Friday, January 8, 2021

Review of 2020 Blog Postings

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The Sovereignty of God #1

New Year posting is directly below this one.

Who would have thought, back in January 2020, just one year ago, that an entirely new America would be emerging in January 2021; changes that began with the Covid-19 lockdowns, and a very incomprehensible presidential election that can potentially change everything about America. But, in all things God is sovereign. He is truly our hope and our strength, even in the darkest days. 
Ps 73:28 But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds. (NIV)

Attributes of God!

The statement was borrowed from John MacArthur's sermon, the Mark of True Greatness—Luke 9:46-48. Lucifer’s fall and the angels’ that rebelled with him, were rooted in pride. As stated, all sin is rebellion against God.  How much of what we have seen in the 2020 lockdowns and other political decisions were purely political rather than true medical necessities? 
Isa 14:12-15 – 12 How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! 13 You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. 14 I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High."  5 But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit. (NIV)

While entering the New Year, a question that lingers from 2020 is, will the America we know and grew up in survive in 2021 or be radically changed, politically and culturally? We will explore this further in 2021. 

I thought a review of 2020, which is ranked as the most unusual and economically destructive year in American history, as bad for many as the 1929 Great Depression was. Covid-19 vaccine availability is a good start for the New Year. If it wasn’t for “Operation Warp Speed” initiated by President Trump, first announced on April 20, 2020, most experts admit we would still be waiting for a vaccine. It has been an interesting 2020 overall, much of which I tried to reflect on this blog, the first being posted in March 2020, in response to the Covid-19 shutdown of churches, including Sunday Foundation classes in Heritage lounge. A blog seemed like a good alternative. It was either that or let my brain wither—not a good option. There was over 250 visits to last week’s New Year posting, a good kick-off for 2021. Why not invite a friend to join us? 
Eph 4:17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking.  (NIV)

Reaching out to God in prayer is always the best thing to do…
2 Chron 7:14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (NIV)

The first blog posting was at the end of March; it focused on “Who are we? Where are we going?”.  It takes us from the Garden of Eden to the New Heaven and New Earth. Lesson #2, God not only created all things but is outside of and free of the constraints of time and space, which He created. For those who missed it and are curious, access is available via the Blog Archive in upper right corner, dated: 03/22—03/29. Just click on the date. First click on "2020" to open all of 2020 postings. As noted there are 45 posting for 2020. The 12 lessons for that topic ended on 05/24—05/31. If someone were to ask you, “Who are we?” and “Where are we going?” How would you answer? 
What is its message for 2021? God is the creator of all things; nothing is beyond His ability to intervene, and He does as He deems fit, even in letting evil prevail—but for a reason. There is no way of eliminating sin without blotting out the entire human race, or giving everyone a frontal lobotomy, which God choses not to do. Because the human race is fallen and prone to sin, evil does exist, even if the Devil didn’t exist—even though he influences man to sin, he can’t force man to sin. 

One of the questions looked at in that first lesson is about God’s foreknowledge: Q.1. If God knew that Adam would sin and the “Fall” would occur (being omnipresent and omniscient, He did), why did He place “the tree of knowledge of good and evil” in the Garden of Eden, knowing that it would lead to Eve’s temptation and Adam’s disobedience, resulting in the Fall and with it a curse on all of creation? You can check it out in lesson #2, dated 03/22—03/29. As noted in Paul's letter to the Romans 8:28-29, he provides assurance that God is in control and that He causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him, those called according to His purpose. Does that mean that only good things happen to those who love God? No. What it does mean is, even if bad things happen to us, they will result in good either in this life or in heaven. God is perfect love, but He is also perfect justice, and His decrees are accordingly. No punishment exceeds the crime. We don’t merit God’s grace by what we do, but because of God’s love and mercy. 

In June we switched topics and looked at God’s Angelic Hosts, which began on June 5, dated 05/31—6/07 in the Blog Archive. Do you know how many kinds of angels there are? This lesson will tell you. Lesson #4 in that series takes us to fallen angels, a.k.a., demons, dated 06/21—6/28. That particular segment describes the different types of angels and their role in heaven and on earth as decreed by God. Angel means messenger. Angels have personalities and substance, like we do. Our substance is flesh and blood, theirs is of a spiritual nature best suited for heaven, while ours is best suited for earth. When all of this passes, God will create a New Heaven and New Earth in which angels and people will cohabitate. How? We just have to wait and see. But, as clearly shown in the Bible, angels, though spiritual in nature, can interact with us here on earth. So can fallen angels, a.k.a., demons. We see the evidence of that in the Gospels, where Jesus cast demons out. 

Lesson #5 of the angels’ study takes us to what we’ll call the realm of angels, not only God’s angels but also Satan’s fallen angels, including a glimpse of the battle between good and evil angels, and their influence on fallen mankind. Did fallen angels/demons instigate the 2020 riots across major U.S. cities? We can’t point to it as such, but I think we can assume it as such. As previously stated, in the Gospels, Jesus cast out demons. Is that still true today? It would take a whole book to explain that one. 

Lesson #6, dated 07/05—07/12, delves into the End Times with a glimpse of the Rapture and Tribulation, outlining the different viewpoints: Pre-trib, Mid-trib, Post-trib, and no Rapture as professed in the Amillennial view. This theme continues through Lesson #10, dated 08/02—08/09. The lesson delves into the Tribulation and events leading up to the Tribulation, through Lesson #23, dated 11/01—11/08. As we enter a new year, the question lingers, will things return to some semblance of normal, or will government oversight and control become the new normal? There are a lot of stories on the internet about vaccine variations, which even modify our DNA, or make our whereabouts known by government via supercomputers and the Cloud. True? Only time will tell. But if I were to write an End Times novel, that certainly would be in the opening chapters. I am neither advocating for or against what is proposed in the video, just providing information, suitable for a potential novel (who knows, maybe there will be a novel). Nevertheless, I think we can be certain that the current vaccine is both safe and recommended. If it will make you nervous, I suggest you ignore the link. I posted it because I see it as something that the Antichrist will definitely implement at some future time, and it was relevant to our study of the End Times. Keep in mind there will be an Antichrist, we just don’t know when, but the link demonstrates how his total control is possible, after the Church is raptured. 

Lesson #11, dated 08/09—08/16, takes us to the nation of Israel and where it fits in End Time prophecy, which continues through Lesson #14, dated 08/30—09/06. Much, if not all of the early Church, up until the 19th century, believed and professed that the Church was the new Israel, since Israel had not existed for several centuries after its destruction by the Romans in 70 AD. The nation of Israel no longer existed, but the Jews did. It took the Holocaust to bring them back to the land God promised to Abraham thousands of years before. The new state of Israel, created in 1948, has and continues to survive against insurmountable odds, including wars against them, ever since. 

Lesson #15’s study takes us to the Antichrist, 666 and the Tribulation. “Will we go through the Tribulation?” which is the view of a majority of Christian denominations—including Catholics, Lutherans, and many of the Reformed Faith, or “Will we be raptured before the Tribulation, which is the view of most evangelical churches? If you would like to delve into that question further, you may want to visit this particular lesson, dated 09/06—09/13. The Antichrist is for real; just when he appears is uncertain. If the pre-tribulation rapture is true, would Christians escape unscathed before the Antichrist appears? Will the Rapture be the trigger for his appearance? Or will there be apparent signs before the Rapture that the Church will recognize and use for evangelism? We just don’t know.

Lesson #15 also delves into the importance of deductive reasoning—like Sherlock Homes—in understanding and sorting out the different views of the Rapture, Tribulation and Israel in prophecy. The Rapture is an “event” in Scripture (Luke 17:34-37) but isn’t church doctrine, and as such is influenced by opinion. A lot of factors shape opinion, including where someone was educated, what they studied; what research they did; what church they attended, even their personal experience and insight. Christians can be right or wrong, on such topics, and often debate it, but neither view detracts from or enhances being a Christian. So, it isn’t nor should it be a battleground issue.  

Lesson #16, dated 09/13—09/20, looks at the question will Christians be raptured before the Tribulation or will we have to go through the seven-year Tribulation? Something Bible scholars are still debating. It’s too much to rehash here; go to the lesson if you want further insight into the pros and cons of when or even if a Rapture occurs. 

I thought Lesson #17 would be the last lesson at the time, but there was so much to the topic that it continued to grow as I delved further into it, which resulted in Lesson #18, dated 09/27—10/04, which takes us into the Millennium, that some Bible scholars believe is not a literal 1,000 years, but is an undetermined period of time. Between you and me, I believe it’s a literal “thousand years”, exactly as stated in Rev. 20:7. 

Lesson #19, dated 10/04—10/11, delves into the Amillennial and Premillennial views, and their differences. In understanding the End Times, I believe it’s essential to understand the relevance of Israel to grasp this part of Revelation, otherwise, without Israel’s prophetic relevance, too much of Revelation becomes symbolic and difficult to grasp. So, if you’re interested in this part of Revelation, this is a good lesson for you. What exactly is it telling us? That Christ returns (i.e., the Second Coming) and the Antichrist and False Prophet cast into hell, but the Devil is locked in the abyss for 1,000 years and then freed. What’s interesting is even after 1,000 years of peace and tranquility, some people still willingly sin. What’s the lesson? Even in a perfect environment people will sin, just like in the Garden of Eden. The only thing that will keep us free of personal sin for all eternity is God’s grace—being born again through the power of the Holy Spirit. Which is the very reason God allowed Adam and Eve to sin. Even without the tree of knowledge of good and evil, at some point Adam or a descendant would most assuredly have sinned. Then what? 

Gen. 1:1, in the beginning is when it all started. Lesson #20 was supposed to be the last lesson in this particular series, but the material compelled me to add one more lesson #21. Everything, even creation, begins with Genesis 1:1. Scripture doesn’t tell us when God created the angels, but it’s apparent that they were created before the world, and before Adam and Eve (Rev. 12:7-9). And at the very end of time as we know it, there will be a “New Heaven and New Earth”. All of which wraps up with Lesson #21, dated 10/25—11/01, and the two principle views in the Church of the End Times. 

Lesson #21, dated 10/18—10/25, concludes this particular topic, regarding Bible Prophecy. It explores a few questions: Is it true for our generation? The world has certainly been turned upside down, by the COVID-19 pandemic, shutting down our nation, the economy, and disrupting everyday life for families and individuals—even our Christian life and collective worship has been impacted and set aside for many. The basic question everyone is wondering is, can we expect a return to normal anytime soon, or will it be an entirely different “normal” going forward? The basic question it asks, does everything in 2020 fit into Bible prophecy, or doesn’t it? 

Lesson #23, dated 11/01—11/08, looks at what we believe and why we believe it, regarding the End Times. What are the signs that we can conclude from Scripture, and did we see any of them in 2020? Six slides were dedicated to this particular question which ended that particular study topic. 

The Cross and Nation, our last study topic, Lesson #1, dated 11/08—11/15. Since it’s a recent study, I won’t cover it in detail other than to say, a godly church preaches the Word of God and the Gospel of grace. An honest government adheres to the Constitution. Both have been long-standing cornerstones of the United States of America; but things seem to be changing for both the Church and the Nation. This segment Cross and Nation includes four lessons, the last one dated 11/29—12/06. Some of which may still be fresh in your mind. 

Two sermons that look at COVID-19 and government control as a sign of the End Time, and potential preamble for the Antichrist. So, if you’re not ready for some serious End Time stuff, you may not want to go there. Both are between 20-28 minutes long. John MacArthur is first. You can fast forward through the commercials that are on John Hagee’s video. 

Jesus Himself tells us not to be afraid. There are 25 verses in the NIV that tells us “don’t be afraid”. “Do not be afraid” appears more than 70 times in the NKJV.  Whatever happens, God is allowing it, both the COVID-19 pandemic, the government lockdowns and the election outcome. As Jesus tells us in Matthew 10, don’t be afraid. I believe, like many others do, that Christians will be raptured before the Tribulation. We may witness signs starting to unfold—but not the full fury of the Antichrist. Remain prayerful and confident in Him. 

John MacArthur’s 23-minute message on the consequences of COVID-19. Having too much knowledge is never a problem. But having too little can be a problem. MacArthur touches on the mark of the Beast – 666 – in Revelation. It’s a serious message, and as such, not for the faint of heart. When was the whole world subject to such global chaos?  
 (copy and paste link into your web browser)

Pastor John Hagee’s 28-minute message is on COVID-19 and Signs of the End Time. (you can easily fast forward through the ad).  
(copy and paste link into your web browser)

If I was to write a novel about the End Times and the rise of the Antichrist, 2021 is off to a good start. The following slides are how I would outline the opening plot. If the End Times and Book of Revelation make you nervous, stop here. But if I were to write such a novel, it would also show that the entire mainstream media cooperated in the scheme consistent with a progressive-left ideology, rather than inform the people of the facts. This is how the Nazi’s used the media for propaganda that promoted Hitler’s agenda as a good thing, presenting him as Germany’s savior…until it was too late to do anything about it. Anyone witnessing the events of January 6th will certainly wonder, where we may be going as a Nation? 

Anyone watching CSPAN or Newsmax on January 6, will readily realize that 2021 will be a very different year. The photos show protests taken at, and in, the Capitol building. Back in January 2020, who would have imagined that any of this could even happen? How did we get here? Pandemic lockdowns; economic hardship; apparent voter fraud; and now, mass protests at the Capitol building. There were peaceful pro-Trump demonstrators but there were also violent protestors identified as Antifa. Satan feeds on unrest. Can America recover from what is described as a new and radical ideology in complete control of government: the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives? Having an agenda that is expected to change the very profile and traditional values of America. We can be certain that Satan is working behind the scene. 

Is a roadmap for the Antichrist beginning to unfold? As 2021 unfolds, it will certainly tell the tale one way or another. Were those who caused problems in the Capitol an anti-Trump faction to further discredit Trump and undermine his chances to reclaim the White House? Many so called Trump protestors by the media, were recognized as Antifa protestors. 

Are we there yet? Are we getting closer? If we are, what tactics will the Antichrist use to gain absolute power? If I was to write a novel of the rise of the Antichrist, it would be exactly as I laid out on the following slides. 

Satan and the Antichrist…. Is it beginning to unfold or just a plot for a novel? 

Such a novel would begin with Satan behind every event, influencing the characters and taking action against a strong American president with the goal of weakening his stature and America’s influence on the world stage, weakening its economic strength and saddling it with enormous debt. In doing so, offering the plotters personal power and wealth as a further incentive. 

When Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, Satan’s lie was that he would get something God was withholding from him—to be like God. The angels joined Lucifer (a.k.a., Satan) in revolt against God, possibly for similar reasons. Satan’s lie regarding personal gain, works everywhere, and in every age, and yes even at the top levels of government—perhaps even within Congress.  

Satan could manipulate unethical politicians to accomplish everything noted, paving the path for the Antichrist who would promise solutions that gave them political control and absolute power. Remember, this is just a plot for a novel. If it was somehow true, don’t worry, God will rapture His people before the Antichrist and Tribulation appeared with its full fury as described in Revelation. 
Whatever happens in the world, God is sovereign and lets it happen for a reason. We need to rely on the biblical truth that God is sovereign, regardless of what happens including the final outcome of the elections. 

Think about that one, not just for a novel, but in real life. As one FOX News guest-journalist, stated we are living in the craziest time of our lifetime. He may be right. 

As we enter 2021 there is a lot of uncertainty as to where we will be going, and as some are saying, even potentially who will be sitting in the White House come January 20, although the Senate pretty much settled it on January 6th. Pray for our Nation, our president, our church and our pastor. And whatever happens, God is sovereign and in control, even in the bad times. 

End of Preview of the 2020 Blog Postings
The Sovereignty of God #1

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