This isn’t a study of Revelation per se, which takes place Sunday morning at 9:00 in Heritage Lounge, but it is a look at the events leading up to the End Times in the Book of Revelation. Does the United States of America fit into the End Times, or not? The only way we can know is if we pay attention to the signs. What signs? They’ll around us; just watch the evening news, and what’s taking place in Congress. This is not intended as a political comment but a moral assessment of the times and events, all of which establishes the path for the rise of the Antichrist, as God’s restraints on evil are being removed slowly but surely.
Our goal in this and other studies is to look at the signs around us in reference to what the Bible tells us that constitute the End Times, which always raises the question: “Are we there yet?”
An important aspect of the End Times, especially from my perspective, is the state of the United States on the world stage. America has been a bastion of freedom for the Western world. If American withdraws or even surrenders authority to any form of global governance, it will open the door for the rise of the Antichrist. I’ll leave you with a question to ponder for yourself: Is America in a decline regarding its role on the world stage?
In just a little over a year, America went from the most formattable and influential nation in the world, to a weakened nation, losing both influence and prestige around the world, especially with potential enemies. It shows how quickly things can change on the world stage. The same rapid changes took place in Nazi Germany allowing the rise of Adolf Hitler. Food for thought? I think so.
There is a lot of “what ifs” in history, like this one. If the U.S. had retained its neutrality in WW2, as many demanded, most likely all of Europe would be under Nazi Germany dominance and control today, and Eastern Europe under Soviet control or perhaps Nazi control. The U.S. supplied Russia with war materials. If the U.S. did not do so, Nazi Germany may very well have conquered Soviet Russia. We can be certain, if that occurred, all of Europe’s and the Middle East’s Jews would have been annihilated.
Without U.S. involvement in WW2. Japan, who occupied much of the South Pacific and invaded the Philippines, may very well have conquered all of China and SE Asia. The world would have had two evil superpowers, one in the West and one in the East. Perhaps the U.S. itself would have eventually succumbed under their combined threat, since we may not have been prepared for war. It was God’s providence that it didn’t go that way.
Let’s step further back. Suppose the South had successfully succeeded during a bloody civil war, with both sides just calling it quits, and Lincoln and Congress acquiescing to the South’s succession? The world would be a very different place today as described on the next slide.
This is what the U.S. looked like just before the Civil War in 1861. If the Union had allowed the South to succeed, the country would most likely have split, possibly as noted on the map. Which leads to the question, what does this have to do with Revelation? Past events, like this, help set the stage for Revelation, which we’ll discuss.
The United States would not have grown to where it is today. It could very well have looked like this. Books I have read noted that we would most likely have no less than three nations on what is now the Continental U.S. If that had happened, the USA would not have had the ability to participate in WWII as it had, nor develop the industrial capacity to win the war as it did. Adolf Hitler would have been a long-standing antichrist (2 John 7), but not THE Antichrist in Revelation.
A single battle was the deciding moment regarding the South’s potential succession. The Battle of Gettysburg was fought July 1–3, 1863, in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, by Union and Confederate forces during the Civil War. In the battle, Union Maj. Gen. George Meade's Army of the Potomac defeated attacks by Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. If the South had won, it would have been checkmate and the South’s succession would have been settled. Did God intervene? I believe so. Why? I believe it was God’s plan to save America for WW2, and beyond, and the eventual fall of the Soviet Union, which without America would not have happened. Divine Providence? Absolutely!
The Abrahamic covenant is a unilateral covenant that God made with Abraham. A unilateral covenant is an agreement made between two parties, in which only one of the parties has responsibility to act.
God’s Covenant Promise to Abraham. God does not renege on His promises.
With the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in AD 70, the Jews were dispersed around the known world and even into slavery. Consequently, many church historians believed God’s unfulfilled promises to Israel now went to the Church as the new Israel. But Israel was only set aside for a time as we see in the next slide.
For most, these past events may seem unrelated and irrelevant, but they very much fit into the Book of Revelation. The New York Times’ headlines speak volumes! The history of the U.S. is instrumental in saving Europe’s Jews from total Nazi annihilation, ultimately leading to the rebirth of Israel in 1948 from Jews who survived the Holocaust and persecution. Being recognized by U.S. president Harry Truman, gave Israel’s existence credibility that would not have otherwise happened. In other words, in all probability, without U.S. intervention in WW2, the Jews would have been exterminated and there would be no State of Israel today, yet it does exist, and its relevance is important in regard to the Book of Revelation.
In Genesis 15, God gave the land to Abram (Abraham). Did God only intend it for a short time? Are God’s promises only temporary? Does He change His mind? I think not. The fact that He brought the Jews back to the land is clear that it was an everlasting promise. There was always a remnant of Jews in Palestine and elsewhere in the Middle East, who were often persecuted as such, which certainly wasn’t the total fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham.
Notice, Israel (blue areas on map) was only a sliver of what it is today. There is no way Israel could have survived against this Arab onslaught without God’s intervention. So, those who say Israel has no relevance in Bible prophesy and the Book of Revelation, have not followed or have totally ignored history. In other words, “Don’t bother me with the facts; my mind is made up.”
Even the 16th century Protestant Reformers ignored God’s covenant promises to Abraham in regard to Israel, since Israel had ceased to exist then for over 1,500 years. But today’s history with a rebirth of Israel in 1948 changes that belief, because God has redeemed Israel.
This is the transition of Israel during the 1948 war for survival—from left to right. The maps on the left shows land originally ceded to Israel. Israel’s defense force drove back the invading armies of five Arab nations: Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. In doing so, they expanded the State of Israel’s territory. God’s providence? Absolutely!
Israel underwent another war for survival—the Six Day War in 1967. In doing so, it captured and reinstated Jerusalem as a part of Israel. Map on the right shows modern day Israel with Jerusalem as its capitol, and the West Bank under its control. Being recognized as such, President Trump moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Prophetic? I think so.
Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol was something often mentioned by other presidents, but it was Donald J. Trump who took that giant step. Prophetic? Absolutely! The photo on the slide shows the U.S. embassy under construction at a fraction of the original estimated costs which made its construction at the time, possible and doable. What does all of this have to do with the End Times and the Book of Revelation? Much of what's reported in the Book of Revelation and Daniel in the O.T. focuses on Jerusalem.
All of which takes us here—to the Antichrist. Of course, the Antichrist won’t be voted into office….since there is no one world office. It would require a form of global governance. One such international institution is the UN. What would drive the world to such a decision? Perhaps an on-going pandemic and unprecedented government lockdowns?
There have been other plagues in history, that also had major consequences. Perhaps the rise of the Antichrist will start here? Let’s look at the consequences of this plague. As new variants continue to spread, and potentially even other mutations appear with no end in sight, is it setting the stage for a new world order and one world governance?
The Antichrist will establish a peace treaty between Israel and its Arab neighbors allowing the rebuilding of the Jerusalem temple, the significance of which we will look at.
Paul’s second letter to the Thessalonian church explains. The antichrist will set himself up in the rebuilt Jerusalem temple and proclaim himself to be worshiped as God. What events will lead up to this?
This could very well be the hub of global governance. A platform for the Antichrist to rule from. But it’s only possible if America agrees and acquiesces its sovereignty or at least, a portion of it. It all depends on who’s sitting in the White House at the time, all of which is subject to God’s will.
In case you missed it, there are already signs of what’s being called a “New World Order”, being imposed in Australia using its prime minister’s own words. The prime minister heads the government. Their New World Order is described on the slide. The police are checking for proof of vaccination and interning people, even jail, for none compliance. This is happening in a Western democracy. Something we could not even imagine just two years ago.
The chart notes some of the policies that could lead to a new world order, but doesn’t include the entire list, which follows on the next couple of slides.
And the list goes on.
Is it possible for this to give rise to the Antichrist? Absolutely. But, we need to be mindful that God is always in control, and He will determine when the End Times occur. But, this isn’t the end of the list.
It is unthinkable that any U.S. government entity would conduct secret investigations to build political dossiers on private Americans. This isn’t intended as a political issue, but a moral one, when those in charge violate the very laws they are commissioned to defend and the very people they’re supposed to protect. Without doubt, these are the very activities the Nazis used to rise to power in Germany. The Antichrist will rise to power using similar tactics.
What else? A new Supreme Court Justice will soon be appointed. Will he or she base decisions on the Constitution or on political views? The Antichrist will be a politician. The False Prophet will be a religious leader. All of these events shows how a free and independent people can become dependent on and subject to government led by a single world leader. The False Prophet will introduce apostacy into the churches including embracing cultural norms over the Bible. Can these changes open the door for the rise of the Antichrist? Absolutely. But only when a nation turns away from God and refuses to return to Him.
We are raising tomorrow’s America, today. Education in America has been changed by radical progressive elected school boards and imposed on teachers by the teacher unions. As a religious people we are influenced more than we know by those elected to government at all levels, the future of which rest with the schools. There is no room for God in today’s educational system, at all levels, all of which opens the door for the rise of the Antichrist, and which lays the groundwork for understanding how he can and will rise to power.
The pandemic gave government, at all levels, unprecedented power over its citizens, never thought possible in America. The very things our Founders opposed, which led to the formation of the U.S.A. The rise of the Antichrist begins with unprecedented government power over its citizens. Not just in the United States, but across the Western world. Will events require a worldwide global solution? If yes, will there be a form of global governance headed by one man? Would he be the Antichrist? The possibilities are moving in that direction especially with ongoing Covid restrictions and shutdowns. Whatever God allows, He allows for a purpose. Like a master chess player, Satan can never outdo God.
We don’t know God’s plan for America or the world. Perhaps He will be merciful and raise up a man He ordains to be president, and for righteous men and women to serve in Congress, giving us a government that honors Him. The farther we drift from God, the closer we move to the End Times, which will come according to His will, be it near or far into the future. So, what’s the role of the Christian? Pray! Pay attention to who’s running for office and vote accordingly.
Are we looking at political or moral issues of concern? Let’s turn to God’s Word for the answer…
Political or moral concerns? When all is said and done, in Ephesians we are told that we are in a spiritual struggle against the forces of evil in the heavenly realms—not just in the spiritual realm, but against powers of this dark world. When the church sits back and doesn’t engage in the battle, Satan and those that follow him, will prevail. God knows how much effort and prayer His people will put into it, and perhaps set His timetable accordingly. God help us, please. Let’s end this with a heartfelt pray for America.
End of Posting
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