Sunday, November 20, 2022

Are there any signs of America in the End Times? Why would we even consider it, since Revelation was written over 1900 years ago, long before there was an America? The Holy Spirit inspired John for a purpose. One, for addressing the 1st century church with a focus on seven specific churches. Like all of the Bible, Revelation is relevant for every generation. Is God speaking to us today through the Book of Revelation and its signs? How would we know if we’re not aware of the signs? I don’t see how one can study Revelation without having an interest in looking for such signs.

Was the Book of Revelation only intended for those seven churches and the 1st century Christians? Sadly, those churches no longer exist. What had once been the Roman Province of Asia, is now modern-day Turkey, almost 100% Islamic. Did those churches ignore Jesus’ message and warning? If yes, were there consequences for doing so? Perhaps. The Book of Revelation is relevant to us today just as it was to the early church. If it was only for the 1st century Church, a letter would have sufficed, but it’s in the Bible as the inspired Word of God without any limitations, just as the Book of Acts and the Epistles were written to the early Christians, but also apply equally to us. All of which has prompted me, while studying Revelation, to see signs around us that I believe are relevant for understanding Revelation. 

The slide describes those seven churches. Ephesus was a backsliding church. Pergamos was a licentious church, lacking in moral restraint. Thyatira was a lax church. Sardis was a dead church. Laodicea was a Lukewarm church. Only two, Smyrna and Philadelphia, were without criticism. This is probably just as much a cross section of today’s churches. If we, as the Church—the Body of Christ—didn’t give any thought to Revelation, there would be no compelling reason to change. Yet, Jesus warned these specific churches, all of whom, even those without criticism, no longer exist. The warnings as such apply to every church in every age. 

From as early as 184 AD, basilicas were built across much of Europe and the Mediterranean region for God’s glory and congregational worship. Anyone traveling to Europe, would see that basilicas tend to be more tourist attractions than places of worship. One example is St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, England. With room for up to 3,000 worshipers, only about 100 attended the Sunday worship service I participated in, while the back of the church experienced a steady stream of tourists. Just as Sardis was warned as being a church in name only, i.e., a dead church, we have every reason to believe that these churches are also warned in Revelation. 

Anyone reading the Book of Revelation will undoubtedly see that it consists of John’s images of prophecies yet to come. No one can read it and easily or fully understand it. It takes a lot of research and insight to come to any conclusion. And even with that, not everything will be understood until the time and place, and people it was intended for. 

Most believe the writer was the Apostle John, while a prisoner on the Isle of Patmos—a Roman penal colony. The title on the image refers to it as “the Gospel”. Revelation is the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and not just a 1st century letter. Generally, we only think of the first four books of the New Testament as Gospels. Yet, a gospel is a message concerning Christ, the kingdom of God and salvation, which we see throughout Revelation. 

Which takes us here. Based on a rapidly changing world, more and more people seem to be wondering if we are at the threshold of the End Times? One reason it caught my attention is that we are studying the Book of Revelation, and I have been researching the various interpretations for John’s “visions”. Let me be clear, I am not predicting the End Times. Only God knows when. But I am looking at world events and how they relate to the prophecies in Revelation. Our confidence should always be in God’s sovereignty. It will only come when He deems it to come. Nevertheless, we should take comfort in His everlasting love for us as His people. 

The question I need to address is, am I even close to understanding John’s prophetic images? Let me start with an explanation. I spent decades in aerospace designing spacecraft- and aircraft-systems, and solving complex system problems, by looking for clues and signs. I am also a history buff. As such, I have always been inclined to look for signs that led to specific historical events. Few things in history are random events. There were plenty of post WW1 signs, mostly ignored by the Allies, that led to WW2. Addressing those signs may have prevented WW2. Without signs one cannot recognize the root cause of problems. In today’s world, I am seeing signs pointing to the End Times. Of course, only God knows the date and time. Events and signs can and do change. So, let’s look at what Jesus tells us about the End Times….  

In v.3 Jesus' disciples weren’t aware that they were questioning two different events. In v.2, Jesus described the destruction of the Jerusalem temple by the Roman army in 70 AD. The Jewish nation was also destroyed, and their people scattered far and wide. The other event they asked about was His second coming at the end of the Seven Year Tribulation (Rev. 19:11-21), 

In v.4-6, Jesus looks ahead beyond 70 AD. Rome itself would fall in 476 AD. The Christians who lived in Rome at that time, were certainly alarmed as the city and nation met destruction. And yet, the end was still to come. Most believe that what Jesus is warning about goes way beyond the fall of Rome. But how far beyond? Let’s explore that further. 

None of the following slides are intended as just news articles, but as an observation of events relevant to what I see as signs of the End Times, based on Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation. The potential consequences of those events may very well put the world on a path to the End Times, which is what this posting is about. Will it happen in our lifetime? We don't know, but we certainly would want to be prepared. 

What was described as the “Cold War” between the Soviet Union and the United States (as leader of the free world) ended with the final collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. During that time, America’s resolve and military strength served as a deterrent to Soviet aggression, further contributing to its collapse. 

As Jesus told us in Matt. 24:6, one of the signs of the End Times is “wars and rumors of wars”. Is Russia’s unexpected invasion of the Ukraine one such sign? Could it have been avoided? Many believe a strong United States, as a NATO member, would have been a deterrent to its invasion of Ukraine. Has America lost its resolve? Is it no longer perceived as a world leader? As the war continues, will Russia miscalculate and use nuclear weapons? Would it draw NATO into a world war? That remains an open question. 

How desperate is Putin? How desperate are the hardcore Russians? A recent Russian Rally urged Putin to strike the US with their Nuke-Capable Satan II Missile—particularly against Washington DC. How insane is that knowing the U.S. would have the capability to launch a retaliatory strike?  But perhaps not the resolve?

The headlines on the slide is a big question mark on the world wide web. So why am I posting it? Again, Matt. 24:6, Jesus tells us there will be wars and rumors of wars. Hmmm? But He also tells us not to be alarmed, and that’s good enough for me. 

Nevertheless, the United States and its NATO partners are prepared, just in case. Five NATO carrier strike groups, including the US Navy’s supercarrier, are patrolling waters around Europe. Obviously, a message to Russia NOT to expand its aggression any further. Will the Russians calling for a nuclear strike against the US heed that warning? 

Let's go back to Matthew 24, where Jesus tells us that nation will rise against nation. We know it doesn’t apply to the first century Christians, since nothing like it occurred until the fall of Rome in 476 AD. Nor were there any major earthquakes or widespread famines recorded between 70 and 476 AD. Perhaps Jesus was looking ahead to WW2, which devastated all of Europe and Asia, like never before? Yet, no earthquakes, except perhaps the A-bombs dropped on Japan, that ended the war. So, was WW2 the beginning of End Times’ birth pains? More than a few believe so, and it does seem plausible. 

Jesus summarizes His Matt. 24 message with v.14. by telling us that the End Time will only come after the gospel has been preached to the whole world, which certainly didn’t happen in earlier centuries, but certainly is happening in our day and age. TV and satellites make it possible to reach the entire world. 

Matt. 24:7 also warns of famine as one of the signs of the End times. So, let’s explore that further. As previously noted, famine generally accompanies war. We are currently seeing signs of it in the Russia-Ukraine war. But is widespread famine even possible in today’s Western world and especially here in the United States? We will explore that further in our next posting. 

This concludes this week's blog posting, but there is plenty more to consider. Could today's Western world and even the United States face something even remotely close to famine as noted in Matthew 24 and Revelation? 
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