The intensity of evil v. good will vary from generation to generation. When the Christian Church is strong, evil is weak. When the Church is weak, evil gains strength and influence. It would normally read, “Good v. Evil”, why then does it state “Evil v. Good”? Evil is on the attack, Good is the protective barrier for God’s people. In today’s world, it seems that good may be drawing back, thus allowing evil to prevail in certain areas and under certain conditions.
Note: This will be our last posting for a while: TBD.
As we are told in Isaiah 14 (next slide), Satan was referred to as the “morning star”, who rebelled against God, along with one third of the angels who followed him, all of whom were cast out of heaven, only to become demons as noted in the Four Gospels.
Satan was one of the highest-ranking angels. He allowed his heart to be filled with pride and lust for power, which led to his fall. His hatred of God and lust for power go unabated, working through man along with is demonic angels.
The rebellion of Satan is noted both in Isaiah and here in Revelation. His lust for power and hatred of God continues working here on earth, influencing man just as he influenced Eve and then Adam in the Garden.
Satan’s attempt to destroy God’s creation began in the Garden of Eden, first with the temptation of Eve, and then Adam. Both succumbed to his lies and turned from God. Consequently, the fallen human race has continued to follow suit, putting self before God at all levels of wealth, position and power. Demonic influence is real and will intensify at certain times just as we saw with Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. But like Satan, they too fell and were destroyed by “Good” empowered by God with strength and guidance, just as we saw in the Old Testament history of the Israelites, as God’s Chosen People.

Throughout history and the Bible, the degree of evil intensified when people turn away from God. The struggle Paul writes about in Ephesians 6:12 has varied from generation to generation depending on their relationship with God. Something each generation must ponder and pray about. The powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms, though invisible, are very real, so are God’s angels who restrain evil.
The dark powers and spiritual forces are fallen angels of every level, influencing the world and many of its leaders, just as Satan influenced Adam and Eve to break their bond with God, and Judas to betray Jesus, and Pontius Pilate to crucify Jesus, and Adolf Hitler to kill six million Jews.
The victory over evil was won by Jesus Christ, who paid for our sins on the cross, and through all the trials and anguish that preceded it.
The existence of evil is always a call to prayer. God has a legion of angels restraining demonic angels from unleashing their full furry on mankind. As we are told in 2 Chronicles 7:14, if God’s people will pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways, He will hear us and heal out land; even from the evil that exists in today’s world.
Which brings us here and raises the question: Is evil increasing? If so, is the world moving further and further away from God and toward the End Times, laying the path for the rise of the Antichrist and time of Tribulation?
Fallen angels are active in this world. As we are told in 1 John 3:8-10 – 8 He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. 9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10 This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God; nor is anyone who does not love his brother.

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech during a military parade on Victory Day, celebrating victory over Nazi Germany in WWII. Yet, Russia’s attack on the Ukraine followed the same types of atrocities the Nazis used, murdering civilians and bombing residential areas. This celebration took place as Russian forces fight Ukrainians in one of the deadliest European conflicts since the end of World War Two, 77 years ago, with civilian deaths in the thousands. An antichrist? There are many antichrists as John tells in 2 John 7 who also wrote Revelation as a direct revelation from Jesus Christ.
Russia’s invasion is leaving the Ukraine in ruins with thousands killed, dying and displaced, both civilians and children. We can definitely see the “powers of this dark world” at work, just as they were with Nazi Germany, leading to an estimated 70 to 85 million who perished during that war.
There are many forms of evil in the world, both on a group and individual level. I think it’s a valid question for pro-abortion advocates to ponder: Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."
We’ll let God’s Word speak on behalf of the unborn child.
Under Roe v. Wade, either one or both babies could have been aborted at that moment. Is this a political issue as some claim, or a moral one? Whose life will be snuffed out? What potential blessings to the world around them will also be snuffed out with them? The baby Mary carried was Jesus. The baby Elizabeth carried was John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin.
Both Jesus and John came forth out of the womb. Jesus as Savior, and John to announce His coming as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, without whom there would be no salvation!
Pro-abortion protests in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. The 1973 Supreme Court decision known as Roe v. Wade legalized abortion across the entire United States, overriding State laws that put restrictions on abortion-on-demand. See description on the next slide. It was “leaked” that the current Supreme Court may set that decision aside leaving it, one again, up to each state to decide. The “fury of hell” broke out in response to that leaked pending formal Supreme Court decision. The “powers of this dark world” at work.
Looking back on Roe v. Wade. What’s all the uproar about? Why is there such a demand for taking the life of an unborn child? I think the answer lies in Ephesians 6:12.

The spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms are the fallen angels who rebelled with Satan against God. They prompt every evil thought and deed for those who deny God. They also attempt to influence Christians, if we let them. Who are the powers of this dark world? They are evil spirits that hold the physical world under the grip of darkness by an assault on the mind. It’s believed that Satan has given these spirits charge over belief systems that tie men’s minds to religious works, false gods, and systems of thought that are opposed to the worship of the Creator God, the Lord; and oppose the very Word of God, concerning the meaning of life. We are seeing this force in response to that leak that they Supreme Court may overturn the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade, in that it would allow each state to decide. Anyone witnessing the TV news reports, will readily recognize that the forces of hell have been released.

Those who hold positions of power, who are influenced by Satan or his demons, will bring grief to the world by their decrees, just as we see in the following slides. Is this a political battle or a spiritual one? Yes! It is a spiritual battle in the political arena. What better way to sway the Nation? One weapon Christians have in this spiritual battle, is to vote for those who support life at every stage, even in the womb.
How quickly we forget history. When Christians do not engage in the public square for good, evil will prevail and fill critical, influential, political, and legal offices with those who oppose God’s Word. It gives Satan and his demons a basis for swaying the world for evil.
A baby in the womb is a "yet to be born person" with a soul, and not part of the woman’s body. He or she is a totally different, individual person with an eternal soul created by God, who if aborted is being denied life, never to know his/her mother or experience an awareness of God, through His Son, Jesus Christ.
How much is a human life worth? How much is an unborn baby worth? The current Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, believes letting them be born will have a negative impact on the economy. They will all be accountable before a Holy God.
Is abortion an economic or a moral issue? In some cases, abortion even up until the very moment of birth is deemed acceptable. Read Yellen’s rationale and see if it’s political or moral? They will all be held accountable for every discarded life, before a Holy God at the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev. 20:11). Oh my!
These are the standards Secretary Yellen is comparing, being in favor of the economy at the expense of yet to be born children. How do you put a dollar value on an unborn child? We’ll let Jesus tell us in Matt 19:13-14 – 13 Then little children were brought to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked those who brought them. 14 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
The those that engage in sex, the way to avoid abortion is to use birth control. Abortion is not a form of birth control. It is killing of a yet to be born infant, who has a soul and right to life.
America was built on individual freedoms—not to be confused with license to do anything one pleases even killing an unborn child. Nor does any agency of government have the right to restrict those freedoms protected under the Constitution, including voicing opposition to evil in the public square or stating biblical opposition to immoral government decrees.
Yet, this is exactly what is happening with the recently created "Disinformation Governance Board", as noted on the slide, as a department within the Department of Homeland Securing, who is doing nothing to secure our southern border. Freedom of speech gives Americans the right to express themselves without having to worry about government interference. It’s the most basic component of freedom of expression protected by the Constitution. Elimination of such freedoms will pave the way for the rise of the Antichrist. Those who lust for power will gladly welcome him.
Here’s a similar, and yet important lesson from history. Hitler’s rise to power began with Joseph Goebbels as his propaganda czar. The Antichrist will have such a czar, perhaps multiple czars in all countries with those seeking to gain or retain their own power at any cost. If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it. We are seeing it in the Ukraine since all the warning signs were ignored by NATO.
Do we as a Nation and as a people still put our trust in God? Or was that just a passing phase of history?
Is “In God We Trust” only words on our currency? "In God We Trust" first appeared on American currency in 1864 and was placed on all currency in 1955. The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed that the motto does not violate the First Amendment's protection from government endorsing a religion or a person's right under the Religious Freedom Restoral Act.
We are reminded in Psalm 56 of the importance of those words, not just on our money, but in our mind and heart. Pray for America and for the upcoming November elections, that men and women of good will, will be elected to hold office at both the federal and state levels, and yes, even the School Boards.
End of this week's posting.
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