Sunday, July 4, 2021

May you have a safe and blessed 4th of July!

A little background on our Declaration of Independence, declaring us as a united nation and united people, no longer 13 colonies of the British Crown.

Those five men noted on slide defined the basis for our independence. Over the course of seventeen days, in between meetings and other governmental affairs, Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence under the advisement of the Committee. An act that secured Jefferson’s name in history forever. 

The formal signing of the Declaration of Independence took place at the Pennsylvania State House, Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 2nd 1776, by Delegates to the Second Continental Congress. George Washington, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison are counted as “Founding Fathers” but were not delegates at the time and did not sign the Declaration. Washington resigned his position as a Virginia delegate when Congress formed the Continental Army and appointed him commanding general on June 14, 1775.

Each delegate came forward to sign the Declaration of Independence as representatives for their respective newly declared states, v. former British colonies.  

Opening words of the Declaration, continued on next slide.

Acknowledging that our rights come from God, and not decreed by the will of government. 

In signing this document, each man placed his life, liberty and fortune on the line. Five of those signers were captured by the British as traitors and brutalized before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army, another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War.

The Original 13 States. 

At great risk, many even losing their life, migrated west to build the Nation. 

Almost 12 million immigrants were processed through the immigration station on Ellis Island between 1892 and 1954 at which time the station closed.

Unregistered and uncontrolled illegal immigration across our Southern border…  It's estimated that there are approximately 14.5 million illegal immigrants. Other estimates, probably more accurate estimates indicate there are 22 million illegals in USA. No nation can sustain its identity or culture with endless uncontrolled immigration. Pray for those people and nations that they may establish and follow the values that made America great. If America wasn't a great nation, why would endless millions being trying to enter anyway they can? 

Sadly, many school no longer open the school day with the pledge of allegiance. 

Sadly, if children aren't taught respect for the flag and our founding values, this is the outcome.

Lets hope and pray that our pledge and prayers are turned back toward God both in the schools and across the Nation.

President Ronald Reagan gave us an important lesson, with these words, that continued freedom depends on what we teach our children. It is not inherited through the bloodstream. 

Just as stated by President Reagan, our future as a Nation, rests not only with our youth but even more so with those who teach them. 

God hasn’t forsaken His people. Nor should we underestimate the power of prayer, even for our Nation. This is why our current study of Power in Prayer, each Sunday at 9:00 AM, in Heritage Lounge, is relevant. I hope you join us. 

If you look closely, you will see many of our former leaders, from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Abraham Lincoln and many more. 

Who are called by My name...


May you have a safe and blessed 4th of July!

The End

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