Friday, November 13, 2020


A godly church preaches the Word of God and the Gospel of grace. An honest government adheres to the Constitution. Both have been long standing cornerstones of the United States of America; but things seem to be changing for both the Church and the Nation. 

After an extensive 23-week study of Angels/Demons and the End Times, I found myself reflecting on how the Antichrist could/would come to power, which led me to the Wizard of Oz, and this study which I decided to call “Reflections” looking at issues affecting, even changing, both the nation (a.k.a. state) and the church. It follows my typical study pattern, in being a diversified "eclectic" integration of Scripture, Church History, Doctrine and Current Events, seeing God in every aspect of life, with His Word being foundational in and through it all. It is not intended as replacement for Bible study, though it will look at events through the Word of God. 

1. CHURCH: One can’t help but wonder, what is the focus of certain churches; is it health and wealth, feeling good, growing membership numbers, or is it bringing the Word of God and Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to sinful man, to build and strengthen the Body of Christ?
2. NATION: What is the purpose of government? Is it serving the wellbeing of the people and the nation; certainly not for power over the other political party or promoting deals that build personal wealth—both of which seem prevalent today. 

Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” In the Land of Oz, Lincoln’s words fit the mighty Wizard of Oz who was hidden from public view, except for his booming voice accompanied by thunder and lightening, until Toto pulled back the curtain and revealed him. Is the Antichrist a way out future character, or a near term person that Satan is now setting the stage for? How many people will be fooled and for how long? 

Except the Antichrist will not be a hologram with special lighting and sound affects. His dark powers will be with the full dark spiritual force of Satan and his demons. So, how does the Antichrist ascend to power? First, during a time of chaos and uncertainty. Perhaps a pandemic and presidential election and fraudulent rise to power. Anything that will undermine legitimate forms of government, like what happened in Venezuela and Cuba.

We completed a 23-week study of Angels/Demons and the End Times, which triggered this study. As we approach the End Times evil will increase steadily, perhaps exponentially. Along those lines, current events led me to a different kind of study due to circumstances that will determine the future of American and even America’s churches. Will churches now be subject to government decrees in regard to how many people can attend, and what can be preached? Who are we as a people and as a nation? This study may not be for everybody, but it will enlighten those who follow it. 

What is the role of the Christian Church in today’s America? There was a time when the church was at the forefront of society, influencing and even leading the culture. I purposely didn’t call it the “American Church” which would be a misnomer. The church is not a national body. It was considered a national church in pre-WWII Germany, and when Hitler rose to power it supported him, seeing itself as a German church, rather than as the Body of Christ. Nor did it openly voice opposition to the persecution and rounding up of the Jews. In Europe, most churches are nationally supported by the State, and somewhat empty; many of the historic cathedrals are principally tourist attractions rather than centers of worship. 

Do you feel inspired by Joel Osteen’s ad? Which takes us back to the question: What is the role of the church? Is it to inspire self-confidence? Is self-confidence to be found in an “Inspiration Cube” or in God’s Word? So where exactly is the Gospel message that we are sinners in need of a Savior and that Savior is Jesus Christ, the Son of God who died to redeem us and make restitution for our sins? I'm sure it contains uplifting messages, but does it dilute or possible even pollute Christianity? Positive thinking is great, but it isn’t a substitute for biblical faith and hope. But, for a mere $39.99 you can be inspired and uplifted—to where or for how long, I have no idea. But, what the heck. It’s a self-changing deal promoted by a popular TV evangelist pastor. Right? 

On the flip side: As a young, shy, and introverted teenager, this book helped pull me out of my shell. But it was not a replacement for prayer and worship nor could it be. Self-confidence comes with the definition of being self-assured in our own personal judgment, ability, power and qualities. Yes, self-confidence is something that every individual needs and it allows us to interact within communities. But, as a Christian dedicated to Jesus Christ, self-confidence sounds a lot like being dependent on self instead of turning our eyes towards Him. Nevertheless, it was a good jumpstart for me, but certainly no substitute for biblical faith and hope. 

A pastor friend on Facebook shared this because that’s how he sees far too many churches. We’ll let it speak for itself, for now. But it raises the question, just like with Osteen’s mega church, “If the church isn’t the church, then what is it?” 

The definition of “evangelical” is the teaching of the gospel or the Christian religion. The map shows the most and the least evangelical states in America. Thank God, the South is still part of the Union. It doesn’t cover all the states, but you get the idea. Christianity is (statistically) on the decline in America as shown on the following slides.

These Gallup pole statistics show a 20-year steady decline in church attendance. The sharpness of the trend showing a steady decline is more telling than the actual percentages. Does it also indicate an abandoning of the Christian faith and values that America was built on? Many of the events we see on TV strongly indicate that may be the case. 

There was a time when young people became members of their parents’ church and denomination. This slide most likely indicates that many younger people are deserting established denomination that they were raised in. Are they just walking away from a particular church or denomination, or from the Christian church itself? Are some of them joining churches that enhance their worship experience or to be entertained? What about young people at our own church? Are they staying or leaving? If so, do we know why? 

What is the role of government? If our government leaders no longer stand on the values of the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, then they are violating their very oath of office, and it will ultimately undermine, erode, and even destroy the very foundation of our Republic, which has happened in countries around the world with tragic results, notably Venezuela and Cuba, and others down through history. What can we learn from 1 Peter 2:13-17.

What is Peter telling us? Though our citizenship is in heaven, we are to live honorable lives here on earth, and follow the law, notably those that do not violate God’s Word. We also have a responsibility to do our part in electing honest officials, those who accept their responsibility for the betterment of the Nation and the people. It is our responsibility in supporting those who will do what’s right in every election cycle. 

It also applies to those who are in office. They are not to put on a false front to cover their own wickedness. You’ll know them by their actions. It also applies within every level of responsibility within the government itself. Failure to do so, can seriously undermine our Nation as a Constitutional Republic. When one party attacks the president who is of the other party openly, constantly, and relentlessly, they are violating their own oath of office to serve the Nation and the Constitution, to the detriment of the people. 

When a people lose confidence in the legitimacy of their government, then what? Our Nation is at a critical crossroad, “either we the people” or they “big tech, the media and special interest,” will determine this and future presidential elections. Our pledge of allegiance defines who we are as a Nation and as a people. Sadly, the pledge is no longer being recited in every school as it once was, with “one nation under God” even being frowned on by some, perhaps many. When “one nation under God” is abandoned, so are its values. 
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Since 1965 there has been a 60% drop in trust in the federal government by Americans. Anyone who has been paying attention, doesn’t have to ask why. This presidential election is a vivid example of plotting behind the scene. The President, not being part of the Establishment, was under attack even before He took the oath of office. We are seeing an election that has been rife with fraud—counting improprieties may be a good explanation, including voting machine software “glitches” that stealthily “flipped votes”. We have witnessed four years of assaults and threats and even an impeachment trial against the President, with unverified charges and millions of dollars spent on investigations; continuous verbal assaults and a steady stream of accusation on TV against the President by members of Congress and parroted by the establishment media, is another. All of which impedes the political process as designed under our Constitution. We can be certain that Satan is the instigator. Eph. 6:12 is alive and active here in the USA. 

Red line shows Trump votes. Blue line shows Biden votes. Flat red line as noted, and corresponding rise in blue line, show where 2.7 million trump votes were deleted by voting software or shifted from red to blue. There are similar graphs for most of the battleground states. Coincidence? Not likely. Data analysis shows that 221K PA votes were switched from Trump to Biden, enough to switch the electoral votes. Voter fraud like this could/will change the course of America going forward making every future election suspect, with the people losing confidence in the electoral process. If not uncovered, goodbye America as a democratic-republic. Is this a political or spiritual battle? We see the answer in Eph. 6:12. We are seeing the powers of this dark world—including moral decay at the highest levels in the political system. Even the FBI has not stepped forward to help investigate. We are seeing a spiritual battle for the very soul of America. 
Eph. 6:12-13 – 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

I can’t help but look at history and world events whenever I study certain topics in the Bible, especially the End Times, and ask, what is this all about, and why? “Why” is what I find myself asking in regard to constant attacks against our president during his entire time in office, even a full force assault by the news media. Principally because he has opposed “the establishment” in favor of America and the American people, by putting America first. Another name for the establishment could very well be a “one world government”. Thank God, where not there yet. Which of course is Satan’s goal to lay the groundwork for a central government to be ruled by the Antichrist. It would seem that all the forces of hell have been turned loose against our president, for not only resisting, but opposing its establishment. The same forces have turned against Christianity. 

The goal of a one world government isn’t something new. Like the Wizard of Oz, it has been behind the screen for a very long time but has not yet fully exposed itself as such. 

Walter Cronkite was an anchorman for CBS Evening News for 19 years. During the 1960s and 70s, he was often cited as “the most trusted man in America”. His career extended from the late 1930s to the early 80s. So, what did he have to say about a one world government? The next few slide will tell us. Remember, this is the first major step to the Antichrist ascension to power. 

Cronkite saw the United Nation as a first step toward a one world government with full legislative and police powers. Does that sound like security or tyranny? 

A democratic U.N. federation includes having all of the power noted on the previous slide. It could never be a worldwide election, so the leadership would have to be by appointment. But who does the appointing? 

The arguments being offered in favor of a one world government. Those arguments will not go away, but like the Wizard of Oz, remain hidden for a time. It will be sustained under the Antichrist, until the return of Jesus Christ. 

The environment is a major factor for control of everything that produces energy, even in regard to how we live and at what cost. 

Putting people under a one world government system will not change people. Only Jesus Christ can do that. But it will put people in power who will use it for their own gain. How do you elect a one world government? How do you trust a one world government? Rome had a one world government led by a Caesar, who more often than not was a tyrant to the detriment of the people, including Christians, actually especially Christians. 

Are we there yet? Are we getting closer? If we are, what tactics will the Antichrist use to gain absolute power?  We are seeing examples of how he would gain power, right now and right here in the USA, under the COVID-19 shutdown, which is totally unprecedented in American history and much of it in violation of the Bill of Rights. Just as the Jews were scapegoats for Hitler, in much the same way, Christians will be scapegoats for the Antichrist under Satan’s influence. Will there be a new round of church closures and public banning of worship? Last year, no one would have agreed with this statement. This year, no one can rightfully deny its plausibility. During COVID-19 many places would only take credit or debit cards and refused cash. Under the Antichrist that most likely is how anyone who would not accept the mark of the beast (666) would be denied every essential including food. 

We will continue to explore this next week. 

The following video explains the depth of the Washington DC swamp. I think it will amaze you on the extent of benefits working for the federal government. 

Adam Andrzejewski's current 54 minute message on The Depth of the Swamp (March 2020) 
(sorry: copy and paste into your web browser)

Eph 6:13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 

The blog will continue for a while with different topics, just how long is TBD. Blog and Heritage Lounge studies will be totally different topics. Hope to see you there on Nov. 29. 


Previous Study
Angels/Demons and the End Times

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