Friday, December 16, 2022

The End Times does have a start date. Exactly when, we don’t know. But, since the Book of Revelation is in the Bible, as such, it is the inspired Word of God and warrants our time to read and even understand it as best we can. Yes, the images are complex and difficult to understand unless one delves into the various studies, interpretations and related commentaries. Something we are doing in our Sunday morning Foundations class in Heritage Lounge. It’s not too late to join us. 

The End Times will come with “signs” indicating the unfolding of events in Revelation. Even if the Tribulation is way out there in the future, the path is being laid right now, taking us that much closer. Even if it’s out in the future, there are lessons to be learned as God’s people.

When watching the even news, one can’t help but notice the changes taking place in America. Our wide-open southern border with an estimated ½ a million illegals per month, added to the 2.4 million that entered in 2022. Illegal drugs pouring in killing 100,000 per year, mostly youth. Gender fluidity taught in schools down to the lowest grade levels, even teaching children that they can change their gender (without parental permission). That’s just a couple of the many changes, most of which occurred during these last two years.

The post WWII America we grew up in is rapidly disappearing. We are divided politically, culturally and even racially, like never before. 

Some may believe Jesus’ words were intended for that generation. Or is it also a prophecy of what is yet to come? The message very well applies to today, as well as yesterday. America can continue on a destructive path, or the Church can prayerfully seek its role in turning America back to One Nation Under God, as it once had been. 

A prayerful word of caution is warranted in today’s politics, for our school agendas, our universities, and our changing culture. It certainly is a time for “caution”. For 2,000 years the Church has been called to turn society to God, through His Son Jesus Christ. The same is equally true for today’s generation. 

The church is called to be eagles when facing challenges and not ostriches hiding from them. 

Even in a fallen world, the Lord watches over His people. He lifts them up and guides them according to His plan. Never lose hope, even in a fallen world, which began in the Garden of Eden. God’s people have always made a difference. 

Be ever mindful that our strength is in the Lord. He gives strength to the weary! Keep that thought in mind as we explore Revelation and the End Times, as a time of prayer and not a time of fear. 

Revelation introduces the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, beginning the Tribulation, including the Red horse signifying war and the Black horse signifying famine. I believe God will give His Church ample warning with signs, as a time to share the Gospel with those around us. How would you respond if you saw signs that the Tribulation was close at hand? Who would your first thoughts be for? Most likely, your loved ones and friends. 

The Antichrist is described in Revelation 6:2. As noted in the previous slide, his bow doesn’t have arrows, serving as a symbol of strength, not as a symbol of war. Nevertheless, he comes to conquer and not as a peacemaker as first implied. 

Rise of the Antichrist is described in the Book of Daniel’s 70th week prophecy, where he describes the different kingdoms, all of which have passed including the Roman Empire, but there will be a remnant of the Roman Empire from which he will rise to power.

For those not familiar with Daniel’s 70th week prophesy. 69 of those weeks occurred in the Old Testament ending at the time of Christ, with one week yet unfulfilled. Each day signified a year, the last week signifies the 7-year Tribulation. A time when God’s wrath is poured out on a sinful, unrepentant world, that does not repent at His wrath but curse Him for it. 

Which part of the Roman Empire is Daniel prophesying about? Most believe it's the European Union. Others believe it could very well be within the Middle East which had also been part of the Roman Empire. Thus comes one of the difficulties in interpreting Revelation. At just the right time in history, he will be recognized. 

We can be at the threshold of what is to come, or just seeing clues of what lies ahead. 

War and famine are the opening events of the seven-year Tribulation. This is not intended to scare anyone but only—as the Church—to make us aware of such signs, and to respond as the Holy Spirit leads us, otherwise it would not be in the Bible as the inspired Word of God. It’s in the Bible for a reason.  

The Red Horse signifies war and taking away of peace. Many believe this occurs after the Rapture of Christians. Others believe it will take place midway through the Tribulation to inspire the Church to evangelism. Nevertheless, we can’t lose sight that there will be 144,000 Israelite evangelists—12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel.

Again, the Book of Daniel prophecies that the Antichrist will rise from within a remnant of the ancient Roman Empire, perhaps today’s European Union or elsewhere within the former Roman Empire, perhaps Iraq, home of ancient Babylon. One thing certain is that he will not be an American. An obvious, and significant, sign of the End Times is a greatly weakened United States on the world stage, no longer looked to as leader of the free world, and no longer a deterrent to aggression on the world stage. We see an example of that in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.   

Are there pending consequences of the Russian-Ukraine war? Can NATO get dragged into the conflict by a Russian miscalculation? It’s a possibility that only time will tell. How can a war so far away effect food supplies in the United States?

In Matthew 24:6-8 Jesus tells of “war and rumors of war”, described as “birth pains”—the beginning of what it yet to come. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has threatened a large part of the world’s food supply, by halting Ukraine Black Sea grain exports, thus blocking attempts to ease a global food crisis in third world countries. Not only grain, but also export of fertilizer to Europe and the U.S. Without fertilizer, there is no planting by farms. 

Which leads us here. The third of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is a Black horse. The rider holds a scale, signifying sparse supplies, leading to famine. We recognize this as a reality of the Tribulation period yet to come. Are such signs beginning to unfold today? 

There have been warnings of pending food shortages associated with the Russian-Ukraine war. We are becoming quite familiar with empty supermarket shelves. Something not previously seen in America. Again, the Black Horse symbolizing famine, which follows the Red Horse symbolizing war, just as we are seeing in Ukraine. Do those events serve as hints of what is yet to come? 

American farms have always been self-sufficient in producing enough food for the Nation, even sufficient for export. 

We take for granted the decades of productivity of American farms. Anyone traveling through northern California would readily recognize its acres of rich farmland, equally true across much of the interior United States. But such productivity has limits. It’s called fertilizer and diesel fuel. 

Sufficient energy is vital for almost everything. Diesel fuel is derived from crude oil along with gasoline, kerosene, and other household products. It’s used to power trucks, trains, ships and planes, all of which transport nearly all the products people consume. Diesel powers farm equipment. Farmers cannot plant and trains and trucks cannot deliver products to local supermarkets, without diesel— leading to empty shelves. 

What’s stated above is true of Europe, especially Germany dependent on Russian energy resources. Their supply has been interrupted. The prediction, as stated, appeared on a “web-news” site. If American farmers can’t get their supply of fertilizes or diesel fuel, it will mean less planting and fewer crops. As to what degree, we don’t yet know. 

Both food and energy are affected by the Russia-Ukraine war. I’ll let this slide speak for itself. And yet, on the flip side, a recent Kremlin report stated that Putin is open to talks with Biden to end Ukraine war. We need to be ever mindful that God is sovereign over the affairs of man and will only allow what fits His plan to occur. In all circumstances, we need to take refuge and comfort in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and not fret over events or signs, as we are told in Ephesians. 

In Ephesians, Paul reminds us in v.12, that our struggle isn’t a physical one. As we are told in v.13, our defense is to put on the full armor of God, and to stand our ground.

V.14-16 describe our weapons, including putting on the full armor of God so that we can extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. 

Along with the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, we are “to pray in the Spirit” on all occasions, praying for all the saints. In other words, God equips us for the battle. 

We will continue to explore “signs” of the End Times in future posts along with other topics. But this is the last posting for 2022.

Have a blessed and Merry Christmas as we celebrate the reason for the season. And a blessed New Year for you and yours. 

End of this year's postings.

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