Tuesday, June 13, 2023


We begin our study of Revelation with background information. We will also be looking at Revelation verse-by-verse, but overall it will be a topical study including signs of the End Times as presented in Revelation. In looking at any book of the Bible, I try to set the stage of its relevance for us, looking at when it was written and how it would apply to today’s world and church. Revelation presents future prophesy. But interpreting it also rests on historical and even current events, which we will look at, as appropriate. 

The question anyone will ask in reading Revelation is “How close are we?” How can we even know if we don’t recognize the signs? A scholarly study with every biblical reference is better left to the Bible scholars. You would be overwhelmed with details you would forget as soon as you logged off. BUT, we will delve into it sufficiently to understand its message, and it's relevance to us individually and collectively.  

Revelation was written as future prophecy portrayed in images, of things yet to come. First century Greek and knowledge is used to convey 21st century events. As such, it's not an easy study. Nor can you just read the text to fully understand its relevancy. It also raises a question. “Is Israel relevant to the Book of Revelation?” Some say no / some say yes. Whatever view one holds will determine how they see and interpret the events mentioned in Revelation.

To fully understand Revelation, we need to step back to Daniel’s 70-weeks prophesy; 69 weeks of which are O.T. history, with the 70th week constituting the future 7-year Tribulation. Scholars agree that each week equals 7 years, the past 483 years (69 weeks) and the future week of seven years, yet to come. The above chart lays it out. Note the key events: the rapture, the tribulation, the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, the 1,000 yrs. Millennium, the Great White Throne Judgment of all sinners from all of history. 

One’s interpretation of Revelation often rests on one’s preconceived beliefs. Many believe God rejected the Jews in 70 AD, as punishment for crucifying Christ, thus replacing them with the Church. But there are yet unfulfilled O.T. prophesies, that were made to Abraham and Israel. Though some believe they do apply to the Church, many Bible scholars don’t see how O.T. Jewish prophesies suddenly switch to the N.T. Church, especially in light of the rebirth of Israel in 1948. A fact not easily ignored. 

Disagreement begins here. In 70 AD, Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed by the Romans with the Jews being scattered. Since Israel no longer existed, early Church Fathers saw the Church as the new Israel. And that God’s unfulfilled promises to Israel now applied to the Church, because God doesn't discard His promises. No one down through the centuries could have foreseen or anticipated the rebirth of Israel as a nation. 

Map shows how the Jews were scattered across the known world, and even farther over time. No one could possibly have foreseen the rebirth of Israel almost 2,000 years later, which made all the difference in how Revelation was interpreted by the early Church. I think the next couple of slides will surprise you regarding the relevance of Israel.   

Over time, Jews escaping persecution, migrated further east, even as far as China. With great surprise, I first learned this as a pre-teenager from a book I read at my local NYC library, pertaining to Chinese Jews as shown on the slide.

Some Chinese Jews have immigrated to Israel. Chinese Jews in Israel comprise several separate groups many of whom have immigrated there as foreign students. Is God calling His people home to the very land promised to Abraham and his descendants? (Gen. 17:3-8) 

Emperor worship was demanded during much of the Roman Empire. Emperor Nero needed a scapegoat and blamed Christians for fires that destroyed much of the City of Rome. As Christians we are not of this world, but we certainly are in this world and affected by it in almost every aspect of life. The Antichrist will be cruel and evil, even worse than Nero and Hitler. It's believed that many will convert to Christianity during the Tribulation and be persecuted, even put to death. So, thank God for the Rapture. As such, we should be praying for our Nation, our loved ones, our pastor, his family, and our church. 

We are told in Ephesians 6 that we are in a spiritual struggle against the forces of evil in the heavenly realms. When the church sits back and doesn’t engage in the battle, Satan and those that follow him, will prevail. God knows how much effort and prayer His people will put into it and may have set His timetable for the End Times, accordingly. 

Our Sunday morning study is referred to as "GPS: God’s Positioning System". Revelation is not an easy 1, 2, 3 study. One reason is because there are different views regarding how to interpret it. My premise is that Israel is relevant and that the Church did not replace Israel in God’s plans. My goal in presenting Revelation is to discern God’s truth as best we can, with a great deal of research, including noting the different views held in today’s church. 

And now, for our journey into the Book of Revelation. We will read all of the verses as we go through it, but this is not going to be what one would call a verse-by-verse study, but we will delve deeper into the key verses. It definitely will be a long study, all 22 chapters. 

There are four principal views within the Church as shown on the slide. Postmillennial View: no Rapture; Jesus returns after the 1,000 year millennium. 2 Premillennial Views: 1. No rapture, no Tribulation; Christ returns and rules for a 1,000 years; 2. Rapture prior to the 7-yr Tribulation; then the return of Christ with the raptured saints, for 1,000 yr. rein on earth. Amillennialism View: rejects that Christ will have a 1000-yr reign on earth--that the Millennium is symbolic—a view held by Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and some Protestant denominations. This overview should help as we go through our study. 

Revelation opens with a warning to 7 churches. You may want to read each chapter on your own to get the full measure of Jesus' Revelation, as recorded by John.`

I believe charts are helpful in putting things into perspective. The first three chapters of Revelation are Jesus’ message to those specific churches. It's followed by chapter 4, when John is taken up to heaven to the throne room of God. 

We call Revelation a book, actually it was a letter. Its opening chapters were initially intended for the seven churches John addresses, and then the church in general as it was circulated throughout the Roman Empire. Its relevance hasn't diminished with time. 

The number seven represents completion, and even totality. The pros and cons are addressed to those specific churches, but most likely represent all churches across the region of the Roman province of Asia (modern day Turkey) and beyond, as well as all churches down through history. I’m certain, as it circulated, each church reading it saw similar traits of their own as noted for those particular churches. 

V.3 tells us it's a blessing just to read Revelation. I believe we are encouraged to do so, so that God’s people are both aware and ready when the time does come. The first century Christians suffered persecution. As the End Times unfold, all churches will suffer persecution. Jesus was clear that we will not know the exact time of its coming, but we won’t be able to recognize it if we can’t recognize the signs presented in Revelation. Our job is to interpret those signs as best we can, even as they apply to today's rapidly changing culture. The signs will increase and intensify as we approach the unfolding of the End Times. Nevertheless, in Matt 24:42, Jesus tells us to keep watch. That's good enough for me. 
42 "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. 

When John wrote Revelation, most of his life was behind him. John’s age, when he wrote it, is placed, in his 80s or early 90s. Map shows the location of the isle of Patmos (yellow arrow), where he wrote it, which is a Greek island, in spite of its close proximity to Turkey. The first 3 verses speak volumes about Revelation and why it’s worth our time. 

We will pick up at chapter 1 on our next posting.
Posting was delayed but will be added in Aug. 2023. 

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