Friday, February 10, 2023

So goes the Church, so goes the Nation. During the years immediately following WWII this was a common sight (picture on slide). During the late 1940s and 1950s, only 2% to 3% of Americans did not report a formal religious identity when asked about it in Gallup surveys.

At the end of WWII, Americans celebrated victory over Germany and Japan. Millions of service men and women returned home to pick up their lives or to start new ones. A reminder that the peace, freedom and way of life we have enjoyed for decades wasn’t free, it came at a great price and sacrifice. 

To accommodate returning WWII servicemen, Levittown, NY was built by Levitt & Sons from 1947 to 1951. It consisted of more than 17,000 homes, with schools, shopping centers, and even churches incorporated into the community. For which I was very grateful, since it provided an opportunity to buy my first, affordable house in the mid-60s, moving from Bronx, NY. Attending church was the norm for most of my neighbors, some of whom were WWII vets. Levitt went on to build two other similar communities, one in Pennsylvania and one in New Jersey.

On Oct. 27, 1964, Ronald Reagan delivered his famous address at the Republican National Convention, years before he became president—also known as “A time of choosing”. How easy it is for so many to forget. Share it with a friend. 

Values and training of children begins in the home, in the church, and in the schools, as we are told in Proverbs 22:6.  My love of God and Country began in my early years, both with family and in elementary school. I retained that love for God and Country—in that order—over the course of my life—even enlisting in the US Army out of love of country and gratitude to God for these United States.  

Things began to change in the early 1960s and are still changing at an even faster pace. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan addressed the Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast in Texas which included the words noted on the slide. They were words of caution that freedom cannot be taken for granted, including religious freedom.  

The USA is one of the few countries in the world where the citizens decide the course of their life, and not dictated by the government or one of its agencies. 

Our Nation was established as a Republic, whose freedoms rest on and are rooted in the US Constitution, A Nation of the people, by the people and for the people, as stated in the Constitution. 

George Washington’s inauguration as president, was April 1789, in the old city hall, New York City. His swearing in oath was with his hand placed on the Bible. A precedent followed by every president since. 

As we saw with George Washington, leadership matters! “One Nation Under God” was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954, proposed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to Congress, and acted upon. Politics are important, because they not only establish but can change the course of a nation, especially when the people don't show an interest. 

The Nazis gained political power that changed the course of Germany and the world. Communism gained political control in Russia, Cuba, and China, with similar results. It isn’t something “out there”. It is something very much “in here”. If Christians have no interest in serving in government, especially the State House and U.S. Congress, others with far different values will gladly run and fill those offices, something that has been and is happening.

Which takes us here. The above photo was taken in 2007 at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, celebrating my inauguration as President of the Orange County Div. of the League of California Cities. As Mayor and City Council member, I also served on several county, regional and state committees, I have never lost my love of country or interest in politics. So goes our political system, so goes our Nation. I prayerfully continue my interest today. Why is it important? The next slide explains. 

Anyone following current events, in Congress—available on CSPAN—and the evening news, will see evidence of disunity and conflict, along with a corresponding increase in crime in major cities, and will readily recognize that our Nation is in crisis, including aspects of our federal and state governments' leadership. 

The real battle is here (Eph 6:12). Satan is alive and well on planet earth and deeply entrenched in many of its worldly institutions. 

Nevertheless, God is Sovereign over both good and evil. Evil began with Satan, a mighty archangel who rebelled against God and then tempted Adam and Eve to sin against God. As such, man’s fallen nature is inherited from Adam & Eve, along with the propensity to sin for self-gratification and personal gain. When Christians lose interest and withdraw from the world around them, Satan’s influence will fill that void. As we see in the Book of Revelation, the day will come when God’s wrath pours out on an increasingly evil world.

Genesis 50 gives us a vivid example of God’s sovereignty over evil. When Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery out of jealousy and hatred, God used it to accomplish His plans to save the Israelites and even the Egyptians from famine. We never know how God is working in any circumstances. Be ever mindful that God is sovereign over the affairs of men. Even when man is hellbent on accomplishing evil for his own good and personal gain. 

We need to understand who God is to understand His sovereignty and that He has a plan. 

The awesome power of God is witnessed in the universe down to the smallest atom. God created and holds the universe together by His Word. It is vast and well beyond our comprehension and imagination. As we are told in Genesis 1:1-2 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 

Anyone studying the Book of Revelation will readily recognize that the world is heading for a time of darkness and evil. God didn’t give us a timetable, but nevertheless it is real. Statistics show that the number of people who profess to be Christian is in decline. Does it have any significance? A pastor friend stated it this way: That God is separating the chaff from the wheat. Which raises the question: Is it taking us that much closer to the End Times in the Book of Revelation? 

Should Christians wonder why there is a decline in the number of churches?  How many have wondered at a Sunday morning church service, “Where have all the missing people gone?” Have those who no longer attend been contacted to ask why they haven’t returned? Should they be? Better yet, why shouldn’t they be? 

So, why are churches on the decline?  Covid-19 is definitely one reason. Nevertheless, one is forced to ask: Is God separating the chaff from the wheat? Not everyone in the Church is of the Church. People attend church for many different reasons, which is why the Gospel message is so important and even essential. God uses it to change hearts. 

Definitely an example of chaff vs. wheat—when a church embraces the culture at the expense of the Gospel and Word of God. We are not saved by church attendance, but it is where we hear the Word of God. We are saved by grace alone, through faith professing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 

Statistics show a significant decline in the number of church closures in the USA. So where have all those people gone? 

According to Lifeway Research statistics, the number of church closures may be increasing. Their statistics also show a drop in those who identify as Christian, with a greater number of young people leaving the church, while embracing cultural norms. Are those churches substituting a cultural message in lieu of the Gospel message? 

John Calvin’s statement is very telling and can make all the difference in how we see Jesus Christ and the church. Christ's death on the cross wasn’t an example of self-denial to be followed, but a symbol of hope in that He died as a reparation for our sins, an affront against a Holy God, something we are incapable of achieving on our own merits. 

What does it mean to be “the Elect”? They are those who are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. We may fail to understand it at times, but it is not something we can walk away from—if we are truly born again! 

As people fall away from the church, it’s important to know that apostasy doesn’t happen overnight. Stay strong in the faith and church attendance to reinforce faith through the Word of God. As the world drifts from God, it is important to stay anchored to Him in prayer and worship. 

God doesn’t force people to profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, but the Holy Spirit does change our heart to profess Him. Be grateful that He has called you to Him through Jesus Christ. 

Read John chapter 3 to see the full context of Jesus’ message to Nicodemus, regarding being born again. It is a gift from God through grace and not something we earn or merit. It is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. 

Both spiritual freedom and national freedom have come at a great cost. Yet, we are a nation of people who are drifting away from our founding values. Our freedom has never been free. It can and has been retained at great cost. Our spiritual freedom has also come at great cost—by the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ. We close with words of caution by President Ronald Reagan, that liberty is delicate and easily lost. We are already beginning to see it slip away. 

We are reminded that prayer has power, something we should never underestimate. We will continue this theme in our next posting before the end of February. 

End of 1st February Posting

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