Friday, August 7, 2020

 Covenant Presbyterian Church

Sunday morning Foundations Classes
God's Positioning System (GPS)

Angels/Demons & the End Times -- Lesson #10

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One question being debated in the Church, “is their a literal 7-year Tribulation?” If yes, what is it’s purpose? Is it only to punish a sinful world, or is it also God’s redemption of Abraham’s seed, Israel? Jesus did not come as a conquering king that the Jews expected. But, when He comes again, He will be exactly that and the remnant of Israel will recognize His lordship, repent and accept Him as Lord and Savior.

Matt. 16:27-28 For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done. 28 I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom."  

The principle question being addressed in our study: “Is there a pre-tribulation Rapture?” “Also to help us understand the Tribulation.” The best way to understand any topic is the see (or hear) both views. I will offer my own comments, not that I know betters, but only because I believe it will help clarify it further. There are reasons why people believe what they believe, which is relevant for understanding their respective views, one of which is the Rapture. 

How relevant is the 7-year Tribulation to Christians? Does Satan and his demonic angels tremble at Scripture describing their defeat at the end of the Tribulation? Or does it just enrage them further?

Either way, Jesus is victorious and Satan faces defeat and eternal damnation (Rev. 20:10). But, for a time (the Tribulation), the Antichrist, with Satan’s authority and power, will unleash his full fury on the world and its inhabitants. Will Christians be here or will they be raptured before the Tribulation? We will continue to explore that question.

Prov 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. 

Just a reminder, since not everyone believes in a literal 7-year Tribulation, as shown, it’s hard for them to give any thought to something they don't believe in. Only the two views described as “Premillennialism” sees the Great Tribulation as a literal 7-year event when the Antichrist gains authority and power over the world system. You can enlarge the chart by clicking on it for easy reading. 

Even the most respected pastors, theologians, scholars, have different views as to “if there is or isn’t a rapture”, or even timing of the rapture. Both can’t be right. It has been and still is disputed within the Church. What I will continue to do is provide the different views as objectively as I can—including videos—and my own opinion thrown in where appropriate. I can assure you, one of the views will resonate with you as it has with me. Questions and comments are always welcome. 

Back to my basic question: Are we there yet? How long before God’s wrath is poured out on a sinful, unrepentant world? Or if there isn’t a Tribulation, then what? If you watch the daily news, you will see an apparent increase in craziness and rage over even trivial matters. The coronavirus lockdown seems to be a big contributor. Part of our success as a nation has always been our ability to hope in the future. Once that’s gone, only despair is left, which is the very basis of Satan’s kingdom. 

“When fear is excessive it can make many a man despair.” Thomas Aquinas

It wasn’t the coronavirus that shut everything down; first came a warning and then state and city governments decreed shutdowns in response to the virus alerts. All of which is unprecedented in American history. Just one example of how the Antichrist can take over “everything”. This is the first time collective worship of God has been banned by the government in the United States, where the first settlers came for the purpose of freely worshiping God, a basic right which was denied in Europe. America was built on Judeo-Christian values, but now Christianity itself is under assault. We can be certain Satan is behind it all, including spread of the virus that originated in Communist China, which they could have contained within China, but chose not to. Evil! Are we seeing a pattern of the End Times emerge? Some will say No, and others will say Absolutely! 

Like in Nazi Germany, BLM started burning Bibles in Portland, OR. When it comes to the Bible, for some, it is the ultimate symbol of oppression. Of religious tyranny. Of abusive authority. Satan’s goal throughout history was to disrupt and destroy God’s Word, and to keep the world in darkness. Nazi Germany burned every book written by a Jew and those that disagreed with their objectives. Is this preparation for the rise of the Antichrist? 

One of the greatest threats to our nation, our culture, and the well being of our people is the closure of churches and banning of collective worship, which leaves too many people in a dark place. It clearly shows the “dark forces of evil” influencing government leaders who have orchestrated it, and punishing those who dare to resist, including pastors like John MacArthur. Los Angeles has sent a cease and desist letter to John MacArthur’s church threatening a $1,000 a day fine or arrest (Aug 5, 2020). Early warning of the End Times?  We are in a spiritual battle. 

Eph 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Those of the Postmillennial and Amillennial views claim Israel has no relevance in regard to the Tribulation. But, is that view consistent with Scripture? Jerusalem and the temple were destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD, and consequently there was little reason for the Church to try and determine if Israel would ever be revived, most likely, gentile believers of the first century could care less. Even during the Reformation, Israel did not exist, and consequently wasn’t something to reflect on or discuss in regard to church doctrine. But now it does exist, and yes, and it is worthy to reflect on in regard to the Tribulation. 

If the State of Israel does not have any relevance to the End Times, why then is there even a modern State of Israel? If we turn to history, it shows how God used the Holocaust—which Satan meant for evil, but God used for good—to bring the Jews back to their historic homeland. Why? Israel’s very existence is somewhat of a miracle. Some believe and teach that the Church replaced Israel. But if we look at Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke15:11-32; the father did not abandon his wayward son. In the same way, how then would God permanently abandon Israel as a people and nation?  Some believe that Matthew 24 is a warning to Israel, which will not be apparent until the Great Tribulation. Some believe it was a warning of the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD (image). Perhaps it was both. 

I think of it in terms of putting two and two together. The reestablishment of the State of Israel occurred in 1948, against all odds. The Jews were well entrenched in Europe, having absolutely no desire to pick up and move to a barren Middle East … that is until the Holocaust compelled them to leave Europe and brought them back to their historic homeland. As stated on the slide, it was God’s doing as prophesied in Scripture. To ignore that aspect of the Tribulation is the same as saying 2+2=0.  Paul tells us in Rom 11:25-26 I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. 26 And so all Israel will be saved, as it is written…..”

If you want further information on O.T. prophecy on this, you can go the following link for a detailed account. 

Even that there is a modern state of Israel can be called a miracle. I believe Scripture is very clear in that God always keeps His promises, even in regard to Israel: Rom. 11:25-32 tells us that God will not forget Israel, and will keep His promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God gave the land to Abraham and his descendants (Gen. 15:18; Num. 34:1-12). History often serves as proof of the Scriptures, such as the modern state of Israel becoming a nation again in 1948, after the Jews were forced out of Europe, and defended themselves against military attacks by Arab nations, I think God message is clear; Israel is relevant! 

Reformed biblical scholars like W. Robert Godfrey and R.C. Sproul reject a pre-tribulation rapture, and even question a literal 7-year Tribulation. Others of the Reformed faith tend to automatically rule it out; but not all of them, because it is not a firm doctrine of the Reformed faith. Some, like John MacArthur, do profess a pre-tribulation rapture. I have studied every view up-and-down and sideways, searching the Scriptures in doing so, and watching numerous lectures and sermons, and will share my views as we go through our study. The Tribulation doesn’t forsake Israel, but redeems them to Jesus Christ their promised Messiah. This time they won’t reject Him as they did 2,000 years ago. Perhaps the disappearance of Christians, especially those allied with Israel will get their attention. Perhaps some will then read N.T. prophesies including the Book of Revelation and Matthew 24. 

(Opps! My previous comments weren't meant for this chart, which shows a post-tribulation Rapture.)  The Amillennial and Postmillennial views rest on church history, that the pre-tribulation Rapture first came up in 1830 and was never part of church doctrine. Consequently “the Pre-Tribulation Rapture is a johnny-come-lately idea that is too new to be true.” But of course Israel wasn’t reborn until 1948 and wasn’t discussed by the church before then. One of the arguments for the pre-trib Rapture is Revelation 1–3 followed by the total absence of the “church” on earth until Revelation 22:16, is a pretribulational rapture which will relocate the church from earth to heaven prior to Daniel’s seventieth week. Hopefully, our study will help you in forming an opinion. This is not a matter of church doctrine, but a matter of opinion. 

The Rapture is not commonly discussed or preached in the Presbyterian Church which rest on Reformation theology. Nor have I ever had a conversation on the rapture with any of our pastors over the last 28 years, nor did the topic ever come up. So, then, should we drop the topic? I’ll answer that by pointing to John MacArthur. Being raised Roman Catholic and converting to Lutheran for most of my adult life, then embracing the Reformed faith under Dr. Didier after joining CPC in 1992. In all those years, I never gave much thought to the rapture and tribulation, until recently. It was triggered by the pandemic shutdown of our Nation, and especially banning of collective worship, all of which resonated with me, and I saw a pattern unfolding. 2020 is a vital crossroad for American. I have come to the conclusion that God will sustain us as a church and nation or abandon us in November’s presidential election; which is why we need to pray for our nation, our president, and even our pastor.

Once again, as the chart shows, only one view believes that the modern State of Israel is relevant to the Tribulation. The other three views reject its relevance. I think history itself gives us a clue with there even being an Israel 1878 years after its destruction by Rome, which I believe is a clear message regarding it relevance. 

We will conclude this lesson with a video lecture by R.C. Sproul, and a video sermon by John MacArthur, on the Rapture. Both Sproul and MacArthur profess the Reformed faith. Both are respected Bible teachers and scholars yet hold different views on the Rapture. R.C. Sproul rejects a pre-tribulation Rapture. John MacArthur professes the pre-tribulation Rapture. Our lesson is shorter than usual to accommodate the two videos. You should be able to just click on the link to go there.   But, you may have to copy and paste the links to the videos into your web browser. Make sure you copy the entire web address.

R.C. Sproul 24 minute lecture on the Rapture. He reaffirms the Rapture, but places it at the time of Jesus Second Coming—which is post-trib. Other Sproul lectures are available at that same website.  (Make sure you copy the entire web address from "https to =VIRE")

Pastor John MacArthur is Reformed in his theology. The following link is MacArthur’s 20 minute sermon on the pre-tribulation Rapture. There are other John MacArthur sermon videos you can easily access at that web site. (Make sure you copy the entire web address from "https: to =VRDGAR"

For those who have not participated in our Sunday morning classes, our studies are diversified with an "eclectic" integration of Scripture, Church History, Doctrine and Current Events, seeing God in every aspect of life, with His Word being foundational in and through it all.


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