Saturday, August 27, 2022

When studying the Book of Revelation, one can’t help but conclude that as the End Times draws near, God’s patience with America will wain thin unless the people and policy leaders turn back to Him. One thing we can be certain of, God will not abandon His people who profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 

What prompted this post is the direction our government is taking us—a destructive path contrary to biblical principles and our Nation’s founding values. God’s grace gave us these United States. He also gave us the responsibility to live accordingly. Generations of Americans have done so. But times have changed. This week’s blog takes a journey we may not like, but we dare not forget. 

In today’s uncertain times, my prayer is that God does not abandon these United States. That the Holy Spirit may sway the hearts and minds of the American people to stand up to political and moral corruption and destructive policies, via the ballot box. This posting is not intended as a political message but a moral one! 

President Ronald Reagan reminds us that the role of the Christian is to do what we know is morally right, which includes taking the time to vote for people with the conviction and courage to do what is morally right. It can and will make a difference for the direction of our Country. If Christians don’t care enough, who will?

God decrees good and restrains evil in that it cannot exceed what He allows. But He uses that evil to achieve good. These United States exist by divine decree according to and for His purposes. It is a gift from God. We need to see and appreciate it as such. 

What a friend posted on Facebook: “We are now living in a country our Founding Fathers fought to Escape.” Their sacrifices and hardships should not be in vain. It’s up to those who love our Country to get to the polls in November. It’s the only way we can influence “political decisions” for good that deters evil. 

Declaration of Independence was only the beginning of a long struggle and costly war for Independence (1775-1783). God decreed the right people to be born in the right place at the right time; men who professed God as their Creator. They formed this Nation on biblical principles, supported by godly women who stood by them, prayerfully encouraged them, and endured the hardships with them.

The Constitution is the cornerstone of our form of government and freedoms. It serves as a safeguard that future generations would remain free of self-serving government. It begins with, “We the people…” In most of Europe at the time, people were subject to an overbearing government. In America it was taxation without representation. If England had allowed America to have representatives in the British Parliament, there would not have been a war for Independence, and America most likely would have remained part of the British Commonwealth to this day, but God decreed otherwise. 

The inauguration of George Washington, as the first president of the United States, was held on Tuesday, April 30, 1789, on the balcony of Federal Hall in New York City. Washington took the oath of office with his hand on the Bible—a precedent for all future presidents—reflecting both his beliefs and desires for the Nation. 

Washington declined a third term as president. A segment of Washington’s prayer when leaving office is as follows: “….I now make it my earnest prayer that God would have you, and the State over which you preside, in his holy protection; that he would incline the hearts of the citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to government, to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another, for their fellow-citizens of the United States at large, and particularly for brethren who have served in the field; and finally that he would most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific temper of mind, which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy nation." Washington's prayer rested on the premise of a limited federal government, as defined in the Constitution. The full prayer can be found on the following link that you can copy and paste into your web browser.

Chart shows major events that shaped the United States for each generation. Those elected to lead were chosen by the people, for better or for worse. When the people lose interest, government power and control will increase accordingly. The last two years provided plenty of evidence of that. 

How each generation thinks, sees the world around them, and their own relationship with God, will define America’s destiny going forward. Today’s decisions will shape the world that our kids and grandkids inherit—for better or worse. 

The WWII generation have been defined as the “Greatest Generation” because of the sacrifices they made. Without them willing to step up and fight axis tyranny, it would have been a very different world today, a far more dangerous one. Those born between 1928-1945 are referred to as the “Silent Generation”. Today’s United States is being shaped mostly by the Baby Boomers born between 1946-1964 (ages 46-76), children of returning WWII vets who sought the American Dream for themselves and their children. 

Roosevelt and Churchill were the world leaders that led the fight against the axis powers—Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. Today, we are facing a very different kind of battle and enemy, but a battle, nevertheless. One that will define America’s future or lack thereof. 

England prevailed against Nazi Germany’s overwhelming military might during the early years of the war, with US support. I believe if Christians stand up to the evil we see, and take positive steps to oppose it, we too can and will prevail.

To meet the axis threat, the “Greatest Generation” stormed the beaches of Normandy, France. D-Day came at a great cost of lives—American, Canadian and British on those beaches, and during the following weeks and months. 

Be it Democrat or Republican, the American people put their party affiliation aside with one goal, putting the troops first as America’s #1 priority, and defeat of the axis powers. Americans came together as one people, one Nation. And we know how that turned out. 

What they sacrificed for, we cannot afford to disregard and lose. November 2022 elections will determine the future path of our Nation—“full speed ahead on the same course” or “hell no!” If we don’t take the time to prayerfully participate in electing members of Congress, others will gladly do so, and we may not like the outcome. 

How Ronald Reagan saw his calling and duty as President. His words are not limited to the "greatest generation", but all those who sacrificed life and limb serving this Nation’ 
When the vets returned home after WW2, they changed the landscape, but not the values of America. 

Returning WWII vets gave America a whole new style of living. Coming from rural and urban backgrounds, they moved to newly established suburban communities springing up across the Nation. 

One such example is Levittown, NY, a post-WWII housing project, consisting of more than 17,000 single family affordable homes. My first home was in that specific community. Development of the community included several churches; a practice no longer followed in today’s America. 

President Ronald Reagan words, shown on the slide, are just as relevant today as when spoken. We have been given a gift that was fought for, worked hard for, and prayed fervently for, by that generation. A gift worth keeping and not let slip away. 

So, where does all of this leave us or take us? Many see America’s current struggle as a political battle between Red and Blue. It goes deeper than that as we see in Ephesians 6:12 on the next slide. 

Ephesians tells of the struggle taking place in the world of Paul's day and our day, in the political arena and the culture. The rulers of the darkness of this world have intensified their efforts to change our Nation; just as post WWI Germany was changed by Hitler and the Nazis; and Russia was changed by Lenin and the Communists. In both cases, evil prevailed. 

Paul wrote Ephesians around AD 62 while imprisoned in Rome. It was relevant for his time and just as relevant for today. Think of the Bible as a looking glass to assess the world and events taking place. It’s not a book just to be read, as one would read a book. As God’s people we need to take its lesson to heart, prayerfully applying them to our own lives and times. 

President Reagan’s words, spoken in 1984, should be pondered carefully. A biblical truth seen throughout history, as empires rise and fall. Certainly, worth reflecting on in today’s uncertain times. When a nation rejects Jesus Christ, there will be discord and chaos. 

There are lessons both in history and with Israel in the Bible, that if we ignore those lessons, we will be prone to repeat them. If God punished Israel for disbelief and turning away from Him, where does that leave the United States?

When we think of the Roman Empire, we think of a powerful, successful empire. Not a corrupt and fallen one. 

In 313 AD Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan that accepted Christianity: ten years later it became the official religion of the Empire. Though officially professing Christ, they did not live up to that standard. What is the lesson for the United States? Unless one follows Jesus Christ, not just in word, but in mind, heart and deed, it too is prone to fail. 

Rome was founded on a strong economic foundation. By its peak in 117 AD, the empire spanned approximately 1.5 million square kilometers (about 580,000 sq. miles) and was inhabited by around 130 million people. Trade was crucial to the growth of Rome’s economy. Its outstanding transport system allowed a huge variety of goods to be imported across its borders, contributing to its success. However, governing the empire was an expensive task with enormous military, administrative and logistical costs. A combination of several factors resulted in hyperinflation, heavy taxes, localization of trade and ultimately, a crippling financial crisis. All of the conditions that result in total failure for any nation that follows a similar path. 

We can be certain, the people of ancient Rome, surrounded by its glory and luxury, couldn’t even conceive of its destruction, yet it fell, first from within (noted on the following slides) to the degree that allowed invasion across its northern border bringing its destruction.

Circumstances in Rome were such that the people no longer felt bound to or supported their nation, as described on the slide. Are our schools creating similar feelings of distain by students for their Nation? As Jesus tells us in Luke 11:17, a house divided against itself, cannot stand.

We have not reached the stages shown on the slide, but it may very well be the direction we are heading. If you read Revelation, that is how the End Times are described. Is our current path leading to the End Times? Only God can answer that. But His timeline takes all things into consideration, especially how people live, think and believe.
Acts 4:12 contains a life changing message for the lost (those who reject Jesus), which will determine one's eternal destination. We need to remain mindful that God is sovereign over the affairs of man, but nevertheless, man is responsible for his actions and the consequences of those actions. Share it with a friend.

The End of this week's posting

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