Covenant Presbyterian Church
Sunday morning Foundations Classes
God's Positioning System (GPS)
Because He lives! Lesson #5
--most current lesson is always on top
followed by earlier lessons posted below--
--most current lesson is always on top
followed by earlier lessons posted below--
Easter Sunday marked a new chapter in American church life. Easter is the holiest day in the Christian calendar, but because of a virus, we could not gather together for worship. Many churches across the Country, were even forcibly shutdown. But, thanks to modern technology we were able to "join together" via live stream. Even our Sunday morning Foundations classes are now on line. How different will church life and life in general be going forward, due to the COVID-19 virus?
Israel as a people, never would have left Goshen in Egypt if God didn't compel them to leave. From the Egyptians perspective, the plagues were seen and experienced as disastrous, but from God's perspective, they were an essential part of His plan to accomplish good. It was His plan for giving the world a Savior, which was predicated on Israel returning to Canaan, the Promised Land as His people.

As God's people, Romans 8:28 assures us that God "works all things together for good!" Not just some things some of the time, but all things all of the time. Should we view the coronavirus in the same way as the image showing Jesus casting out demons? Why not? The message here is that Jesus is God, and yes, He can drive out viruses as easily as He drove out demons. We definitely need to pray that a solution and a cure will be forthcoming sooner rather than later and a vaccine for future protection, similar to the annual flu shot.
So, who are we? We are God's people, and the Bible is His book for us, yes, even the Old Testament promises to reassure and comfort us as in Isaiah 41:10 posted below. At some point the quarantine will end and life will return to some degree of normal. Just how normal and routine is still TBD.
God's message in 2 Chronicles 7:14 below, is clear. Pray, pray, pray. Only a return to God can truly heal our land.
The Bible is clear in many places that prayer is a vital part of being the Church. Suppose every Christian in America took 2 Chronicles 7:14 seriously. Would God heal our land? He says He would.
So then, Who are We?
Where are We Going?
Lets look at where we are, before we delve into where we are going. Planet earth was where God put the Garden of Eden, a perfect place created for Adam and Eve.
Yet, it is just a speck within the greater universe.
Yet, it is just a speck within the greater universe.
Gen. 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
God created man and placed him on planet earth; a small part of the solar system shown in the image; the center of which is the sun; which is actually just one of trillions of stars within the universe. Did God create the entire universe when He created man? Did He create it for man for some yet unseen purpose? Obviously, our study will not be able to answer that question. Nevertheless, we will look at what Genesis 1:1 is telling us as best we can. Our solar system is but a tiny part of the Milky Way galaxy, which is what we see when looking at a clear evening sky. If that isn't thought provoking regarding the full meaning of Genesis 1:1, then you haven't really thought about it. So, lets take a moment and look beyond the Milky Way galaxy. The million of stars we see from planet earth are contained within this galaxy, beyond which lies.... (next image)
The arrow in the next image points to what our Milky Way would look like within the nearest group of galaxies. The Milky Way itself is but a small part of the universe as we know it. How breathtaking is that? God didn't just create a small garden, He created a vast universe, the true scope of Genesis 1:1.
So our study will take a brief look at where we are as noted in Genesis 1:1, so lets step back for a moment and look at "where we are going" which from our perspective is beyond the scope of where we are, even beyond the entire universe as noted above.
The Bible tells us that when death claims us, it is not the end of life, but that our soul is immediately destined for a place called heaven. I think we can all find comfort in that promise.
God bless! Hope you will return for our next lesson #6.
Earlier lessons #4, 3, 2 and 1 (three parts) follow below.
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