Friday, April 17, 2020

Covenant Presbyterian Church

Sunday morning Foundations Classes
God's Positioning System (GPS)

Lesson #6
--the most current lesson is always on top
followed by earlier lessons posted below in descending order-- 
Point of information, you can magnify a slide by clicking on it.
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 In lesson #5 we temporarily set “Where are we going?” aside to look at “Where are we?” based on Jesus words in Rev. 22:13, being the Alpha and Omega—first and last letters of the Greek alphabet—the beginning and end of all creation--the basis for our study. 
Rev 22:13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.  NIV
Blog format switched to Power Point slides intended for Heritage lounge, because of the time and effort that went into them. Questions, comments, suggestions are always welcome. 

Not all of mankind is destined for the New Heaven and New Earth at the final resurrection (Rev. 20:7-10) facing the final judgment of all unbelievers. Jesus referred to this event as the resurrection of condemnation (John 5:29). This takes place in the void between the end of the present age & universe noted in Rev. 20:11 and the creation of the New Heaven and New Earth described in Rev. 21:1. 
21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. NIV

We are physical, unlike the angels who are spirit. Did Lucifer rebel before God decided to create Adam & Eve or did God’s creation of man lead to Lucifer’s rebellion? Something to ponder, but of course we can speculate, but we’ll never really know in this life. 

Angels were created all at once, while man procreates from generation to generation. Was Satan jealous that God gave man the gift of procreation?

We’re thinking in terms of the complexity of God’s creation down to the atom, the building blocks of all matter within the vast universe—from man to the farthest planet we have something in common—that it's all created from a careful assembly of atoms. 

Again we need to put it into perspective of God's creation. It also distinguishes the difference between angels and man. Man's physical side is formed from a collection of atoms, while angels are pure spirit. What we have in common is an immortal soul.

1 Corinthian 15:50

The bodies we have now are like the seed planted in the ground…the best is yet to come. 
(1 Cor. 15:35-38)

In the Bible “Stars” are often in reference to angels. There is such a thing as a spiritual body. Even angels are not a formless puff of smoke. They have shape and form just as we do, yet different. V41 gives reference to the different order of angels. Also we do not become angels when we die as many often give reference to.
 (1 Cor. 15-40-41).

All of the previous verses are a foreshadow of what is yet to come in our resurrected, glorified body. Again, angels were created with spiritual bodies. 
So, who are we? 
We are unique human beings, descendants of Adam and Eve.
The NIV says the same thing in fewer words. We will explore this further in our next lesson #7. I hope you are finding this study thought provoking and will join us next week. 
A place called heaven—which is where we’re going! So, where is it; what is it like?  Heaven is our next destination, but, there’s a New Heaven and New Earth yet to come. 

Yes, Heaven is our destination, immediately after death but there is yet more to come. 

God's plan is even a better Heaven and Earth, which will be a new creation more glorious than the first one in Genesis 1:1.  

There are a number of books that attempt to describe heaven; but it's like trying to describe a garden while looking through opaque curtains—we may get some insight, but it certainly falls far short of the reality. The reality is that the finite (us) can never fully imagine the infinite (God’s domain). 

God created man and placed him in a garden paradise on the earth (Gen. 1:26-27). A perfect environment with a perfect partner. Wow! The Bible also tells us Satan was cast down to earth (Rev. 12:7-9), but Scripture doesn’t tell us when. Was it before God created Adam? 
God created angels as spirit beings. He created man as a physical being. Angels, who reside at the very throne of God, were created before man, who was created to reside on earth.
Satan and his angels, were hurled from heaven to the earth. Being in the Garden of Eden to temp Eve, shows he was cast down prior to Adam’s sin. Did Satan’s fall have any impact on planet earth outside of the Garden of Eden? Or was the corruption of animals and plants due to Adam’s sin alone?

Hell is a place of eternal separation from God; a gloomy dungeon 
(2 Pet. 2:4), prepared for the devil and his angels 
(Matt 25:41). 

The sad part of the story of us, is that many openly and willfully reject God's Word--heard 24/7 on radio and TV, and consequently ignore His saving grace. More on that later in our study. Do they go to hell (for want of a better term right now) or does God have another plan for them? Is everyone's body--both saved and unsaved--resurrected? 
To be explored further in our study.
The White Throne Judgment is the final chapter of "Who are We?" "Where are We Going?"

Note: Prior to Sunday, blog may be subject to changes needed for clarification. 


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