation in his efforts to establish a peaceful settlement between Jews and Arabs, at which time he may authorize building of the 3rd temple, be it here or at the alternate site.
The City of David. Is this the true location of Solomon’s and Herod’s temples, as claimed by some? The videos (a couple of slide down) explains…
Some believe that the original City of David, shown here and the next slide, situated outside the City of Jerusalem’s walls, is the true location of the Jerusalem temple. You can see its relationship to the current Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock noted by the red arrow. That opinion also claims that the “Temple Mount” was really the location of Jerusalem’s Roman legion garrison, and gives their reasons for the claim. All of which is very, very significant and relevant to the End Times.
Red arrow points to the current Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock. Yellow arrow points to the location being claimed as the original temple location. What I didn’t hear being specifically mentioned is the second temple built by Herod (perhaps I missed it). Was it at the same location as the first temple planned by David and built by his son, Solomon in 1,000 BC? The first Temple was destroyed in 586 BC by Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, when he conquered Jerusalem. Reconstruction of the second temple under Herod began with a massive expansion of the Temple Mount. Herod's work on the Temple is generally dated from 20-19 BC until 12-11 or 10 BC. If true, it turns everything upside down including significance of the Wailing Wall, where orthodox Jews pray daily. Maybe that’s God’s plan to show them that the temple really isn’t relevant for praying to Jehovah God? Jesus Christ is! Perhaps this will be very clear when the two witnesses and 144,000 Jewish evangelists preach the Word during the Tribulation for converting devout Jews to Christ.
If this location is correct, there is no obstacle to building of the 3rd temple. The following link is a 30-minute video showing this alternate temple location (yellow arrow). Only God knows the truth, which He will reveal at the right time according to His pre-determined timetable. Perhaps the Antichrist is the one who will identify the correct location—being proclaimed a peacemaker by both Jew and Arab.
(sorry, but you have to copy and paste the link into your web browser)
The Tribulation will be a time of trial and punishment for a sinful world—a time of punishment for the wicked and redemption for the Jewish and gentile saints who would come to Christ during the Tribulation thanks to the Two Witnesses and preaching of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists in Revelation 11. We’ll let John MacArthur explain in his video sermon (next slide).
John MacArthur’s 1 hr. 17 minute sermon focuses on the “The Grim Reality of the Last Days” (Mark 13:1-13). The worse of the worst is described in Revelation 6 through 19. Does Islam fit into the Great Tribulation? About 60% of all the land that had once been part of the Roman Empire is now Muslim. Do not forget the End Times is the consequence of man’s sinful heart and actions. But the ray of hope now is the Church, but which is snatched away by Jesus before the time of Tribulation and Antichrist’s reign on the world-system.
(sorry, but you have to copy and paste the link into your web browser)
As we approach November 3 Election Day, our Nation is in dire need of prayer like never before in recent history. Pray for our Nation, our President, our Vice President, our Pastor, their families and our church. Pray also that we do not drift farther away from God as national priorities change as a result of this election at all levels of government. America is truly at a tipping point. American helped defeat enemies around the world, especially in WWII. But this time, the enemy is within our national institutions, even our Congress, where power is more important than policy; even our educational system teaching gender identity to young children. What has happened to us as a Nation and as a people? Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Lord, You are our only hope as a Nation and as a people. Please don’t abandon us we humbly pray, in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
Same question as before. I still haven’t received many “yeses” for returning to Heritage Lounge, but at some point, I will have to bite the bullet and set a date. As of now, it will be either November or December. Exact date still TBD.
A personal note: As of now, there is one more lesson to go in this study. Though it's crammed with information, it still falls short in covering the End Times thoroughly. A full study of Revelation would do so, but others have done a more thorough job with that study. Actually, I could go on for quite some time with different aspects of the Book of Revelation, but I was told it was a “heavy and depressing topic” so I won’t. But it would have been nice. Perhaps another time. Your feedback is always welcome.