Friday, April 29, 2022

How often did your kids ask that question when on a road trip?  “Are we there yet?” Truthfully, the world is also on a road trip. The America we see now is a very different and much transformed America, which raises that same question: “Are we there yet?” We may not be there yet, as we told our kids, but we will get there. We don’t know how it will turn out, but we do know that God is sovereign over the affairs of man. Yet, man’s decisions have consequences; but prayer has blessings—when affirmed by God. 

What America do you envision over the next 10 to 20 years? One that turns to God in troubling times or one that drifts further away from Him? Only time will tell as we explore this very question.

Did you ever wonder why God created and blessed the United States of America? If it wasn’t for the existence of America, and its efforts in WWII, Nazi Germany would have conquered all of Europe and even the Middle East. Every Jew in those occupied countries would have suffered the miseries of the Holocaust and eventual death. The rebirth of Israel never would have occurred. And America never would have been a “Shining City on a Hill!” It all speaks of the Sovereignty of God over the affairs of man. So, have you wondered, what are God’s plans for America going forward? 

Have you ever paused and wondered what our nation may look like in just a few short years? Will we see an entirely different America, with the latest policy decisions and material being taught in schools: Critical Race Theory and Critical Gender Theory—where children decide their gender, and not their birth? Will the church see these changes as an occasion for evangelism? 

Several respected, well-known pastors, whose church services are broadcast on TV, have recently focused on the End Times and Book of Revelation. Why?  Let me answer with one quick response: “Sign of the End Times seem increasingly prevalent and evident.” We can shrug our shoulders, and say, “Oh well!” Or we can listen to what Jesus tells us in Mark 13:33 Be on guard! Be alert ! You do not know when that time will come. 

Some believe Jesus’ prophesy in Mark 13:33, was about the future destruction of the Jerusalem temple by the Romans; some equate it with the end times destruction of a 3rd temple. Some see a broader context, intended for every generation to be alert for what was to come in their generation, since we are told in 1 John 2:18, that there would be many antichrist. Looking at WWII, there were many signs regarding Hitler’s intended conquests, which were mostly ignored, leading to WWII. There were also signs regarding Putin’s plans to invade the Ukraine, but again, mostly ignored until it happened. The End Times will be no different. What are the “signs”? 

The bottom line in all prophecy and current events is God’s sovereignty. God is sovereign over the affairs of man in every generation until the very end of time. God is not a bystander watching a play, nor is He a puppet-master pulling the strings for man’s actions. God does not cause evil; man willingly and deliberately commit evil, yet God directs it to accomplish His plan as He decrees—like Judas betraying Jesus, and Pontus Pilot sending Jesus to the cross; and the Holocaust bringing the Jews back to a rebirth of Israel in 1948. The state of the world today is also subject to God’s will and Providence. Sin will not go unpunished nor is sin without consequences. The consequences for the Holocaust was the destruction of Nazi Germany, yet, it also led to the rebirth of Israel, the very land promised to Abraham. 

This is the America that President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) envisioned. It’s the America he believed we were and would always remain as such. Do his words still ring true for our Nation? What has changed? Did we, as the Church, even notice it occurring? Is today’s State of the Union one big surprise? What is the Church’s role in today’s world, even with, maybe especially with, the covid-19 pandemic and unprecedented government mandates, controlling every aspect of life, even prohibiting church worship services? 

How long will it wave? Will open borders change our nation beyond recognition? Does “One Nation Under God” still apply? In the Book of Acts the Church was scattered, and in being scattered, carried the Gospel throughout a pagan world. How will a sovereign God use the Church in today’s uncertain world? How will He use America? And yes, God has a plan. Eph 1:9-10 -- 9 And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment — to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ. NIV

No political candidate is perfect. We are seeing corruption and moral decay deep within our political system, which is why we need to focus on policies when electing candidates. Does it matter? Absolutely! Both parties have evolved over the years. I state that observation as a former JFK Democrat in that I have seen that Party evolve, so much so that JFK himself wouldn’t fit, and its one that I no longer recognize. Bottom line, what policies is each Party advocating? Are they pro-biblical or anti-biblical? Does it matter? Absolutely! If Christians do not participate, others will gladly fill that void and have every intention of doing so. 

Photo shows the trend of American politics, especially in our universities and yes, even in our high schools. Notice those carrying the banner are not students. Are they teachers? Does this sound political? It isn’t. It is a moral, spiritual issue that hopes to eliminate God from every aspect of public life. Everyone who makes a claim of Democratic Socialism, will vote in an effort to set the course for tomorrow’s America on a path that is contrary to the Judeo-Christian values and principles America was founded on. 

Children’s beliefs are mostly shaped in school rather than at home, unless parents take the initiative in guiding their biblical beliefs, and the principles America has stood for since its founding as a Constitutional Republic: "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." America wasn’t always perfect in that regard, but more so than any other nation past or present. In today’s schools there is no longer a fixed standard of right and wrong, such as the 10 Commandments once were, which are now forbidden in the schools thanks to a 1962 Supreme Court decision. 

In Mark Levin’s book titled, “American Marxism”, he explains how this transformation has and is taking place. The consequences of which are very real. Levin describes it this way: “We have allowed American Marxists to define who we are as a people. They define us, slander our ancestors and history, and trash our founding documents and principles. They are mostly reprobates who hate the country in which they live, and have contributed nothing to its betterment. Indeed, they live off the sweat and toil of others, while they pursue a destructive and diabolical course for our nation, undermining and sabotaging virtually every institution in our society. Their ideology and worldview are based on the arguments and beliefs of a man, Karl Marx, whose writing are responsible for the enslavement, impoverishment, torture, and death of untold millions.” 

As waves of illegal immigration sweep across the southern border and into Texas, it is moving that state closer to being permanently blue like California, guaranteeing 257 electoral-votes for every election, just a breath away from the 270 needed to win the presidency (see map). Besides drugs, open borders allow human-trafficking of young girls and even boys, into the sex trade. We are seeing an erosion of America’s founding values firmly rooted in Judeo-Christian principles. It is a subtle yet real battle to undermine and destroy the very fabric of America, as we are told in Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

It was reported many times on FOX News and Newsmax that the latest wave of illegal immigrants are from 160 countries, including China, Africa, the Middle East and even Afghanistan. Almost all Americans can trace their roots back to someplace else. But, there is a difference between legal immigration and illegal entry across the border. 

Million of illegals have already entered the USA, and more at a recent estimate of ½ million per month under the current Administration’s open border policies. The facts on illegal immigration are not intended as an attack on immigration but a warning regarding illegal immigration. My paternal great-grandparents and my maternal grandparents were legal immigrants. Their goal in both cases was to become Americans both in citizenship and culture. My greatest and long-lasting civic lesson was from my immigrant grandmother on why they came to America and why becoming an America citizen was one of the proudest moments in their lives. They came for opportunity and not a government handout.

Let’s go back to President Ronald Reagan's vision for America. When we look at the founding of the United State, we can’t help but recognize the hand of God every step of the way regarding the very existence of America as a beacon on a hill for a troubled world, whose resolve saved the world from tyranny in both WWI and WWII, neither of which could have been won without America’s moral, economic and miliary might. 

The cost of America's independence came at a high price, with many of those who formed this Constitutional Republic, sacrificing their comfort, their fortune and for many, even their lives. What then was God’s intent for America? Has it already been fulfilled? Are we now being set adrift by God? If it wasn’t for America, there would be no State of Israel today, formed in 1948 by Holocaust survivors. Was that God’s sovereign plan from the very beginning all the way back to 1776? Are we now being left to go our own way, as our own decision, without His guidance and protection? Does He no longer have a plan for America? I cannot help but think of my grandkids as I write this. What will there America be like? 

The spirit of America was carried from sea to shining sea, sweeping across a great continent to form a new Nation, resting in God and His divine providence. Is that spirit still alive? When Moses led God’s chosen people out of Egypt and across the Red Sea, God had a purpose. Except the people rebelled because things weren’t going as they thought they should. So, they turned to worship a golden calf (Exodus 32:4), the consequences of which, that entire generation died in the desert, being denied entry into the land God promised through Abraham. Does that sound even vaguely familiar in today’s America? 

The Bible Story of the Golden Calf is very revealing of human nature and the tendency of people to stray away from devotion to God. It is ironic that while Moses was on Mount Sinai, receiving the Ten Commandments from God, the Israelites were breaking the very first commandment "thou shall not have any gods before me.“  Does America have a golden calf? What will it take for America to turn back to God? Will America turn back to God? 
Ex 32:4 He [Aaron] took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf , fashioning it with a tool. Then they said, "These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt."  (NIV)

What else can we learn from history? Did the people of ancient Rome have similar concerns? I am a strong believer in the lessons of history. In 476 AD, the Western Roman Empire fell because they could no longer defend their northern border, against Germanic tribes that sought to occupy the fertile lands of Italy. It wasn’t just an invasion that destroyed Rome, but a lack of will to defend their border. Consequently, even the mighty Roman Empire lost its sovereignty because it did not defend its northern border, nor did its government exhibit the will to do so. 

The following words associated with the Statue of Liberty, stands as a symbol of America. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” Unless you’re a native American, all of us have roots that go across the ocean, either East or West. How relevant is the Statue of Liberty in today’s America? Is it even given a second thought by today’s immigrants? Or our school children? 

Those words on the previous slide are not actually inscribed on the Statue of Liberty. The only inscription can be found on the tablet in her left hand, which says JULY IV MDCCLXXVI (July 4, 1776), the day the United States adopted the Declaration of Independence. In the 19th century, waves of immigrants first sight of the United States was the Statue of Liberty, located on Liberty Island in New York harbor. Their destination was the adjacent Ellis Island for processing. The statue was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States, dedicated on October 28, 1886. 

The Statue of Liberty was the first thing those early immigrants saw when they arrived...and remembered. What then is the significance of the Statue of Liberty to today’s America? Have we lost our Christian roots as One Nation Under God? Does past history still have a relevance for future history? Or will history be rewritten to suit today’s changing ideology?

Our first president, George Washington addresses that question of what America is all about. As the first president, he chose to be sworn in on a Bible, setting the precedent for all future presidents. Was it a deliberate message? Absolutely! We see his words on the slide and their relevance both then and now.

Pastor Adrian Rogers’ 29-minute message: “The Signs of the Times.” As you listen to his message, think about racial and gender divisions in today’s America. Think of the Ukraine as the world’s bread-basket; add to that shortages in supermarkets. What about pestilence? Think of the coronavirus and its impact on our culture and liberty. 
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