March 22 Lesson #1 (part 1 of 3)
Who Are We also leads to Where are We Going? There was a beginning followed by a Fall; then a Savior, and with Him, a new beginning.....
The world is riddled with problems—big ones, small ones and everything in between; BUT, in spite of that, this world is still too amazing and magnificent to
comprehend! Just picture in your mind’s eye, the splendor of a late night desert-sky studded with stars too numerous to count; the radiance of an ocean sunset stretching its arms across the full expanse of an endless horizon; the majesty of a snow-capped mountain range on a clear winter day; a tropical lagoon teeming with an array of brilliantly colored marine life. As magnificent as they all may be, we can only imagine the splendor of the original creation before the Fall marred its beauty. Gen 1:31 tells us…
31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. NIV
So what happened to this wonderful creation that God described as “very good”? Genesis chapter 3 tells of man’s rebellion and its far reaching consequences, stretching across time itself. Eve succumbed to temptation, but Adam willfully and deliberately disobeyed God's command. The total impact of the Fall far exceed our finite ability to fully comprehend its vast impact on all of creation; we can only bear witness to its consequences, because we live with them.
There are some that believe Adam and Eve’s sin caught God by surprise, causing Him to come up with a substitute Plan—to send a Savior—not considered part of His original plan. But, Presbyterians, Reformed and certain other Christian bodies have always taught t
hat God did not only foresee the Fall, but made provisions for it even before the act of creation itself.

Before we question “Why?” we need to be mindful that we are limited, finite creatures, and God is not only all wise and all knowing, but all powerful and infinite in every way. He is the Author and Creator of all things—the extent and scope of which are just barely visible from the tiniest microscopic forms (yes, even viruses) as seen through the most powerful microscopes; to the farthest reaches of the universe being probed through the powerful Hubble space-telescope by the greatest scientific minds; as well as the incomprehensible spiritual realm we call heaven and hell. This is our God, the Sovereign Lord, the creator of all things visible and invisible!
Lesson #1 (part 1 of 3)) continued by scrolling down, or depending on your format or via the index on the upper right.
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Lesson #1 (part 1 of 3)) continued by scrolling down, or depending on your format or via the index on the upper right.
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