Friday, November 12, 2021

Some may be wondering if this is true? Are current events leading us in that direction? Is the recent decline of the United States an indication of what is to come with the USA losing its position and influence on the world scene? Let’s explore this topic, not from a political standpoint, but from a biblical one. What does the Bible tells us? 

Some believe that the Book of Revelation was written for the first century Church in regard to the Roman Empire. While others believe that John saw future events, yet to come. Many biblical scholars believe the Book of Revelation speaks of a one world religion under a one world government led by the Antichrist, being described in Revelation 17. If so, it would raise the question, are there signs that we’re moving in that direction? If so, what are they? 

Of course this is an over simplification of an interpretation of Revelation 17. Nevertheless, we need to be aware of the signs. So, what are those signs? 

If we are moving in that direction, toward a one world religion, it would be one step at a time. Yes, there is an effort underway to draw all religions together in unity, which of course is contrary to the Biblical doctrine as proclaimed by Christianity and the Gospel message. The very reason Israel fell a number of times, was that they turned to other gods. And there was divine retribution for their heresy, for there is only one God.

Ex 34:14  Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. 
It was true in the Old Testament, and is just as true today, there is no room for other gods within the Church of Jesus Christ. For the Church to unite alongside of other religions, i.e., other gods, is to dishonor the Lord God, and Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

One step closer to Jesus being just one of many ways to God, versus the only way to God. Yes, there is an effort underway, initiated by Pope Francis, to bring all religions together in harmony, stating that we all worship the same God. A good idea or a bad idea? Were you aware that such an effort was initiated by the current Roman Catholic pope who has proclaimed it as a step toward world peace? Would it really lead to world peace? 

 The pope's goal is for all Christian bodies to join together with Rome, in fellowship with all other major religions. So, what would that look like? The next slide provides an indication. 

Image represents unity of the major religions: Christians, Buddhist, Muslims (prayer beads), and Jews coming together as a symbol of worshiping the same God, equally. Sounds like a worthy and desirable effort to the modern progressive mind. But, does it really glorify God? Does it glorify the God of the Bible? What does the Bible tell us? For the answer lets go to Jesus’ own words in John 14… (next slide)

Jesus did not say, “I am a way.”  He said, “I am the way.” Without Jesus there is no path to God the Father, no matter how much unity is professed and harmony achieved. We are justified by faith alone in Christ alone; in that we are no longer under God’s law, but under His grace in and through Christ, and Him alone. 

Let’s step back to the first century, with Paul and the apostles evangelizing the Roman world, and when the Apostle John wrote Revelation. There were many gods in the ancient Roman world. Even then, not all of them were of the same status. If Paul offered Jesus as another god, all would have gone well for those Christians, versus suffering persecution for professing Jesus Christ as the one true God, and the only way to eternal life. So, what has changed? For those that profess a belief in the Bible, nothing has changed. There is not even a hint in the Bible that there are other paths to God and salvation. 

Like one big happy family, everyone would worship their own god in their own way. Slide shows a Roman pagan worship service, common across the Roman Empire of that time. Not one of those gods is still standing. All that remains of them and their temples are ruins. Other religions have emerged over time, but Jesus Christ stands alone as the one and only way to God, and through Him, eternal life. 

Temples to worship the gods of Rome and Greece. What they were then, and what they are now... (next slide)

During the time of Christ, Pagan temples stood in dedication to their gods, who were greatly admired, professed and worshiped across the Roman Empire, standing as a profession of unity and harmony. Only the ruins remain of the many pagan temples spread across the entire Empire of that day. Slide shows one such temple, in Italy, the very center of the Roman Empire, which too is no more. 

Both Peter (crucified) and Paul (beheaded) were executed in Rome for professing “Christ alone”. If they had professed Jesus as one of the many gods of Rome, or just alongside the other gods, all would have gone well for them and for the other Christians. But they were willing to sacrifice their lives rather than profess Jesus as just one other way to God. 

It would have looked like this—with Jesus alongside the other gods if Christ was professed as the Jewish God who performed miracles, and shared with the Roman world as such. He may have been added to the lineup (slide: 2nd from right) because of His miracles. And many Romans would have gladly worshiped Him as such, along with Zeus, and Apollo, and Diana, and others, especially those who needed a miracle. 

But Paul and the other Christians refused to profess Jesus as such, even though they would have avoided persecution, as such. 

Christians would have avoided and even escaped this, just for acknowledging the other gods. Peter and Paul would not have been executed—with Christians being fed to the lions and killed by gladiators in the Roman coliseum.  This was the price they were willing to pay for professing that Jesus alone was the only way to God and eternal life. 

It was this—Christ alone, and exclusion of all other gods—from the apostles’ point of view, even with a desire and goal not to offend other religions and to bring religious harmony. 

So, why is Pope Francis professing this--Jesus side by side with the other religions, proclaiming that all worship the same God? If all worship the same god, than all religions lead to the same god and eternal life. But that isn't what the Bible teaches as we see in the Gospels and apostolic epistles (letters to the church). 

The pope can't do it alone, but he's getting a lot of help. On the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, Kenneth Copeland (arrow) called for an end to the Protestant Reformation (2017) Oct 23, 2017. He and other Protestant pastors and religious leaders met in Rome with Pope Francis to discuss unity.  

The I’ll let the slide speak for itself. Copeland defines himself as an evangelical minister. Oh my!

Posted below is a link to his six minute video message, to end the Protestant Reformation. Copy and paste the link into your web browser. That church demon he refers to is the Protestant Reformation and its message of being saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone:  

The starting place and rally cry for the Protestant Reformation, a return to the Holy Scriptures, with Scripture alone, grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone, Glory to God alone, not Buddha, or Allah, or any other path to God, because, according to Jesus (John 14:6-7) there is no other path to God. The Reformation was a revival of living by the Word of God and not by church tradition standing in the forefront. The same message the Apostle Paul proclaimed to the Galatians, that the Judaizers were successful in bringing to the forefront of their churches. Martin Luther, John Calvin and the other Reformers, proclaimed Christ alone and salvation by grace alone, not by our own efforts to reach God. Jesus did it for us on the cross, so we didn’t have to. So what has changed for Pope Francis and Kenneth Copeland and the others Christian leaders in this movement? 

Is that what the Bible teaches? We will resume this topic next week. Questions? Feel free to email me any questions you may have. 

The End of Part 1 of 2

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